Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 403 Battle of Decay (7)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The Holy Spirit teaches Zhengnan, where there are large areas of silt and various rotting corpses.

This is the famous Black Swamp, which can be found by walking south from the Black Mist Forest.

The Temple of Decay among the Twelve Temples was built here, which was originally called the Temple of Death.

But the Holy Spirit of Death Hell came here that day and made a deal with the Holy Spirit who was stationed here.

Then, the name of the Temple of Death was given to the Holy Spirit of Death.

And here, it was renamed the Temple of Decay.

Unlike other temples, the decaying temple was built in a swamp and looked very small from the outside.

In fact, this is just an entrance, and the true core of the decaying temple is actually deep underground.

Look at other temples of the Holy Spirit. Everyone's temples are built with magnificent magnificence and luxury.

Only the Plague Holy Spirit is very simple here.

And the rotting swamp occupies a very large area. If you don't work hard, you may really not find this temple.

Other temples of the Holy Spirit are no less than a small city from the outside.

Only the Plague Holy Spirit is the size of a palace.

But although it is small, there are things inside. Deep underground in the Black Marsh, this is a white secret room.

The white wall seems to be some kind of strange crystal, which can emit a faint white light, and the entire secret room is very bright by this white light.

At this time, a person wearing a teaching gown came over, his hands, feet, face, but everything that was exposed outside the robe was wrapped in a layer of bandage.

Yes, this person is the Holy Spirit of Plague, a person whose spirit was originally a rat, but now is the ultimate virus.

There is a stone platform in the center of the secret room, covered with a white cloth, but under the white cloth it is uneven.

It seems that something is hidden under the white cloth.

I saw the plague holy spirit walked to the stone platform and lifted the white cloth, and instantly exposed the things on the stone platform!


A person.

A woman.

Her limbs were fixed on the stone platform, there were no strands on her body, and her mouth was blocked by a piece of white cloth.

She was struggling hard, the joints of her wrists had worn blood red, but the shackles that bound her were still not loose.

The plague holy spirit smiled, "Look, what a beautiful body, don't be afraid, don't resist, you will win a new life."

Hearing what he said, the woman resisted more intensely, but this was just a needless struggle.

The bandage on the right hand of the Plague Holy Spirit suddenly burst open, and the pitch-black right hand instantly began to squirm and turn into liquid.

The five fingers were transformed into five different knives, and the arms began to stretch into a telescopic shape.

"Don't be afraid, I will be gentle."

A cruel smile appeared on the face under the plague holy spirit bandage.


The woman began to struggle fiercely again, but this was just useless resistance.

A thin knife in the hands of the plague holy spirit lightly scratched the woman's skin, and light green liquid poured in gently.

That was a virus newly developed by the Plague Holy Spirit, not his spirit ability.

As the green liquid was injected into the woman's body, the struggling woman instantly calmed down.

Bang bang bang.

There was a gentle knock on the door, and the Holy Spirit of the plague frowned, "Didn't I say, don't disturb me when I experiment?"

"it's me."

Such a voice came from outside the door.

The Plague Holy Spirit suddenly changed his face and instantly smiled, "It turned out to be the elder."

"Please come in."

The elder of the medical hall opened the door and walked in. He was dressed in a white coat and a white suit.

It is said that this is one of the clothes designed by the three judges.The sixth book

Yes, one of them.

As for what the three of them did, I won't elaborate on them one by one.

As for why the Holy Spirit of Plague saw the elders of the medical hall so happy, naturally it was not because he respected the elders of the medical hall.

But because the two have common preferences.


Explore the mysteries of the human body!

The elders of the medical hall are studying how to save people, while the plague holy spirit is studying viruses.

Entering the secret room, the elder of the medical hall took the lead to walk to the operating table.

Frowning, the elder of the medical hall suddenly released his martial spirit, nine spirit rings rose, and his right hand disappeared.

Hands of nothingness.

The martial spirit of the elder of the medical hall can turn his right hand into nothingness to fetch objects from the air.

I saw that the elder of the medical hall suddenly activated the first spirit ability, the Eye of Nothingness.

This soul skill allows the eyes of the elders of the medical hall to see through the eyes, and without surgery or blood, one can clearly see the human bones, skin and internal organs.

The woman on the stage obviously had no life, and the right hand of the elder of the medical hall suddenly returned to his hand.

However, his right hand had a heart with green blood flowing out of thin air.

"The problem lies in the heart. This is the organ that fails first." The elder of the medical hall said flatly.

The plague holy spirit suddenly realized, "That's it, I said why this virus has not gone through the first stage, it turned out to be the deadliest stall."

"The elder's ability is really enviable. If I also have your ability, then what a wonderful thing."

The elder of the medical hall shook his head, "You and my martial arts are all bestowed by the leader, there is no distinction between high and low, but the difference in expertise."

The plague holy spirit nodded, "The elder sees you."

After all, the right arm of the Holy Spirit of Plague turned into liquid again, but this time his right arm did not turn back into an arm.

Instead, it directly transformed a big mouth full of decayed teeth!

His right arm seemed to have become some kind of creature, with no eyes, only a mouth, which is really unthinkable.

Looking at the corpse on the operating table, the creature on the right arm of the Plague Holy Spirit opened its mouth and swallowed it!

Without vomiting the bones, the sound of chewing reverberated in the secret room. Within a moment, the right arm of the Holy Spirit of Plague had changed back to its original appearance.

Moved his fingers, the Plague Holy Spirit felt no discomfort.

Wrap the bandage on the right hand again, and a big living person just disappeared!

The body of the plague holy spirit didn't have any protrusions, and the girl's body seemed to have disappeared out of thin air!

The elder of the medical hall glanced, and he found that he could not see the internal structure of the plague holy spirit.

Does he have no structure at all?

Is it really just a bunch of viruses?

Do not!

The medical hall elder's right hand disappeared again, and when it appeared again, there was already a long scimitar in his hand!

With eyes sick and fast, the elder of the medical hall dropped a knife and slashed directly at the back of the plague holy spirit!


The scimitar broke, and a back shock passed through the arm of the elder of the medical hall, but the body of the plague holy spirit was unharmed!


Sure enough, the organization on his body is harder than steel, and his toughness is even more terrifying!

Is this the black light virus?

A virus that can continuously devour other lives to evolve!

The plague holy spirit turned his head with a smile, "Elder, didn't you just want to kill me?"

"Hehe, just kidding, how come the elder wants to kill me, right?"

The elder of the medical hall felt a numb scalp. Is this the Holy Spirit?

Really a group of monsters.

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