Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 354 Fighting against the Martial Soul Palace (End)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After releasing the martial soul, Yan's complexion began to darken, and blood-red flames instantly burned all over his body.

Two pairs of lava-like horns also grew on both sides of Yan's head.

As soon as Yan came up, he released two spirit abilities in a row. Looking at the extra lava armor and firelight on his body, it is not difficult to guess what spirit abilities are.

"Compete for power, come, I will show you the ultimate power."

Chen Xiu instantly activated the fourth spirit ability Qianjun, adding 200% of her strength and rushing over in an instant!

The same was true for Yan, he swung his flame-flaming fist and greeted him without showing weakness!

boom!In a loud noise, the two fists slammed together, and Yan retreated!

He actually only flew up six or seven meters under Chen Xiu's fist!

not bad.

Strong attack, strong defense, and extreme fire are the characteristics of his top martial arts spirit, the flame lord.

In a certain way, his martial soul should belong to a beast martial soul, because it will be possessed when used.

But in fact this is a martial soul mastered by an element.

Originally there shouldn't be such a strong defense, but because of a benign mutation, his flame lord also had soil attributes.

This made his defense greatly improved, and he was able to turn flames into armor to wear on his body.

But despite this, facing Chen Xiu's unreasonable power, he was still shocked.

Yan's right arm is still a little numb. The moment he fisted, he seemed to have hit a rock.

Chen Xiu was unharmed, but Yan's right arm was directly injured.

Top martial arts, super martial arts, seemingly only a thin line difference is actually a world of difference.

The top martial arts has reached the extreme of martial arts to some extent.

And the Super Martial Soul is pursuing the ultimate breakthrough in one point.

The nine-hearted begonia is healing, and the golden holy dragon is power!

Perhaps Chen Xiu's own defensive power is not so good, but his attack power can definitely explode dozens of other martial arts.

Yan also knew that Chen Xiu couldn't match his strength, so he was ready to switch tactics!

"Fourth spirit ability, lava jet!"

When the words were over, Yan's hands became claws again, and a burst of tumbling molten slurry suddenly burst out of his palm!

Seeing the boiling molten slurry coming, Chen Xiu vibrated his purple dragon wings soaring into the sky!

Yan wanted to continue spraying molten slurry at Chen Xiu, but after thinking about it, he found that something was wrong.

When the lava is sprayed into the sky, once the lava cools down, doesn't it still hit yourself when it falls?

He is not afraid of flames and lava, but he is afraid of smashing!

Chen Xiu saw this point soaring to the sky, and directly rushed to a very high position!

"Cut! What are you flying so high, you have the ability to come down!"

When the words were over, Yan activated his third spirit ability, and several fireballs appeared in his hand and shot directly at Chen Xiu!

And Chen Xiu fluttered his wings and easily avoided it. After all, the distance between the two of them was very long, and it was very easy to avoid this kind of long-range attack.

Yan naturally understands this, so he is ready to attack with a wave of barrage!

Whoosh whoosh!!!

Yan continued to promote the third spirit ability, maintaining the speed of three fireballs per second, creating a rain of fire in an instant!

However, Chen Xiu's figure was tossing and turning in the flame rain, as if it were dancing as relaxed and graceful, even with a certain pattern.

Among Chen Xiu's dragon pupils, Yan's fireball was slow and still, no matter how much, he could easily dodge it.

And Yan's spirit power had been consumed by him just now, and now only half of it remained.

Chen Xiu saw that the offensive slowed down and instantly activated the first three spirit skills!


Breaking the military!

Greedy wolf!Beauty Nest Novel

The power increase brought by Mingshen and Greed Wolf was added, and the triple power exploded by the army broke Chen Xiu at the speed of sound like a shocked Yan!

How could he be so fast!

"Young man, have you ever heard of a hand that fell from the sky?"

When the words were over, Yan looked up and saw Chen Xiu's figure quickly falling from the sky!

At this moment, Chen Xiu's figure seemed to be magnified countless times, like a giant in Yan's eyes!

Just the rush of palm strength that rushed to Yan made Yan's feet unbearable and plunged into the ground instantly, unable to move for an instant!


With the end of the loud noise, a large amount of dust splashed.

Chen Xiu slapped Yan directly into the ground with a palm, only showing her head and foaming at her mouth.

As the captain, Xie Yue was already shocked and couldn't speak. "Would you like to be so exaggerated?"

The blow just now, let alone Yan, even if he was hard, he would be crushed to pieces.

It may be that Chen Xiu deliberately kept his hand, and did not kill Yan.

After that, several Wuhundian staff carefully dug out Yan and took it down for healing.

After the victory, Chen Xiu cast a mocking look at Xie Yue.

Xie Yue gritted her teeth, "If I don't make it, I'm afraid we'll be finished playing, and if I don't, I'm afraid we won't be able to beat him, what can I do?"

at this time!


There was a wind sound in her ears, Xie Yue grabbed her backhand and found that it was a small dart.

Xie Yue looked around, but didn't see who threw it over.

However, it shouldn't be a hazard to yourself, and there is a small note tied to the dart.

Xie Yue took a look at it and smiled instantly, "Forgive this!"

[Yu Tianxuan’s weakness is behind]

These nine words were written on the note. Although I don't know who sent them, Xie Yue believes that most of them are true.

It must be Yu Tianxuan's team member who saw that he was always in the limelight and threw it over when he was unhappy!

Xieyue has made up his mind. If he wins this game, he must find this person. Thank him very much!

But in fact, Tang San threw the note to him.

Tang San's move meant to experiment with Xieyue.

If Chen Xiu's weakness was really his back, then Xie Yue would use this weakness to eliminate him, which would still benefit Tang San and the others.

And if Chen Xiu didn't have this weakness and defeated Xie Yue, then it would still be beneficial to Tang San and the others.

At least Tang San didn't need to bet whether Chen Xiu had this weakness.

If not, then they really think of other ways to deal with it.

After that, Xie Yue, who learned of Chen Xiu's weakness, took the stage with confidence.

Before the fight started, he already thought he had won.

Knowing this weakness of Chen Xiu, coupled with Chen Xiu's first two rounds of battle, most of his spirit power has been consumed.

He is also the fifty-two level soul king in his peak state, and Chen Xiu is only fifty-one. All signs indicate that he will win this wave!

As long as Chen Xiu is out of Tiandou, there is nothing left to fear.

As long as he solves two or three more, then the rest can be given to his teammates.

When I met Xie Yue politely stretched out her right hand, "Get to know, Xie Yue."

Chen Xiuniao didn't even kill him, so she raised her middle finger at him very shamelessly, "Brother."

The smile on Xieyue's face completely froze there, and the original sense of superiority instantly transformed into anger!

This Yu Tianxuan is so rebellious as in the rumors, it is simply arrogant to no one!

And he pointed his middle finger again, what does this mean?

Why do I feel the ridicule?

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