Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 405 The Battle of Illusory Soldiers (9)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The Holy Spirit teaches Southeast, here is the weakest defensive place in the Twelve Temples.

But here is also in an important way, it is a must for the military, to draw the boundary between the two empires of Heaven Dou and Xingluo.

And the terrain here is also very strange, there is no vegetation within a hundred miles.

Of course, the main reason is that there is no land here, and there are pure white stones around a hundred li.

And this kind of stone is very magical, as long as the soul master touches these stones, the soul power will be absorbed by it.

Of course, the speed will not be too fast, and the skin must be touched, so no one cares about these strange stones.

After all, fights between soul masters can't throw stones away, right?

It is one thing to lose grade, and secondly, no one wants to study stones.

And it was such a stone forest that did not grow, but a temple was suddenly established.

The shrine covers an area no less than the size of the headquarters of the Holy Spirit Church, with a white stone wall built around it.

There are various weapons on the stone wall, including bows, swords, knives, axes, and spears.

Yes, this is the Temple of Illusion Soldiers.

The Qibao Glazed Glass Sect's troops joined the Fengjian Sect's troops slowly swept in.

There are two people leading the team, one is Qibao Liuli Sect Master Ning Fengzhi, and the other is Jian Douluo Chenxin.

Looking at the huge temple, Ning Fengzhi looked at Chen Xin, "It's not the same as expected, there seems to be no guard."

Chen Xin nodded, "Indeed, I only feel the fluctuations of two soul power."

"Wait, they are out."

As the fluctuations of the two soul powers got closer, Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but their expressions became serious.

Pushing open the door of the Hall of Fantasies, two figures, one old and one young, came out.

The old man has a long beard and long white hair. After stroking his beard, the old man raised his right hand.

A compass with the trajectory of stars appeared in his hand instantly.

What followed were nine spirit rings, which hovered around the old man's body.

Yes, this person is the old man of Tianji, and his martial arts is also the astrological chart.

"The distinguished guests are here, and we are forgiven for the old and lost." The old man of Tianji bowed his hands to Ning Fengzhi and the others.

Turned out to be Title Douluo.

Ning Fengzhi frowned. Although this was expected, he did not expect that even this place would have a title.

They have chosen the weakest line of defense!

Sure enough, the strength of the Holy Spirit Church is inestimable.

"However, if only one title can stop us."

After all, Uncle Jian is a Level 96 Title Douluo.

Ning Fengzhi was not worried about the old man Tianji. What he was really worried about was the little girl next to him.

She always gave Ning Fengzhi a bad feeling.

"Since you know it's a distinguished guest, don't give way?" Ning Fengzhi replied.

The old man Tianji smiled and shook his head, "That won't work. There is an order on it. You can't let a fish slip through the net. If you know it, you should withdraw it yourself."

In that case, there is nothing to say.

"Uncle Jian, do it."

After finishing speaking, Ning Fengzhi was the first to release martial soul, "Seven treasures have colored glaze, one is strength, second is speed, and third is soul..."

As Ning Fengzhi continued to use his soul skills, seven colored lights accurately covered Jian Douluo Chenxin's body.

Sword Douluo moved with his heart, and under the combination of his two fingers, the Seven Killing Sword of Battle Soul had already appeared!

The same super martial soul, 96th-level soul power, coupled with the assistance of Ning Fengzhi, the Chenxin now is definitely a monster!

The old man Tianji sighed, "Trouble."

"Star marks gather star snails, Heaven Dou Meteorite marks seven stars, eighth spirit ability, Big Dipper seven star array." E-bookstore

As the words of the old man Tianji fell, the sky suddenly dimmed, and a strange position instantly enveloped the entire sky.

The Big Dipper appeared, and the contrast was seven colored lights.

They sit on the ground at the same time, manifesting the shadows of the seven realms.

"Yangming is greedy of the wolf star, the superstar star, the real person Lu Cunxing, the Xuanming Wenquxing, the Danyuan Lianzhenxing, the Arctic Wuquxing, the Tianguan Pojun Xingjun!"

"Seven Stars Manifestation!"

Seeing the seven figures suddenly came, Ning Fengzhi suddenly felt a little bad.

"Be careful, this person should be the former national teacher of the Star Luo Empire, and is now the great elder of the Holy Spirit Cult. His strength is by no means an idle generation."

Hearing Ning Fengzhi's words, Chen Xin nodded, "The ninety-sixth level of spirit power, his spirit power should be the highest among the elders."

After all, the Seven Killing Sword is divided into seven, and Jian Douluo Chenxin instantly rises into the sky, "Then let me learn about your so-called Big Dipper array."

After that, Jian Douluo's seven Seven Killing Swords simultaneously attacked the seven Star Lords!

What followed was a similarly weird position, but unlike the old man of Tianji, Tongjian Douluo's position was full of killing intent!

The old man Tianji shrank his pupils, "This is the realm!"

Seven kills field!

A circle with a diameter of thirty meters can be formed.

The spirit master inside has weakened 90% attack power, 70% defense weakened, and 70% speed weakened!

This move is Chenxin's ultimate move!

It was released as soon as it came up!

This is his rhythm to decide the victory and defeat at the fastest speed!

Do you care about someone's safety?

But he was destined to be disappointed.

The old man Tianji showed a weird smile.

The little girl who had been ignored by him suddenly moved.

Yes, that little girl is a phantom soldier.

She was wearing a blood-red dress, which was as dazzling as her blood-red hair.

There was a third eye on his forehead, that was Chen Xiu's, all three eyes were as dazzling as rubies.

"The seventh soul skill, the true body of the soldier master."

A soft whisper came, and the figure of the phantom soldier's holy spirit was stretched into a blood-red long sword.

Ning Feng was shocked, "Isn't this the sword that Yu Tianxuan held back then?"

Make a magic sword!

Her appearance is so unique that it is difficult for Ning Fengzhi to forget her.

The blood-red sword body seemed to be poured out of blood, and the eyes on the hilt were always staring at her enemies!

It is hard to believe that this sword was made by a little girl!

But there are swords, but no one can use them.

The Demon Sword was suspended in the air like this, and Chen Xin had already fought against the old man of Tianji.

In order not to reach this side, Chen Xin deliberately distanced herself.

But the people here are all waiting, they are waiting for Ning Fengzhi's order.

"There is weirdness, please don't act rashly." Ning Fengzhi felt that something was not right, so he didn't let the troops advance.

The people of the Wind Sword Sect have already released their martial arts spirits, and they are also sword martial arts spirits like Excalibur Villa.

I heard that the two sects will come to discuss the sword every ten years, but every time it seems that the Excalibur Villa wins the sword.

The people of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect had already begun to add attributes to the people of the Fengjian Sect.

"Sect Master, don't you still attack? The opponent only has a sword. We should support the elder sword now."

Ning Fengzhi shook his head, "No, wait, wait..."

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