Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 385 Bloody Battle!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Dai Sheng, come and see this trick, this old man, I specially prepared it for you!"

"Youhu Seal of God!!"

The national teacher roared, his hands instantly formed a mark, and he shot straight in!

Baidi felt the fluctuation of his divine power, and for a while, his figure swayed and shuttled in the air trying to get rid of the mark.

But this mark seems to be a tracking spirit ability, no matter how fast Baidi is, the distance between the mark and it is always the same!

His accelerating mark also accelerates, and it is getting closer and closer!

"Since you can't hide, it's ruined!"

Baidi stopped in an instant, and turned around to be a white tiger cracking attack!

But what he didn't expect was that his attack went straight through the mark!

"It's useless, you can't hide this trick!" The national teacher smiled triumphantly and rushed up again.

Baidi snorted coldly, and then instantly propped up the huge shield in front of him!

The light from the corner of his eye swept around, and the only remaining Title Douluo also faintly surrounded him.

The national teacher imprinted one step quickly, and the ghost white tiger phantom appeared behind it and hit the huge transparent shield with one claw!

"Oh, it's useless, you can't break my divine power barrier with your soul power alone."

Yes, it is true that it cannot be broken with soul power, but what about divine power?

The Chinese teacher mobilized his divine power in silence, opened his palm gently, and a small part of the divine power in his body turned into a steel needle and pierced directly into the shield!


The shield suddenly shattered, and the Baidi gritted his teeth and swaggered upwards and instantly distanced himself from everyone.

This is the so-called hardest shield and the strongest spear. The sharpest spear can pierce the hardest shield.

It's really a contradiction.

With the shattering of the shield, the imprint came to the front of Baidi silently and at an incredible speed!

Baidi gritted his teeth, "Enough, I really don't want to drag you anymore, you bugs, Saint King Xiaotian strike!"


With a whistle, a huge golden beast suddenly appeared behind Baidi. He looked like a tiger but not a tiger, with wings on his back, looking very strange.

Baidi didn't want to consume them anymore, if it was consumed like this, his divine power would only be wasted.

He didn't want to fight with these people for days and nights, and Chen Xiu's attitude was a bit strange.

It is said that they will join forces to kill the national division, but that guy is actually paddling underneath. Does he want to wait for us to win the game when we lose?

Naturally, Baidi couldn't let him wish, he decided to mobilize his divine power to solve the battle quickly!

The dark golden purple gold energy ball was conceived in both palms, a large amount of white energy wrapped around it, and a group of Title Douluos went up.

The corner of Baidi's mouth couldn't help showing a smile. It happened that this position just caught them all!

Chen Xiu narrowed his eyes, and he could feel the horrible fluctuations of soul power, which would not be felt by the national teacher without reason.

Unless, he has other means!

I saw the right hand of the national teacher suddenly condensed into a huge white blade of light!

The energy ball in Baidi's hand has also expanded to the extreme. According to this distance, Baidi's move can instantly integrate everyone present!

Chen Xiu was cautious so that Qinglong and them all withdrew. He couldn't guarantee what the national division's backstop was?

"Goodbye, Bai Wutong, our brotherhood is over!"

Baidi yelled, the energy cannon in his hand instantly poured out..., not!

I saw that imprint suddenly got into Baidi's chest at this moment!

Seal of God!

Baidi's divine power was broken at this moment, although it was only a moment, but this was enough to make his divine power ball collapse!

"It's so scheming, Bai Wutong!!" Baidi roared and hurriedly backed away.

But it's too late!

The national teacher waved the huge white soul power blade in his hand, and even the space was twisted when the knife fell, as if it was about to split at any time!Biquge

That's right!

Since the beginning of the move, the teacher has been calculating, calculating every detail!

The time for this Seal of God to wait is this moment!

This trick was specially prepared for Bai Di!

Just to wait for this moment, although it can only seal the power of Baidi for one second, it is enough!

"Bai Di, there are evils for evil, today is your death date!!"

The national teacher shouted and dragged the huge soul power knife down. At this distance, Bai Di could not hide it!

"Do not!!"

"This is impossible!!!"

"I am not reconciled————!!!"

Baidi uttered an unwilling roar, and his body was instantly cut off as a knife fell!


A terrible energy wave sputtered out, and the national teacher burst into tears for an instant, "Father, the unfilial child has finally avenged you today."

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiu couldn't help wondering, what is going on?

The Baidi who had planned for a thousand years died like this?

It’s not surprising that he was besieged and killed by fourteen titled Douluo instead of being a normal person, but is Bai Di a normal person?

A thousand-year-old fairy, a character who kills children, kills girls, kills the whole family without blinking, just died like this?

Chen Xiu, who has seen many conspiracy theories, realizes that things are not simple.

However, the facts are the same as Chen Xiu thought!

I saw Bai Wutong's Title Douluo in the Winter Solstice, one of them suddenly broke free of his muddy body!

He opened his eyes and faced a purple energy ball!

"Bai Wutong!! Don't think that only you are prepared for a thousand years!!"

The figure of Baidi appeared again!

This time he seemed to have waited for a long time, and Bai Wutong was caught off guard by this long-awaited blow!


Bai Wutong turned around, but it was too late, the dark golden beam of divine power swallowed him directly, including his four puppets!!


This beam of divine power was extremely terrifying, not only directly exploded the five title Douluo to the point of no bones, but also spread to the nearest city!

A huge mushroom cloud rose up like a nuclear bomb burst, and a huge city was instantly razed to the ground!

The corner of Baidi's mouth cracked, "Hahaha! Calculate me? Actually, I have already calculated your plan!"

"Do you think I am on the first floor? Actually, I have already seen the second floor!"

At this time, as Bai Wutong was exploded into powder, all five Title Douluo turned into ashes.

The remaining four pass puppets were lost in an instant because no one was controlling them, and they all fell to the ground.

Baidi turned his head and looked at Chen Xiu, "Then, you will be the next one, greedy traveler."

Chen Xiu's eyes turned pale gold, and the Eye of the Spirit Emperor was activated, followed by another spectacle!

The two spirit powers and spirit abilities hit the Baidi at the moment when they reached their maximum!

"Oh, stupid, using mental power on the gods is like floating and shaking the tree!" The smile on Baidi's face gradually disappeared.



The pain that came back in an instant made Baidi no longer laugh, although his mental power could not affect the real deity!

But Baidi is just a demigod!

"what have you done!"

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