Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 358: The Secret to Subvert History!

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"You have this consciousness, well, uncle, I will tell you today, the core fighting method of this world!"


The Beastmaster released his martial soul instantly as he said, "Fucking tiger power!"

A layer of snow-white fluff covered his arms, and his hands turned into two white tiger claws in a blink of an eye.

"This is Wuhun?" Chen Qianzhu said in surprise.

The Beastmaster nodded, "Yes, this is Wuhun. Everyone has their own Wuhun, and you will have them too, but you must be when you were six years old."

"With the spirit of martial arts, we can begin to cultivate spirit power, from level one to level one hundred, with a spirit ring attached to every tenth level..."

After that, the Beastmaster began to introduce Chen Qianzhu about everything about the soul master.

This had a great impact on Chen Qianzhu, who had just learned about this world.

Not only did Chen Qianzhu not dislike this, he was also very interested. He began to do his best to understand and record these brand-new knowledge.

In the Holy Spirit, there is no choice.

There is no such thing as a mortal. You can either die and live with the help of others, or you can practice hard until one day you donate your heart to the Holy Spirit.

As the only heir of Chen Xiu, he had no choice.

He can't choose to be an ordinary person, he must become a soul master, this is his birth destiny.

Born to be extraordinary, he was isolated from ordinary possibilities.

In this world, the weak and the prey, if people do not strengthen themselves, then no one will protect you.

The Beastmaster liked this kid a little bit. As for the reason?

This kid has an animal character, and he has an appetite for him!

The Beastmaster still knew Chen Xiu, he was definitely a cold-blooded person.

If someone threatens him with the life of his woman or heir, he will definitely kill his woman and heir without hesitation.

These things are nothing but luxury items, which are dispensable for Chen Xiu.

If luxury goods become an obstacle, then the Beastmaster believes that Chen Xiu will definitely remove the obstacle in front of him!

Therefore, in order to prevent that day from coming, the maid Bai Jie found the Beastmaster and asked him to teach Chen Qianzhu.

Zhu Guoer was too naive. All Chen Xiu's relatives knew Chen Xiu, but she did not.

Therefore, as the same sensible person, Bai Jie entrusted the Beast King to teach Chen Qianzhu the knowledge of the Soul Master in advance.

Although it may be useless to do so, it does no harm, does it?

The Beastmaster naturally did not refuse the request, and after a period of understanding, the Beastmaster also liked him a little bit.

He could see Chen Xiu's shadow on Chen Qianzhu's body, and some things that Chen Xiu didn't have.

Maybe he is deliberately imitating Chen Xiu.

"That's about it, you can't remember if I say too much." After the Beastmaster said, he picked up the platinum jug next to him and gave himself a big mouthful.

Sitting together on a grassland, Chen Qianzhu looked curiously at the changes in the Beast King.

"Uncle, you have eight spirit rings on your body, is it a Contra?" Chen Qianzhu asked curiously.

The Beastmaster was stunned for a moment, and he said it again, but he didn't expect this kid to remember it.

He has a good memory, he thought it would be repeated many times.

"Yeah, don't underestimate Contra. Although there are many Contras in this world, there are definitely not many. Uncle, I am the best."

"Come on, uncle, let me show you my eighth spirit ability, the power of the fucking bear!"

When the words fell, the arms of the Beastmaster swelled instantly, and the original white tiger characteristics on his arms were not removed, but became stronger.

Immediately afterwards, many sharp metal-like claws grew from the fingers of both arms!

This is the power brought by the eighth spirit ring of the Beastmaster, an eighty-nine thousand-year-old dark golden terrifying claw bear.

Seeing Chen Qianzhu's admiring look, the Beastmaster stood up and patted his chest with his sturdy palm.

"Come on, punch here according to uncle, uncle see how powerful you are!" Douzi Book City

After the Beast King finished speaking, Chen Qianzhu stood up excitedly, "Okay!"

There is no force technique at all, just a flat punch in the stomach of the Beastmaster.

Not to mention this kind of sensation, the Beastmaster couldn't even feel it.

He combined the strength and defense of eight spirit beasts, plus his 89th-level spirit power, it can be said that it is a pseudo-titled Douluo.

But the next second, the Beastmaster was dumbfounded!

His spirit possession was suddenly lifted!

Without warning, he didn't release it on his own initiative. What was the reason?

The Beastmaster lowered his head and looked at the dwarf Chen Qianzhu.

"Thousand Zhu, have you done anything?"

Chen Qianzhu was stunned by the question of the Beastmaster, "Huh?"

When the Beastmaster covered his face, he was also an idiot. How do you ask about this kind of thing?

What can you expect to ask a child who has just learned about the soul master?

"Ahem, Qianzhu, you are here to punch your uncle. Just now, uncle didn't feel the strength at all, this time heavier."

After that, the Beastmaster once again released his martial soul, this time he used the beastization of Qianjun Ant Lion.

In an instant, Qianjun Antlion's leather armor covered the body of the Beast King.

This time Chen Qianzhu had been brewing for a while before he hit the punch.

Still the same as last time, I didn't feel any strength.

But, the next second!

The same thing happened again!

His martial soul disintegrated again without warning!

The Beastmaster's pupils shrank. If once was an accident and twice was a fluke, what about the third time?

"Qian Zhu, it still doesn't work, do it again!"

after that!

The same result!

No matter what, as long as Chen Qianzhu punched him.

No matter what the state of the Beastmaster, Ye Wuhun will automatically release his possession!

Even the release of the spirit body is the same, and if Chen Qianzhu has been in contact with the Beastmaster, he will not even be able to complete the possession of the spirit!

God, what a terrifying thing is this?

Eighty percent of the power of a soul master comes from Wuhun.

If the spirit master can't release the spirit, what should they use to fight?

Use soul bone?

How many people have it?

It was crazy, the Beastmaster couldn't explain his current mood in words.

He was both scared and excited. In the entire history of the soul master world, there has never been anything that could make others unable to release a martial soul!

It's like not letting chefs use kitchen utensils for cooking, letting farmers use hoes to plow the land, letting butchers use knives to kill pigs, or letting soldiers fight wars with hot weapons!

This metaphor is not excessive at all!

"Qianzhu, please go back first. Uncle, I am a little uncomfortable today. Don't tell anyone what happened today, including your mother and the person you trust most, unless it is your father."

"But the premise is that you can be sure that it was your father, not someone else who changed it in disguise, do you understand?"

Seeing that the usual bohemian Beastmaster suddenly became serious, Chen Qianzhu was still a little uncomfortable and nodded in confusion.

"Good uncle."

The Beastmaster didn't send Chen Qianzhu this time. He seemed very anxious. He turned on his martial soul to use the power of the eagle, and then he flew away with a pair of wings.

"If this is not my daydreaming, then maybe our chance to teach by the Holy Spirit is here!"

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