Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 327 It will take ninety thousand years!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"As long as I destroy this place, the Baidi City will fall apart without me at the present moment!"

"However, I can't do it now. There are too many people here. I'm afraid I can't kill half of the soul beast without this clone. It seems that I need to plan."

Chen Xiu threw this clone over, one of them was to inquire about the news.

Second, it is natural to destroy Baidi City internally so that they can take it without a single soldier.

Entering the Hunting Soul City, Chen Xiu was refreshed by the architectural scenery here.

There are exaggerated buildings everywhere, full of barbaric and primitive style, which is different from the Baidi City, which is close to modern buildings.

The Hunter City is like a primitive fortress tribe, with fangs and tooth-shaped buildings everywhere.

Every large building is like a huge beast, which is full of irregularities and primitives, which can definitely drive the obsessive-compulsive disorder alive.

But the soul masters here are completely opposite, their steps are neat and uniform, they are all wearing neat and flawless silver armor, holding silver long swords.

At this time, an obese man in gorgeous clothes walked tremblingly, cumbersomely forming a big gift, "I have seen Master of National Normal University, you, are you here today?"

The Chinese teacher smiled and touched Chen Xiu's little head, "This is a lover of Baidi today. Since your majesty has worked hard day and night and has no time to come, the old man brought him here to obtain the spirit ring."

The obese man smiled and nodded, "It turns out that it is like this, that's good, that's good."

The obese man is the master of the Hunting City, and the money for keeping the soul beasts is all his, and the money for selling the soul beasts also belongs to him.

The common people must pay money to buy the spirit ring. It is more expensive for a hundred years and even more expensive for a thousand years. Ten thousand years is not affordable for ordinary people.

Ten years of soul beast is their choice.

And there are some people, they can use their power to directly threaten the City Lord of Soul Hunting City with the Soul Beast without paying money.

Don't think about it, it's the royal gang.

Doing their business is completely at a loss, and every time they lose money.

The obese man thought that this time the national teacher had broken through, and he wanted to take the Ten Thousand Year Soul Beast!

This can scare obese men.

You must know that before the national teacher was eight souls, at the eighty-ninth level, it was possible to break through at any time, and it would definitely absorb a 90,000-year soul beast by then.

There are very few ten thousand year soul beasts in their soul hunting city, and there are only three of those ninety thousand years old!

This is hard to accumulate!

There were more rumors before, but they all became the spirit ring of Baidi in the past.

so far so good.

This time it was not the national teacher who obtained the spirit ring. It looked like this kid was only eight or nine years old.

It should be only one ring. Since I am Baidi's apprentice, I can't give him ten years, so I will give him a second blood and give him a century-old spirit ring.

"Ahahahaha, two of you, please come with me. This is the area of ​​ten-year spirit beasts. Please also two of you to follow me."

After speaking, the obese man turned around and led the way, and Chen Xiu and Guo Shi followed.

The obese man smiled, talking non-stop along the way, some words to please Chen Xiu, and some words to please the Chinese teacher.

Of course, more is to introduce this soul hunting city, how long the history here, how legendary.

"Our soul hunting city, today there are tens of thousands of soul beasts in ten years. Although there are not tens of thousands of soul beasts in a hundred years, there are still eight thousand. A thousand-year-old soul beast is very rare, and there are only two in total. It's only a thousand or eight hundred."

"As for Ten Thousand Years Soul Beasts, they are so rare that they have reached the apex. There are only 184 in total here, and each one is recorded, and the ten thousand year ones account for 80%."

"Oh, here it is. The two adults are the area of ​​the Hundred Years Soul Beast, from one hundred to 972 years, two people can choose."

The national teacher frowned, "You made a mistake."

The obese man froze for a moment, "Wh, what, Master, what do you mean?"

The Chinese teacher gave Chen Xiu a look, and Chen Xiu understood that he would release his martial soul instantly!

In an instant, four black lights flashed one by one, and Chen Xiu's body instantly expanded!

What followed were four ten thousand year spirit rings!Yipin Book Bar


The obese man was so scared that he sat on the ground and pointed at Chen Xiu, shaking again and again but unable to speak.

The Chinese teacher waved his hand to Chen Xiu, Chen Xiu understood, and instantly withdrew his martial soul.

"I think I need that ten thousand years spirit ring." Chen Xiu smiled.

The obese man returned to his senses, patted the dirt on his body, and then said in a trembling tone: "Yes, I'm sorry, it was my negligence. I am worthy of Baidi's apprentice. As expected, he has an extraordinary talent."

"Here, come here."

This time, the obese man lost his previous enthusiasm and said nothing along the way.

He didn't care about soul beasts for ten years, this thing could not be sold out, of course, this is the asset of the next generation.

After he died of old age, these ten-year soul beasts would become a hundred-year-old soul beast.

And the hundred-year-old soul beast he now had was given to him by his father in the previous generation.

These are all fixed assets. Although you can't make much money, you can still take care of it. It's not too bad to give you some points.

But thousands of years are different, this is his estate!

Every thousand-year soul beast is a huge sum of money, sell a sum to make a fortune, and give out a loss of blood.

It's all money, all money.

And the ten thousand year soul beast has refreshed another concept, the ten thousand year soul beast is his life!

Every time you send one, you lose a life!

For every one sold, well, there are not many that can afford it. Usually they use their rights to force him to give it away for nothing.

Soon, the fat man led them to a huge dungeon.

The darkness in the depths of the dungeon is terrible, and you can't see it to the end. Every cell is huge, like a place where giants are held.

Vaguely, I could still see the vaguely huge beast shadow, and the sound of the chains shaking.

The obese man's expression cooled down, and then slowly took a copy of the manual, "The above record is all the current ten thousand year soul beasts."

The National Teacher directly handed the manual to Chen Xiu, with obvious meaning, let him choose by himself.

Did you look at Mao before?

Chen Xiu took over the manual and turned directly to the last page.

Hellfire Hydra

Year: ninety-one thousand two hundred and eighty-four, probably.

Genus: Fire, other unknown.

Ability: Regenerate, break one head and long two heads, can swallow fire and set on fire, the eyes can emit hot light like molten lava, other unknowns.

Body shape: 32 meters high, 18 meters wide, and 16 meters long tail.

Disadvantages: Huge body, no wings, inability to fly, slow moving, no more than a century-old soul beast, often occupies one place, and its weakness is the abdomen.

"I want it." Chen Xiu pointed at Hydra and said.

"No." x2

Very unified, the national teacher unexpectedly said these two words at the same time as the obese man!

"Nothing else, any 90,000-year soul beast can't be easily taught. This is for the emperor and can only be obtained when the emperor Bai breaks through the nine rings in the past."

"This is the rule, Xiaobai, you have to understand."

In other words, one must break through to the Ninth Ring to be eligible to absorb the 90,000-year spirit ring?

Well, we are not ignorant of the rules.

"That's it, then just give me a one for eighty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine."

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