Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 404 Battle of Decay (8)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The Black Marsh is another group of thousands of people, but this time the leader is a strange man.

Green hair, green eyes and green nails, yes, it is Duluo.

I heard that his opponent was also a poisonous person, and Poison Douluo admitted that apart from Tang San, he hadn't lost anyone in terms of poisoning!

"Under the crown, there is the Black Swamp in front of me, so be careful."

Dugu Bo nodded, "This is also for you to remind you that the old man is not a fool, he is all hidden, don't be surprised."

However, Tang San, where is your little monster now?

There has been no news for so long, and I don’t know if you have invented any interesting hidden weapons.


No one noticed that a raven was looking at them on the branches above them.

In the distance, a unit codenamed Raven received this picture at the same time.

Their right eye uniformly becomes a crow's eye, while their left eye is a human eye.

Under this distorted appearance, it was their dark flesh, and the wings of the ravens spread.

"There is prey."

"It's been a long time since I had eaten."

"Fresh flesh..."

"That person's eyes are so beautiful, I really want to fit him on my palm."

"That person's hand, that person's hand, I want to eat! I want to eat!"


Hungry and thirsty voices echoed in the black swamp, they longed for fresh flesh, they were ravens!

Yes, these are human beings who have been injected with viruses by the Holy Spirit of the plague.

Their personalities have been distorted, and now the only thing that can drive them to live is the simplest desire!

The wind and grass outside, the plague, the Holy Spirit naturally knows everything.

The corners of his mouth under the bandage rose slightly, "A new experiment is coming, elder, you should go to perform your task."

The elder of the medical hall squinted at the plague holy spirit, "I know."

He has come into contact with countless holy spirits. From the beginning, after one time, he found that these holy spirits were more perverted.

It means literally!

The Plague Holy Spirit, even though he only had a seventy-five level spirit power, he actually surpassed the title to some extent.

The head of the medical hall honestly did not dare to imagine the scene when these holy spirits became titles.

He also had contact with the Holy Spirit of Death Prison, and the cultivation base of the Soul Sage was able to control the dead body of Title Douluo level.

If you wait for him to become Titled Douluo, then...

I can't believe it, the same goes for the plague holy spirit.

He replaced his flesh and blood with a black light virus, and relied on devouring other lives to maintain his flesh alive.

And the most terrifying thing is not this. You have to know, what is the strongest characteristic of the black light virus?

It's evolution!

Keep devouring other lives to evolve your body!

Looking at the plague holy spirit's skin harder than steel, the elders of the medical hall could not imagine how many forbidden fruits that violated human relations were swallowed by him!

The elder of the medical hall is different from him, the doctor is kind, he used to be a doctor.

He will not harm others for his own sake, he is different from the plague holy spirit!

The plague, the Holy Spirit can go against human relations and eat people!

But he can't!

Because he is a man!

If it was not forced by fate, how could he have fallen to this point?

Ha ha.

Maybe everything was right or wrong, because he didn't heal a deacon in the Wuhun Palace and was wanted.

He was forced to get here.

"time is limited."

The elder of the medical hall smiled bitterly and shook his head. Unlike other elders, he could clearly observe his own interior.

Long Hui Dan can make Contra break through to Titled Douluo in a short time.

But what is the price?

The other elders may not feel it yet, but he saw it!

There is a maggot in his body that is constantly squeezing his life!

The power of their title is only exchanged for their overdraft of life!

I am afraid that within three days, their lives will burn to the end!

Long Hui Dan.

Kang Long had regrets, and the dragon had already ascended to a very high point. At this time, regrets were no longer useful.

Out of the rotting temple, the men of the plague holy spirit let him dispatch.

The raven troops have set

There were only two troops waiting in front of the decaying temple.

Rotten dogs and dead people.

Looking at these weird-shaped things in front of them, the heart of the elders of the medical hall fluctuated. They were originally human!

But now, it has become this kind of person, not like a human or a ghost, or a ghost to a monster.

Rotten dogs do not refer to real dogs.

It is a virus. The limbs of people who have absorbed this virus will become abnormally developed. They can run through the limbs.

No matter how much man runs, he cannot run a four-legged beast, and this virus has broken this law!

People can also run on all fours. Their nails are extremely sharp, and they all lie on the ground like wild animals.

Their looks are extremely ugly, they have lost their human appearance and aesthetics, and have completely turned into beasts.

The same goes for the corpse, the rotten skin, the smell of rotten meat all the time!

Even the dead are not spared.

These people are obviously dead, but they are manipulated by the virus of the plague holy spirit, and they finally die!


Gritting his teeth, the elder of the medical hall tried his best to pretend not to care.


On the other side of the black swamp, Dugu Bo slapped a raven's head with a palm, and his black brain made him feel sick.

"Sure enough, the monsters in Soto City were made by the Holy Spirit."

The raven troops had already attacked them, and because it was a sudden attack, they suffered heavy losses for a while.

Fortunately, the casualties are still within control.


"I want your eyes!!"

"Do not!!"


"Go to hell monster!!"

"I want to drink your blood!!"

"These monsters can't be killed at all!"

"Mianxia, ​​what should I do?"

Dugubo frowned, "Don't worry, the Lord is here."

A lot of footsteps came, and two groups of monsters suddenly appeared in the swamp!

A sudden right hand pinched Dugu Bo's neck instantly!


The opponent's hands were extremely powerful, but Dugu Bo didn't see anyone at all!

This hand appeared out of thin air!

Breathing is getting harder and harder, "Green scale snake venom!"

A burst of poisonous mist spread and directly enveloped Dugubo's body, and that right hand was eroded by poisonous gas and began to turn green!

It may also be felt that something is wrong, the right hand suddenly loosened, and disappeared in a blink of an eye!


"Damn it, what the hell is this, hey, don't you dare to come out? Are you afraid of the old man!!"

Dugu Bo yelled at the black swamp, but did not get a response.

"Ah, help!!"


Hearing the screams coming from behind, Dugu Bo didn't care about the sudden right hand, so he could only turn around quickly!

But the next second!

The right hand appeared without warning!

This time, it pressed directly on the back of Dugu Bo!



A certain amount of power came from that hand, and Dugu Bo fell to the ground in an instant, and the whole person's face was directly pressed into the mud. I!

Turning his head forcibly, Dugu Bo barely saw a figure!

He is standing on a tree without a right hand!

"Who are you!" Dugu Bo roared at the figure.

The figure on the tree just answered him five words.

"The one who wants your life."


Thanks to the following classmates for their rewards, the author clasped fists here.

100-'Whatever you want, ``Holy~Knight,'' Flatworm, ``Please get out of the silly batch'


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