Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 374 What is your lucky number?

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Starting from the source of the corpse, Yu Tianxin hurried forward along the corpse along the way!

In the end what happened!

Why are there corpses all over the family?

The tragedy of the various corpses along the way is shocking. Who on earth did such a cruel thing?

"This direction!"

"Dragon Temple!"

"Someone killed all the way to the Dragon Temple from here!"

The blood and the corpse seem to be guiding Yutianxin, this is a path made of blood!

"Who did this come out?!"

and many more!

Dragon Temple!

At this moment, Yu Tianxin suddenly thought that Yu Tianling seemed to have gone to the Dragon Temple when he woke up early this morning!


Absolutely not!

Could it be Chen Xiu!

It must be him!

"That's awful!!" Yu Tianxin's pupils shrank, he couldn't help but suddenly possessed the martial soul, and rushed to the Dragon Temple at the fastest speed!

He likes Yutianling, before and now!

It has never changed over the years!

Tianling, wait for me!

I hope that bastard Chen Xiu still misses the old love!

At this moment, the spirit power of his whole body has soared to an extreme, and he burst out at an unprecedented speed in an instant!

He has no time to feel the changes in his body, because there is no time for him to feel it!


Hurry up!

He is constantly urging himself, only hoping that the scene he expected will not come!


After all, it was too late.

When Yu Tianxin arrived at the Dragon Temple, the original Dragon Temple was gone, only a huge dragon-shaped skeleton.

At this moment, Yu Tianxin felt all thoughts grayed out for a moment, and he fell from the sky and knelt on the ground weakly.

Looking at Yu Tianling's body, Yu Tianxin screamed hysterically with her hands holding her head!


The tears in the eyes dazzled, and despair and hatred came to my heart in an instant!


"why why why!!!"

Yutianxin's ten fingers hugged his brain, and his nails have deeply pierced the cortex of the brain. He has never hated this in his life!

He thought that his opportunity had come, but he didn't expect that he would get even greater despair.

Seeing the confusion and confusion in Yu Tianling's eyes before he died, the painful expression was self-evident.

Yu Tianxin could clearly feel the girl's pain!

He can't wait to immediately chop Chen Xiu into thousands of pieces to avenge Yu Tianling!

For some reason, the black air surged up, and Yu Tianxin's eyes were already flushed!

He couldn't feel the black energy on his body at all, but his soul power had soared to a terrible level because of this!

He rushed into the dragon cave in an instant, the speed was outrageous!

Within a quarter of an hour, he saw the man!

The anger came out in an instant, and Yu Tianxin roared out immediately!



"Xuan!!" Wen Bi Zhai Novel

"You beast, are you still worthy of being a human being!"

Hearing the roar coming from behind, Chen Xiu smiled and turned around: "You saw it. I'm sorry, I scared you. I knew I should chop her into pieces so that you wouldn't see it."

Hearing Chen Xiu's anger and not paying for his life, Yu Tianxin almost lost his mind for a moment!

He was so unworthy of inspiration for Yutian, and felt worthless for liking this kind of person!

Although Yu Tianling died in his hands, he still had to ask, why!


"Tianling she has paid so much for you, she yearns for you so much, loves you so much, and you! And you!!!"

Yu Tianxin's anger did not affect Chen Xiu in the slightest. He still smiled and replied: "Longing is the kind of feeling that is the farthest from understanding."


Upon hearing this, Yu Tianxin burst into tears while laughing.

Tianling, see it?

This is the man you like!

"Hell is empty, the devil is in the world, go to hell, you devil!!!"

In an instant, a black thunder and lightning erupted from Yu Tianxin's palm, an unprecedented wave of soul power!

Yu Yuanzhen suddenly felt a hint of danger, this level of spirit power fluctuations could hurt him!

Out of instinct, he instantly retreated to the bottom, where Longchi was located.

Chen Xiu did not evade this.

Although, the fluctuation of this spirit power is enough to kill him!

Is this the power of anger?

Or is it the power of hatred?

Anger is anger, happiness is anger, sadness is anger, fear is anger, fright is anger, and thinking is anger.

Without giving Chen Xiu a chance to think, Chen Xiu is almost inevitable in this narrow tunnel!

This black thunder that exuded the aura of death burst out!

It seemed to be mixed with Yu Tianxin's anger and hatred, and it swallowed Chen Xiu in an instant!

No bones left!

This wave of spirit power even penetrated the wall, although only a dent was left, but Chen Xiu was actually blown into powder!

Yutian's whole body's soul power was poured into that blow just now, and without giving him a chance to breathe, the blood-red sword was already resting on his neck.

Everything shattered like a mirror, everything seemed like a mirror, and the narrow tunnel returned to its former appearance.

Some people can violate the theorem of Wuhun world.

Chen Xiu was hesitant to use another spirit when using one spirit at the same time.

And now, he can even mobilize dozens of martial spirits to release their spirit abilities at once.

The so-called Soul Dao Supreme, whoever is the peak, will be empty in every encounter.

There is no one of the strongest martial arts, the Divine Soul of All Phases.

"What is your lucky number?" Chen Xiu asked with a smile.

At that moment, Yu Tianxin cried, tears of helplessness, tears of hating his lack of ability.

"Four." Yu Tianxin finally said the word weakly.

Four, his lucky number is homophonic, death.

"Four? Then use four knives to end your life, remember my real name, Linghuang, Chen Xiu."

As soon as the voice fell, four rays of blood sputtered out, no more, no more than four swords, Yu Tianxin's life also stopped after Chen Xiu's fourth sword fell.

At the last moment of his life, there were only three words left in his mind.

Holy Spirit teaches.

Yu Yuanzhen, an old treacherous fellow, came up with a strange aura at this time:

"Oh, it's another infatuated child. I also watched this child grow up. Old brothers can kill without hesitation. You really are the supreme supreme of the Holy Spirit."

Chen Xiu squinted at him, "Are you testing me? Did you know. Is your behavior different from dancing on the edge of death?"

Hearing Chen Xiu's icy voice, Yuyuan shook dryly and laughed, "Where and where, what do you say, what the old man really means is to join your great Holy Spirit Cult."

"Oh?" Chen Xiu's mouth raised a playful smile.

"My lord, the plan of the Spirit Hall is to kill the family, and I, who has the blood of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, will definitely not escape."

"So, the old man now wants to cast another Mingjun."

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