Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 325 Yu Luomian's Soul Bone

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Chen Xiu recalled that she currently has three hundred thousand year soul bones in total, and one hundred thousand year soul bone attached.

Chen Xiu basically doesn't use the attached soul bone because it's easy to reveal his identity.

The rest were two hundred thousand-year-old head spirit bones, one from Xiang Jiazong and the other from Ye Zixiao's sacrifice.

It was the Wanhua soul bone that Chen Xiu used now.

The last piece left is the left arm bone of the 100,000-year Remnant Wind Tiger King Chen Xiu cheated from the White Tiger Sect.

There is only one spirit ability, but it is very suitable for Chen Xiu.

Thousands of phantoms.

It splits into a clone that is exactly the same as his own breath and soul power, and if he possesses the entity, he will immediately disappear when attacked.

Later, in conjunction with Chen Xiu's true abilities, the clones were turned into entities. Coupled with Chen Xiu's distraction control method, he can directly control 10,000 clones.

Of course, Chen Xiu had no leisure time to really control 10,000 clones.

He just separated dozens of clones, some to cultivate soul power, and some to exercise physique.

Others directly took the spirit of martial arts to strengthen their bodies, and after reaching a certain level, Chen Xiu let them all return to their bodies.

When the time comes, the spirit power is rising, and the body is directly full.

No matter where the whirlpool appeared, he was mad with envy. If he could do the same, if he needed two pillars, he could go to hammer Huiye alone.

Looking back, Yu Tianheng is also very envious, grandpa is really optimistic about Tianxuan.

"Yes, it seems to be the spirit bone passed down by our family, but for some reason, this spirit bone cannot be fused by others."

"When I was young, my grandfather asked me and Tianxin to try, and the result was the same as they, including grandpa, can't fuse this soul bone.

Hearing this, a golden light flashed in Chen Xiu's eyes. He had already known that Yu Luomian had an arm bone in his hand!

He did not integrate himself, nor did he give it to anyone.

Was this the reason?

It’s just that I don’t know if it’s the left arm bone or the right arm bone. If it’s the right arm bone, it’s okay, but it’s a pity if it’s the left arm bone.

"So, is that soul bone a left arm or a right arm?" Chen Xiu asked.

Yu Tianheng was stunned for a moment, "Did I ever say it was an arm bone? How did you know?"


Chen Xiuqian laughed, "I heard the elders accidentally mentioned that there is a soul bone in the master's hand that cannot be fused, like an arm bone."

Well, no one actually said it.

This soul bone is the family's greatest secret, and it is almost impossible for anyone to divulge this secret for no reason.

This was overheard by Chen Xiu himself, Yu Luomian didn't mention a word to him, and the other family elders and elders were the same.

Yu Luo Mian has issued strict orders that no one can reveal the secret of this arm bone.

Including Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin, if it weren't for Yu Luomian to give this soul bone to Chen Xiu, Yu Tianheng would not have said this.

Chen Xiu's explanation was considered so-so, and Yu Tianheng did not care.

"You may not believe it, that arm bone, you can't tell whether it is the left arm or the right arm, there is no trace at all."

"Even Grandpa doesn't know it, and the reason is very simple. One is that no one has ever merged, and the other is that there is no characteristic of influence."


Could it be that a soul beast with three arms burst out?

Is this arm in the middle?So can't see the left and right?

If you explain it this way, it can also explain why everyone can't fuse this soul bone, because humans only have two hands.Qiwu Chinese

Of course, this is just a guess, and it does not rule out that this spirit bone is special, and it can only be integrated if it meets certain specific requirements.

That's what Yu Luomian thought. Chen Xiu's martial soul returned to the ancestor for the golden holy dragon, and it might be possible to fuse that soul bone.

This is all worth trying. Success is a good thing, and failure is nothing less.

Soon, one night passed.

The convoy continued to set off, and Chen Xiu had a rare leisurely effort to cultivate his spirit power.

There are still a few days away from Wuhun City, and Chen Xiu is also idle when he is idle, and again controls the clone of Baidi City.


When he opened his eyes, the goal was the white ceiling, and Chen Xiu slowly recalled what had happened these days.

Since the last blood test in the Hall of Blood Relations, Chen Xiu was tested with the worst qualifications in history.

According to the information obtained by Chen Xiu, the thing measured by the Blood Relations Palace is indeed the purity of blood. Chen Xiu's body does not have any blood of Baidi.

Fortunately, Chen Xiu killed Da Wuzhu's apprentice before, and his palm was mixed with a little blood to make the obelisk react a little.

Otherwise, people who don't have the blood of Baidi will not have any reaction even if they sprinkle all the blood on it.

White is the worst, silver is medium, and gold is superior.

Even the thinnest descendants of white will be mixed with gold and silver.

Of course, there are all silver and gold, such a person is undoubtedly the pride of the sky, and they practice fast.

And Chen Xiu's clone, Dai Xiaobai, was detected as the worst qualification in history, all white!

In the end, what Baidi said could not be ignored, Dai Xiaobai became Baidi's cheeky...

Registered disciple.

Can you see how reluctant Baidi is?

In the Baidi City, the purity of the bloodline determines the identity. The reason is simple. The purer the bloodline, the closer it is to the original Baidi.

The cultivation talent is also better, and the obelisk is only used to test the bloodline of the Emperor Bai, not to test the cultivation aptitude.

So Baidi used habitual thinking to judge Chen Xiu, this is the kind of waste wood in the waste wood, the kind of hopeless.

But he couldn't explain why Chen Xiu was eight-year-old with a forty-ninth level.

After Baidi accepted Dai Xiaobai as a disciple, he never came to see him again. Instead, he was the old man next to Baidi. The national teacher often came to Dai Xiaobai.

This national teacher is very characteristic, an old man in his eighties, who seems to be alive and well, and has that white beard that grows to his feet.

He was also the one who broke Chen Xiu's qualifications in the Hall of Blood Relations.

He came to see Chen Xiu on the face these few times, but in fact there was something in the words, and the news revealed each time was different.

Chen Xiu parsed out some secrets from it.

For example, the national teacher is wooing Chen Xiu intentionally or unintentionally, and Chen Xiu does not know whether the national teacher is reluctant.

Where Baixue was, Chen Xiu got another news.

No one knows the life experience of the national teacher, everyone only knows that every generation of Baidi appears, the national teacher will follow.

No one can be sure that the national teacher is the same person, and no one can be sure that he is not the same person.

Chen Xiu felt it a little, and the spirit power in her body seemed to have been filled to the extreme, and she had to obtain a spirit ring!

Chen Xiu understood the reason. He was outside for one day, and the clone was thirty-five days here.

In these days, the avatar was just practising for a while, but it couldn't stand it for long enough, its soul power still reached a state of fullness.

At this moment, the door of the room was gently pushed open. The person who came was an amiable old man with white hair, who was the national teacher.

I saw that the national teacher showed a kind smile, "The old man said, Xiaobai, your soul power has reached a saturated state, and it is harmful and useless not to obtain a soul ring."

"Let's go, the old man will take you to get the spirit ring."

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