Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 326 Eight-year-old Soul King!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"You mean, take me to hunt for the spirit ring, why?"

Hearing Chen Xiu's question, the national teacher was stunned, "Why do you ask?"

Chen Xiu looked at her white palm, then looked at the national teacher.

"I have poor qualifications, and even the master dislikes me. Except for Sister Bai Xue, almost no one likes me here. Why do you treat me so well?"

Hearing what Chen Xiu said, the Chinese teacher thought Chen Xiu suspected that he was plotting wrongdoing, so he waved his hand quickly, "How can I say that, your majesty didn't come to see you because of the busy government affairs, and definitely not dislike you."

"I really like you for the old, if you don't dislike it, you can call me the second master."

Chen Xiu showed an excited expression, "Is that really the case?"

"Do you really want to be my teacher?"

The national teacher smiled and nodded, "Naturally, if you are willing to let the old man teach you."

Chen Xiu nodded repeatedly, "I do!"

The Chinese teacher touched Chen Xiu's little head with a kind face, "Good boy, let's go, let's take you to get the spirit ring first, let's say on the way."

This kid may be really useful...

'He' is also about to wake up, my time is running out.

Outside Baidi City.

Chen Xiu was led out of the city by the national teacher, and people on the way gave way, seeming to respect or fear the national teacher.

"So, Xiaobai, is what you said that day is true? You really broke out of a stone? Impossible?" The tone of the national teacher was very soft, which was in line with his setting of a good person.

But is this really your true face?

Chen Xiu has always believed that people have two sides, and extremes have always been opposites.

"That's a fake. Actually, I don't know how I got here. I don't have any memory. It appeared here as soon as I opened my eyes."

"Thanks to Sister Bai Xue, who taught me a lot." Chen Xiu recalled.

The national teacher narrowed his eyes, "Well, then do you still remember, how did your soul power come from?"

"Soul power?" Chen Xiu shook her head, expressing what is soul power, can it be eaten?

"It's the power in your body, how did you squeeze that person before, do you remember?" Guo Shidao.

Chen Xiu nodded, "I remember that I was angry at the time, and then there was a very warm force in my body. When I recovered, that person was already dead."


It's really suspicious, but'he' shouldn't be so stupid, leaving this obvious lamb.

"Well, it seems that the old man has to tell you about this thing called soul power, Xiaobai, listen carefully..."

After that, the national teacher kindly introduced the soul master to Chen Xiu, and the soul master's cultivation method was added with the concept of soul power. These basic things could not be the foundation.

Chen Xiu pretended to be ignorant and nodded repeatedly as she talked, showing a curious look.

The National Teacher seemed willing to tell Chen Xiu, but Chen Xiu didn't put out any useful information along the way.

He didn't even know what the national teacher was called, the national teacher deliberately concealed it, and Chen Xiu was not easy to ask.

Soon, after leaving Baidi City, the national teacher no longer had any scruples, and directly took Chen Xiu to fly.

The sound of the wind was blowing in the ears, and the mountains and trees kept flashing in front of Chen Xiu's eyes.

Chen Xiu noticed something wrong, he had observed the spirit power of the national teacher, the 89th level was not bad at all, just right.

But looking at the current speed, it is already comparable to Title Douluo!

Is the rule of this space different, or...

This thing cannot be careless!

After all, there is a deity inheritance here, and any unusual things are not accidental!Jin Yong Chinese

"Teacher, you fly so fast, isn't this the Title Douluo in your mouth?" Chen Xiu asked with a naive look.

The expression of the national teacher did not change, but there was a strange expression in his eyes inadvertently.

"Haha, where is it? The old man is nothing more than a Contra. This titled Douluo is the only one of today's Majesty."

Soon, the two stopped, just hovering over a city.

The national teacher led Chen Xiu down slowly, and the three characters on the gate of the city entered the eye.

Hunting Soul City.

It is rumored that Baidi loves wild hunting, and sometimes he will beat some cubs of soul beasts for breeding.

And this soul hunting city was the place where the legendary Baidi raised soul beasts.

"This is the Soul Hunting City. All the soul beasts in the world are gathered here. The soul beasts of ten thousand years are very rare, and the fifth ring of normal people should only choose from a hundred to a thousand years."

"But you are different, Xiao Bai, you have an old guarantee. You can choose a ten thousand year soul beast as your soul ring at will."

Speaking of this, the national teacher paused, "Xiaobai, can you release your martial spirit, the old man didn't see it clearly last time, so it's not easy to help you select the spirit ring."

Chen Xiu didn't refuse, and after some brewing, he directly released Wuhun, the White King!

Once this martial soul is released, Chen Xiu's body will instantly grow up and become a strong young man.

As soon as Chen Xiu was possessed by Wuhun, the white tiger characteristics of his body would overlap with Wuhun!

He was 1.87 meters tall, his body was full of white tiger cracks, and a white tiger's tail was wrapped around his waist like a belt.

A lot of white hair also grew on the limbs and back of the hands, and the ten fingers turned into sharp claw blades, flashing a little sharp.

A strong physique, a handsome face, and four ten thousand year spirit rings!!

The national teacher is really dumbfounded at this moment, this this this!!

Four ten thousand years spirit ring!

Is it really...!

Seeing the national teacher startled, Chen Xiu stretched out her palm and shook it in front of him.

The national teacher reacted and coughed hurriedly, "Well, the old man has already observed it, Xiao Bai, you can take the Wuhun back."

Chen Xiu nodded, and withdrew the spirit, her body instantly shrank to eight years old.

The national teacher was very puzzled that the clothes Chen Xiu wore did not know what the material was, but they could change according to his body shape!

However, the national teacher still did not ask.

Afterwards, under the leadership of the national teacher, Chen Xiu passed through the layers of encirclement and finally entered the interior of the Hunting Soul City.

I have to say that the guards here are really strict, and there are no more than a hundred soul masters stationed outside.

Very unified, everyone is the soul king, the youngest is 37 years old.

Chen Xiu looked at herself. The bone age of this body was eight years old. After he had obtained the spirit ring, he would be a soul king.

As Chen Xiu and the national master entered the soul hunting city, the goal was more guarded soul masters and an inner city wall.

Isn't it? You actually built two city walls?

How afraid of being attacked?

It is no wonder that if all the soul beasts are gathered here, then if someone with a heart kills all the soul beasts.

Isn't everyone over?

Without the spirit ring upgrade, everyone's realm was stuck to death, and it was passed down from generation to generation to the end, perhaps even a spirit master was gone.

Of course, no one should do such evil things.


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