You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"You are really smart, as smart as Baidi." Chen Xiu waved and praised.

The national teacher snorted, "That's natural, the old man's ingenuity is better than that of Baidi, he thought he calculated the old man's calculations."

"In fact, the old man has already calculated that he calculated my calculations, and worked out this plan."

"Okay, it's going to be delayed. The gate of Baidi City is about to close, and the old man doesn't want to be trapped here."

The Chinese teacher said that his hands were suddenly joined together, and then he began to slowly pull apart, and a white gold spear slowly appeared in front of Chen Xiu's eyes.

I saw the national teacher suddenly closed his eyes, and read the obscure note: "حطمكلشيء،واحتقاربندقية مناليوم،النمورالسماوية ،السماوية ،السماوية ،السماوية ،السماوية ،السماوي، ،السماوي،،،،ياربند،،،يال،ال،،،يال،،ال،،يال،،يال،،،يال،،،،،5شيءيموت

Chen Xiu twisted her neck, "Tell me this birdie again, will you die if you speak a language I understand?"

"Come on, I will also give you 250 Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex."

Chen Xiu's pupils turned pale gold, and the Eyes of the Spirit Emperor and Jing Hua Shui Yue appeared together!

Do the math, what is the success rate of fusion of 250 top martial arts?

Attention, not one by one, but all together and merge!

The probability of such a successful integration is definitely not more than 0.00000000001.

Seeing Chen Xiu using mental power on herself, the Chinese teacher dismissed him with a smile, "I want to use mental power on the old man again, it's useless."

"The old man admits that your spiritual power is indeed very strong, but it is a pity that you met me. As a demigod, I can be immune to your spiritual power!"

Chen Xiu shook her head, "It's a pity, you're just a demigod. If you combine the power of Baidi now, then maybe I can't help you."

"It's a pity, you are just a demigod."

When the words fell, Guo Shi frowned, an unprecedented pain instantly spread all over his body!

"What is this, how, how could you still use this trick!!"

"No, it's impossible! What kind of power is this!!!"

The eyes of the national teacher instantly popped out of the eye sockets, and the whole person's body instantly turned into a big ball of flesh, exactly the same as the previous Baidi!

Chen Xiu slightly rubbed the bead in his palm, "There are always people who are self-righteous. You think I'm on the third floor, and you see the fourth floor, but I've always been on the fifth floor."

After that, the huge meat ball seemed to have expanded to the apex, and a little golden light sputtered out.

The golden light came from the meat ball, which was the spear he had replaced before.

It's just that before he could send it out, his body was swollen and couldn't move!

But now this long spear composed of divine power is no longer controlled by humans, and it instantly disperses without a master!

And because it is in the middle of the meatball, the final point of the explosion is also in the middle!


Along with a loud noise that shakes the earth and the earth, cracks appear in the space.

It may be that after the previous explosion, the two impact forces have already reached the limit of the barriers in this space.

And this time the national teacher used his divine power again, and the shock that broke out in an instant was ten times stronger than that of the death of Baidi!

"not good!"

Qinglong's pupils shrank, and even Title Douluo would be swallowed by this level of destructive power!

Let alone Chen Xiu!

I saw Qinglong standing in front of Chen Xiu in an instant, and the crown of the supreme dragon on top of his head burst out with golden light!

Azure Dragon's spirit power also instantly changed to level ninety-three, and his nine spirit rings were instantly stained with black light!

The nine spirit rings rose in turn, and the three blood-red spirit rings seemed to confirm the anger of the ancient dragon, showing a huge beast shadow!Fun recitation book

"Ye Zixiao, are you crazy? Your soul is now bound to this body. If this body dies, you may die too!" Chen Xiu shouted at Qinglong.

"I can hold it on my own, you step back."

I saw Qinglong turning his head, "Chen boy, what I said, as long as you and I are together for one day, I will protect you for one day until the day I die in battle.

"This promise has always been valid."

After speaking, the Azure Dragon instantly unfolded his figure, the seventh soul ability was activated, and Ye Zixiao's figure instantly stretched!


The beast soul body was activated, and Ye Zixiao suddenly turned into a giant dragon. His figure was so huge that he stood in front of everyone!


The huge explosion spread, and it all hit Ye Zixiao alone.


Ye Zixiao let out an angry roar, and the huge figure began to tremble until it was already crumbling.

He can't feel the pain, but the injury is real.

The terrible impact broke the bones of his whole body, and the impact directly caused him to lie on the ground weakly.

It is the price to use the body of a mortal to fight against the divine power.

At this moment, Chen Xiu's clone Dai Xiaobai suddenly walked over from a distance, and his face began to become hideous.

There seemed to be something to wear out in the body, and Chen Xiu could be sure that he did not control the movement of the clone.

Something controls the clone!

I saw a white-haired man emerge from Dai Xiaobai's body, and Dai Xiaobai's avatar was instantly split in his chest, gradually losing his breath.

A stream of pure spirit power returned to Chen Xiu's body, which made him reach level sixty-nine in an instant.

Chen Xiu frowned because a familiar person appeared before him.


He is resurrected again!


"Unexpectedly, in fact, I am the ultimate winner. The national teacher thought I thought it was on the first level, and my second level, in fact, I had already seen the sixth level!"

"He thought I had calculated his calculations, he calculated my calculations, and then I calculated my calculations. In fact, I have already calculated my calculations and he calculated my calculations!"

Chen Xiu's complexion gradually darkened, there is no end to it?

Do you guys play matryoshka dolls for me?

"That's it, this clone of mine is already under your control, so what? Do you have any other rebirth items?" Chen Xiu asked coldly.

Baidi opened his arms, and pieces of simple and delicate armor appeared on his body again.

"Dai Xiaobai is indeed the back hand I left behind. Forget it, it doesn't matter if I tell you. In fact, I still have a clone in the puppet of the national teacher."

Chen Xiu sneered when he heard Baidi's words, "You are finished."

Mingfeng on the side instantly understood Chen Xiu's meaning, spread his wings and flew to the sky in an instant.

"The Ninth Soul Ability, the sunset in nine days!"

Nine huge suns appeared in the sky, the space seemed to become anxious, and nine rays burst out!

The target is the puppets that fell on the ground. Because they are not under the control of the national teacher, they can only be killed there.

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