Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 386: How to Kill God

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The pain made Baidi dumbfounded. Although the pain did not cause him actual harm, he did feel the pain in his spirit.

And it's not ordinary pain!

Chen Xiu understood this characteristic when he was released to the national teacher before. His mental power is very strong, even 5% can make people worse than death!

Chen Xiu's mental power like the sea, even if it sputters a little bit, it will make ordinary people nervous!

Although Baidi's mental power is very powerful, it is completely incomparable with Chen Xiu!

"You know it won't hurt me, you are just a needless struggle." Baidi frowned.

Chen Xiu smiled and nodded, "Yes, you are right, this kind of mental power is not even a bruise for you."

"So I didn't think about using my spirit to deal with you. Unfortunately, not long ago, I found the real use of my martial arts."

"To be honest, you may not believe it. In fact, I can seize other people's martial arts for my own use, or I can merge the captured martial arts."

"And just now, I came up with an experimental result. It turns out that I can also perform martial arts fusion on others through mental power."

Chen Xiu's words puzzled Baidi, "What do you mean?"

Chen Xiu waved his hand, his long holy spirit robes were blown by the wind, and his black hair was fluttering in the wind.

"It's not interesting. I just want to persuade you to feel it. Did your pain really come from pure mental power?"

Chen Xiu's words made Bai Di instantly dumbfounded. Only then did he see that his right arm had become deformed, swelling and red from time to time!

And my pain comes from this!

"What did you do to me!!" Baidi roared.

Chen Xiu smiled slightly, "As I said, I can use spiritual power to fuse martial arts for others. As long as you are not completely immune to spiritual power, then you can't stop me."

"What I gave you just now is a weapon spirit covering your left arm, and it is almost completely incompatible with your beast spirit."

"And you just feel a little discomfort, should I call it a demigod?"

Baidi's right arm began to hurt more and more. He absolutely did not believe that Chen Xiu could seize the martial soul of others.

This is definitely just an excuse, a rhetoric!

This must be Chen Xiu's spirit ability!

Yes, absolutely!

There is no way, people always fix their thinking and never believe that an individual who is the same as oneself can be different from oneself.

It's like someone telling you that I am actually five thousand years old, so what would you think of him?

Obviously, crazy.

We can only live for a hundred years at most. Can you live for five thousand years?Are you a historian?

The same goes for Chen Xiu.

Even if he tells others frankly that he has millions and hundreds of thousands of martial arts, can others believe it?

The answer is obvious, they can't believe it if they are killed!

It is common sense for a person to have a martial soul, and they can accept twin martial souls, genius, evildoer.

But how about tens of thousands of martial arts?

This sounds no less than a child's nonsense.

And even if Chen Xiu showed them, even if the facts were in front of them, they would still not believe it.

Because they are more willing to believe that this is an illusion, Chen Xiu must have used some kind of illusion on them!

This is man, ignorant and ignorant.Electronic Chinese Network

So Chen Xiu didn't have to hide the secrets of her martial arts, because no one believed it at all.

"I don't care what spirit skills you use, but I am a chosen person, a demigod-level existence, and your attacks are just tickling to me." Baidi said with a proud expression.

Chen Xiu applauded him, "Yes, you are right, you are so smart. As a reward for cleverness, I will give you 250 copies of the Blue Electric Tyrant Dragon Martial Spirit."

After talking about the spread of spiritual power, Baidi tried to resist, but found that he couldn't stop it at all!

He was dumbfounded for a moment!

His whole body swelled instantly, his whole body was stretched tens of meters in an instant, and dozens of dragon claws suddenly broke out behind him!


Immediately afterwards, six dragon heads grew on his chest, and a large number of dragon scales, countless weird organs and body tissues grew on him one by one!

"What did you do to me, you despicable person! You————!!!"

His body is getting swollen and getting fatter, gradually forming a huge ball of flesh.

His facial features have long since collapsed, and he can't even speak his words. The countless flesh and blood tissues are mingled together, and it looks very disgusting.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Xiu's mouth, "Three, two, one."


Thunder and lightning broke out along with the fire, and a huge explosion made the entire small world tremble.

Baidi, he exploded!

The boundary bead on his forehead was also collapsed, and Chen Xiu grabbed it and rubbed it in his palm.

"You thought I was on the first floor, and you saw the second floor, in fact I have already reached the third floor."

The four Title Douluo used their soul power to block the aftermath of the explosion for Chen Xiu in an instant, and then they all waited aside respectfully.

Baidi was blown up to pieces, but a faint white energy rushed into the distance without a sound.

Chen Xiu didn't see that energy, because if he saw it, he would find that it was the divine power of Baidi.


A loud laugh suddenly came, and a burly figure suddenly appeared in the air!

"Unexpectedly, Bai Di! You thought the old man was on the first floor, and you were on the second floor, but the old man has already reached the fourth floor!"

Yes, this person is the national teacher!

It turns out that he has been playing dead.

I saw that the national teacher sucked that divine power into his chest, and in an instant, the armor appeared on his body!

The pure white and quaint armor is the one worn by Emperor Bai before!

The appearance of Guo Shi also began to quickly become younger, and his long white hair began to gradually recover its luster.

"I really want to thank you, Emperor Ling. Without you, the old man would really not be able to beat that guy. I didn't expect him to do tricks on my puppet, but it doesn't matter anymore."

"After so many years, finally, finally let the old man get the other half of the supernatural power, hahaha!!!"

"Next, as long as the old man integrates this supernatural power, the old man can replace him and become the new holy king!!"

The Chinese teacher laughed and looked at Chen Xiu again, "Although you have used you, you really surprised the old man. I didn't expect you to have such a hole card."

"It's a pity. A hole card like this is enough to kill a demigod. I believe you will no longer be able to use it in a short time?"

Hearing the words of the national teacher, Chen Xiu looked indifferent and said: "In fact, I can put this trick infinitely."

The national teacher sneered, "It's all about this time, what good is your bluff?"

"Don't say anything else, because you have helped the old man, the old man will let you die faster today!"

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