Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 375 Massacre!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Interesting, you really are an old fox, so you might as well guess my identity in the Holy Spirit Church." Chen Xiu grinned.

Yu Yuanzhen turned his eyes, "I guess, you are the supreme master of the Holy Spirit Cult, Lord Linghuang, right?"

"Then you, believe that I am a Wansheng Martial Spirit?"

Facing Chen Xiu's question, Yu Yuanzhen immediately shook his head and denied, "I guess your martial arts are inexhaustible, inexhaustible, and infinite."

Not bad.

Old fox.

"Let's carry his body, let's get Longchi."

After speaking, Chen Xiu took the first step, and Yu Yuanzhen carefully carried Yu Tianxin's body with a smile.


Half a quarter of an hour later, in the deepest part of the Dragon Cave, there was still such a smell, and the huge pool of blood was boiling hot.

Chen Xiu suddenly grabbed Yu Tianxin's arm and threw him down.


The corpse was thrown down but did not sink, he immediately floated up, as expected, the same as Yu Luomian said back then.

Only when alive can a person sink into the Dragon Pond, once dead, a person will be directly floated on the surface of the Dragon Pond.

Chen Xiu wanted to see if he could absorb the essence of Longchi after death.

If he can, then he can use this method to create a batch of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon spirits that have been transformed to a particularly complete level.

But in fact, Yu Tianxin's corpse did absorb a lot of things, but unfortunately it was not the dragon blood in the dragon pond.

Chen Xiu tried to absorb his martial soul, but what he felt was a dark mass.

It shouldn't be called a martial soul anymore, Yu Tianxin's martial soul has been corrupted and contaminated by something.

Soon, Chen Xiu gave up this idea, he threw out the waist card Yu Luomian gave him, and then began to use his spirit power to urge.

The dragon pool quickly formed a whirlpool, and the dragon blood gathered into a pillar of blood and poured directly into the token.

In the blink of an eye, the token began to turn red from bottom to top at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Dragon Pond began to dry up quickly, and this time was very long, after about a quarter of an hour.

The dragon pond finally dried up, and the surface of the token all turned blood red.

Chen Xiu came to the edge of Longchi, looking around, it seemed like an entrance to an abyss.

I couldn't see it completely under visual inspection. This entrance instantly reminded Chen Xiu of the entrance in the ghost domain of Senluo.

With that feeling as if facing the abyss, Chen Xiu jumped down and stayed in the air for a long time before falling to the ground, only to see a large number of giant bones below.

There are soul beasts and humans.

Yu Tianxin's corpse was lying in the middle of the group of white bones, as if it had become one with here.

"Sleep here."

When the words fell, Chen Xiu had a pair of purple and gold wings on her back, and flew up in the blink of an eye.

"Let's go, there is nothing useful here."

Take this Long Chi back and give Chen Xiu a bath.

"Wait, sir, I also know a good place, maybe a lot of soul bones can be unearthed." Yuyuan said coldly.

Chen Xiu turned her head, "You mean?"

"Ancestral grave!"


At this time, four peak masters and countless disciples gathered outside the Dragon Cavern, and they were waiting.

Waiting for Chen Xiu to come out!

"I can't help but want to crush that little beast, and the old ghost Yu Yuanzhen, really embarrassed as a nest of snakes and rats!"

The speaker is a particularly fat old man, don't look at him like this, but he is also a veteran Contra.


"Even his sister kills. I think he has abandoned humanity, right? What else can this kind of person say?"

"Don't get too excited, now we can't kill him, we still have to take them as prisoners."

"Hey~" Yue Shu Zhai

"No way, there is no news from the Patriarch."

The sky has always been dark and gloomy, and Yu Luomian is still fighting with the four people and still has no victory or defeat.

At this time, Chen Xiu and Yu Yuanzhen had also arrived at the entrance of the Dragon Cave.

They had heard the conversation outside.

It's just that Chen Xiu walked out without hesitation, and Yu Yuan clenched his teeth and walked out with him.

"Do you know? I usually take two bodyguards when I travel."

Yu Yuanzhen was stunned for a moment. Chen Xiu said this to himself?

"Come out, Mingfeng, Xuanwu."

As soon as the voice fell, two pillars of soul power soaring to the sky suddenly rushed into the sky on both sides of Chen Xiu!

Yu Yuanzhen couldn't open his eyes when illuminated by this pillar of spirit power. He could only vaguely see the sky, and suddenly two figures dropped.

The hair of one person was red as fire, and the figure spread out like a phoenix of fire, and the breath of the other side as calm as a mountain made everyone breathless.

Under Chen Xiu's eyes, there were at least a few hundred people, four Contras, presumably a part of the city's elite had already gathered here.

"Mingfeng, kill."

Burning Heaven Douluo's figure was instantly exposed to everyone's eyes, and he respectfully nodded towards Chen Xiu, "Yes, Master."

The four Contras who were originally full of anger were speechless at this time.

how is this possible?

It turned out to be Title Douluo!

And still two!

Isn’t it right that there is only one soul king plus one soul contra?

They have no time to think, their lives will end here.

Suddenly, it was as if the blazing sun descended, and in an instant, the ash disappeared, and the team of hundreds of elite soul masters instantly turned into a burst of ashes.


There is no ability to resist at all!

The nine fire phoenix swallowed all the soul masters present in an instant.

Yu Yuanzhen looked at the picture in front of him, secretly grateful for his decision, if he had not joined the Holy Spirit Church.

Maybe, he has a share in the dust that goes away with the wind!

too strong!

Who is this man with long hair like a flame?

Titled Douluo of this level shouldn't be an unknown person, how could he have no impression at all.

and many more!

Fire, thunder, light, wind!

Four Element Douluo, could it be that this person in front of him was the Burning Heaven Douluo who was once as famous as Yu Luo, Ma Cangyan!

Who is the other one?

He really has no impression of this, a completely unknown newly promoted Title Douluo!

The Holy Spirit teaching is really unfathomable!

"You have the spirit power of Contra. Although I don't like it, it can be a help. Let me be the ninth elder of the Holy Spirit Sect." Chen Xiutou would not say any more.


so good?

At the moment when he saw the strength of the Holy Spirit Sect, Yu Yuanzhen had no desire to resist at all.

Now he can only be delighted, he has left the Spirit Hall, but he did not expect to become an elder in another organization that is not inferior to the Spirit Hall!

Yes, he should be thankful now.

However, although he escaped the catastrophe of this genocide, he still could not escape the catastrophe of the Holy Spirit.

"Mingfeng, Xuanwu, Tucheng, don't leave a living."

A few simple words instantly determined the lives and deaths of tens of thousands of people in a city, and these were just a word from Chen Xiu.

The two figures nodded and rushed straight into the sky, Chen Xiu also looked at Yu Yuanzhen, "Let's go to the Tomb of Bone Dragon."

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