Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 355 Fighting against the Martial Soul Palace (Unexpectedly)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Wuhun, moon wheel!"

After the words fell, a cool breath suddenly radiated from Xie Yue's body, and then slowly condensed in her palm.

In just a few breaths, a crescent-like flywheel had appeared in his hand.

Xie Yue was born with an arrogant nature. Seeing that Chen Xiu was even more arrogant than herself, she naturally felt unhappy.

He had already put down his airs like this, and Chen Xiu didn't even shake his hand.

This took a serious blow to his self-esteem.

But it's okay, I have mastered your weakness!

Yu Tianxuan!

Wait, these are all to be paid back!

"Both players prepare, the game begins!"

The referee Su Yuntao gave an order, this time Chen Xiu was not waiting for someone to attack, but chose to initiate an attack!

Xie Yue backed back again and again under the fright, the moon wheel in her hand was instantly thrown out, and it kept getting bigger in the air!

Chen Xiu's speed is faster than the moon wheel. With the increase of the first four spirit abilities, Chen Xiu is about to approach Xie Yue!

"Yu Tianxuan, let me win this game, I will give you whatever you want after the game!"

When Chen Xiu approached Xie Yue, he suddenly said such a sentence.

His voice was extremely small, and no one besides Chen Xiu should have heard it.

Chen Xiu smiled slightly, and the offensive in his hand also slowed down and began to deal with Xie Yue.


"Are you serious?" Chen Xiu swept over and asked.

Xie Yue lowered her waist to hide, "Yes, I can't lose this game, as long as your request is not excessive, I can promise you!"

Chen Xiu grinned, "Okay, how about giving me all three spirit bones after you win the competition?"

As he said, another punch came towards him, but Xie Yue held it with his arms because of his lack of strength.

"Don't deceive people too much, three spirit bones, you are really a lion who speaks loudly!" Xie Yue gritted his teeth.

Chen Xiu vibrated his wings, turned around and kicked again, "You know, if I continue to win, it must be me, so the three soul bones were originally mine."

"I don't care about the position of champion, you can give it to me if you want, but soul bone must be given to me."

As soon as Xie Yue gritted her teeth, she was kicked away by Chen Xiu, "But..."

Chen Xiu continued to follow up, her arm turned into an afterimage and she threw out her fists continuously.

"What is good for you, if you lose then you won't get anything. Oh no, if you can still beat Shrek, maybe you still have a chance to comeback."

"If you think about it, it's easy for me to deal with the three of you alone, so even if you win, you will definitely lose in the team battle tomorrow."

Seeing these two people you come and go, everyone can't help but frown.

How is this going?

Can Xie Yue fight against Chen Xiu without using Martial Spirit?

Could it be that Chen Xiu released the water?

But is it necessary?

Chen Xiu did release the water, and he didn't use any force at all.

But Tang San discovered something different at this time, and there was no follow-up after Xie Yue's martial soul was thrown out just now.

However, Tang San clearly observed through the purple magic pupil that Xie Yue's spirit power was still being consumed.

The five spirit rings around him flickered from time to time, very inconspicuous, but they really released their spirit abilities!

So where did the spirit ability be released?

Obviously, it must be on his disappearing spirit!

But Tang San had been staring at Xie Yue's moon wheel before.Zero long literature network

After Xie Yue first threw the moon wheel out, the moon wheel began to grow bigger and faster, whizzing to the sky with a swish.

What is his intention?

and many more!

Does he think so?

Tang San suddenly wanted to understand Xie Yue's plan!

On the stage, Xie Yue had another empty-handed confrontation with Chen Xiu, and was directly hit the border!

"Indeed, I no longer have the right to refuse, then Yu Tianxuan, I promised your terms."

Hearing Xie Yue's words, Chen Xiu smiled with a conspiracy, "But I suddenly wanted to regret it. It is obvious that I can directly win the championship and get three soul bones. Why should I give you the championship?"

Xieyue's pupils shrank, "You! You have turned your back!"

Chen Xiu opened his dragon claws and instantly grabbed Xie Yue. This time he mobilized his spirit power, but he didn't have the point of attacking Xie Yue!

"Never bargain with the devil, unless you are ready to give your life."

Xie Yue found that something was not good, so she urged her soul power and kept lowering her waist!

"Yu Tianxuan, I have something to say! Whatever conditions you have, you can mention it again, I can promise you!"

Xie Yue stared at the dragon's claws close at hand.

Chen Xiu smiled slightly, her hands suddenly tightened, but Xie Yue didn't stand still and lay down all of a sudden.

"This is what you said, promise me all conditions, so how about you give me two ten thousand year soul bones, and use five soul bones for a champion?"

Xie Yue almost thought that she had heard it wrong, that was a spirit bone!

Not to mention two pieces, even some Title Douluo may not have one piece in their entire body!

Naturally, Xie Yue didn't have it either. He originally wanted to win the competition, so it would be pretty good to get a soul bone.

Those three soul bones were prepared for their three soul kings.

But now, the victory is very slim, not to mention that he can't take out the three spirit bones.

After all, he is not alone, so where can I get two more soul bones for Chen Xiu?

"Go to hell you, Yu Tianxuan, you dare to ask for it! You are crazy!"

Chen Xiu looked cold, and looked at Xie Yue lying in front of him and raised his right leg expressionlessly.

"Very well, you will have a few ribs broken."

Just when Chen Xiu fell, Xie Yue suddenly smiled.


"Hey, Yu Tianxuan, you are fooled!"

Chen Xiu was still falling with a kick, and suddenly there was a sound of air being cut above her head!

It was a high-speed rotating moon wheel. The speed was amazing, but in the blink of an eye, the speed of falling from a high altitude directly rushed to Chen Xiu's back!


The moon wheel slid, and Chen Xiu was not given a chance to react, the scales shattered and blood flowed!

Chen Xiu's back was directly along the spine, and a bloodstain was clearly visible!

Chen Xiu glared angrily, leaning forward instantly, and fell directly to her knees.

And the moon wheel stopped turning after a long-awaited shot, and honestly returned to Xie Yue's hands.

Xieyue slowly climbed up from the ground, her face full of triumph, "Hahahaha!!!"

"Yu Tianxuan! You idiot, do you really think I am going to make a treaty with you? Are you thinking about it!"

"Actually, this is all part of my plan. From the beginning, I let the flywheel lurch in the air to continuously accumulate energy. After my five spirit abilities increase and accumulate energy for so long."

"Even steel, I can cut it to you!"

"Oh, you have said too much, if you want to blame you, blame your companion for exposing your weaknesses, hahaha!"

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