Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 357 Shrek Abstains

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Suddenly there was a dragon roar in the air, and accompanied by the thunder, a huge thunder dragon was born!

Thunder Dragon roared and roared with an aura of destruction, and just swallowed the players on the other side of the ring.

One hit!

The audience was shocked!

"When was Yu Tianheng so strong?"

"Is this really the boss?"

"In the end what happened?"

"He's not taking drugs anymore?"

"You fart, don't eat grapes and say grapes are sour, Tianheng has been hiding strength."

There was a lot of discussion in Taiwan for a while, and Bibi Dong had already stopped paying attention to this game.

But with Yu Tianheng's appearance, Bibi Dong's first reaction was the Holy Spirit Church!

After all, under the banner of upgrading a person's spirit, there is only one thing, and that is, the Holy Spirit Sect!

Bibi Dong is also curious about what methods the Holy Spirit Cult uses to upgrade his martial spirit?

This is the secret she wants to know, and it is also the secret she must obtain later!

The strength of the Holy Spirit teachings can definitely exceed the seven major schools.

But Wuhun Palace didn't take it seriously.

If all goes well, the last goal of the soul hunting list is the Holy Spirit!

Regardless of the fact that Bibi Dong had promised to cooperate with the Holy Spirit Church on the surface, it was actually because she didn't want to make trouble.

In fact, she has sufficient confidence to destroy the Holy Spirit.

After all, in her eyes, the Holy Spirit teaching is just a small bug, even if there are a few more powerful bugs, it is impossible to threaten her at all.

Because, behind her, there are not only twin martial souls, but also the legendary inheritance of the Rakshasa god defeated in the ghost realm.


After about a few more hours, Yu Tianheng gasped and defeated the last opponent.

His spirit power has been exhausted, and if another opponent comes, he may not be able to support it.

The initial appearance consumed a lot of his soul power.

Fortunately, Chen Xiu defeated the three most powerful generals, otherwise he would not be able to cope with Hu Liena alone.

Yu Tianheng looked at the palm of his hand and his eyes gradually sank.

not enough.

He and Chen Xiu are still too far apart!

Chen Xiu is six years younger than himself, yet his spirit power is overwhelming. He absolutely can't just fall behind like this!

Therefore, he has to become stronger, this time back to the family, kill!

After that, Yu Tianheng stepped down and Tiandou Royal Academy won the game.

Next, it's Shrek Academy's turn to fight Tiandou Royal Academy.

"The Shrek side abstained and voluntarily entered the loser's side in the afternoon to participate in the afternoon knockout."


No one thought that Shrek would retreat without a fight.

The person who just spoke was Qin Ming, the leading teacher.

What tactic is this?

If the fighting spirit is severely injured today, at this time, if they chase after victory, they are likely to directly replace the Tiandou Royal Academy.

And if they lose, it doesn't matter, they will still enter the loser's side for a knockout match with the same loser's Wuhun Hall.

The victorious side will have a team battle with Tiandou Royal Academy in the finals tomorrow.Thousands of novels

Shrek retreated without a fight because they wanted to preserve their strength?

Do they think that even if Chen Xiu is injured, he can't beat him, but will lose a lot of players?

If it is out of such an idea, then they voluntarily surrender, and they can engage in a decisive battle with the wounded Martial Spirit Hall with all their strength!

Bibi Dong's eyebrows were puzzled, "Why admit defeat?"

Qin Ming replied without pitfalls, "I think it should be our right to admit defeat."

Bibi Dong nodded, "Indeed, it is your right to admit defeat. Then I announce that Tiandou Royal Academy will win early and will directly participate in the finals tomorrow."

After that, no one stayed. Those who had the game went back to recuperate, and those who did not have a game went back to recuperate.

Yu Tianheng, the side of Tiandou, himself has been questioned by countless times, but he has already figured out his excuses.

"A few days ago, Tianxuan and I suddenly released the martial arts fusion technique. After the martial arts fusion was released, I became like this."

Yes, it's true!

Yu Tianheng can indeed create martial arts fusion skills with Chen Xiu.

However, this was after Yu Tianheng merged four Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon martial arts.

Since Chen Xiu knew too much about the characteristics of martial soul fusion, as long as he grasped a little connection in the dark, he could forcefully release martial soul fusion skills with others.

And Chen Xiu and Yu Tianheng's martial arts fusion skills are a bit similar to the Nether White Tiger, they also become a soul beast after being combined.

But the fusion of Chen Xiu and Yu Tianheng is called the Purple Dragon King!

The leader of the team begged the two of them to let him have a look, but Chen Xiu refused.

The reason is to deal with tomorrow's finals.

In desperation, the leading teacher had to give up this idea.

But secretly, he secretly reported the incident, and then he was credited with a great deal.

The trained students were able to release martial arts fusion skills, and the teacher leading the team naturally put this hat on his head without hesitation.

He has done this kind of thing many times.


On the other side, it was another sunny day on the side of the Holy Spirit Church headquarters.

In this season when the sun is blazing, a young man and a big man are bathing in the sun under the scorching sun.

"Qian Zhu, listen carefully. If you want to be a qualified fighter, you must accept the test of the scorching sun, the baptism of the cold winter, and a body that has been tempered!"

The person who said this was a tall man, his skin turned yellow and showed a very healthy color.

The muscles on his body became large, just bare in the air.

He is no one else, but one of the eight elders taught by the Holy Spirit.


And the little child next to him has big black eyes, short black hair, and black nails.

It is not surprising to say that there are characteristics, but the most confusing thing is actually his unreasonable white skin.

Obviously it was a hot summer, but after more than ten days of wind and sun, his skin was still as white as before.

He is Zhu Guoer's child, Chen Qianzhu.

"Now, Uncle Beastmaster, is my father doing something dangerous again?" Chen Qianzhu said suddenly.

The Beastmaster turned his head in doubt, "Why ask?"

Chen Qianzhu lowered his head, "It's nothing, just asking."

The Beastmaster touched his beard, thinking for a long time and didn't know how to answer him.

Sure enough, he is still not good at dealing with children.

"Ah, the teacher, he, he has gone to practice! Yes, he has gone to practice, and he didn't do anything dangerous." The Beast King smiled embarrassedly.

Chen Qianzhu raised his head, "Is that right?"

The Beastmaster nodded without hesitation, "Of course, didn't you always want to be the same person as your father? The leader is practicing now, so why don't we do it?"

Chen Qianzhu suddenly saw golden light in his eyes, "It turns out that it is, well, Uncle Beastmaster, I also want to practice!"

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