Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 406 The Battle of Illusory Soldiers (9)

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Suddenly such a weird sound came from the refining sword!

It was very abrupt, and the voice sounded very sharp and piercing like a man or a woman!

Ning Fengzhi's pupils shrank, only to see a breath of blood slowly spilling out of the refining magic sword!

This blood is very strong, and there is also a stench after it, it is the smell of blood!

A little bit of blood cohesion, it began to slowly thicken a figure!

What is that?

Is that a human?

Obviously, no!

It is a humanoid creature made of blood!

From the outside, he has long black hair and a twisted face.

That's right, awkward!

Because this face shouldn't grow on such a creature!

It was a face completely in line with human aesthetics, with sharp edges and corners.

But now, it looks very strange and distorted!

"Hey, are you afraid? Are you afraid of me? Now, why? Why? Tell me, OK?"

The blood-red figure grinned, and then he made his sharp and harsh sound!

The blood on his body surged into a robe, which was the costume of the Holy Spirit.

However, unlike the usual clothes of the Holy Spirit, this dress is obviously more gorgeous and more delicate.

The biggest difference lies in the color. The main color of the Holy Spirit Church is gold and white.

But this scarlet figure has only two colors of red and black!

The original white robe with gold patterns turned into a black robe with blood patterns.

And his people are the same, only red and black.

The hair is black, the pupils are blood, and the whites of the eyes are black.

This face is really handsome, but the tone is too non-human, so it looks particularly distorted.

Of course, if Qian Renxue was here at this time, she would definitely recognize this person.

Chen Xiu.

That's right, that's what Chen Xiu's deity looks like!

However, his voice and speaking style are very different from Chen Xiu.

Seeing that Xueying picked up the magic sword, he immediately raised a middle finger to everyone.

"Hahaha! Come on! Come on! It's been a long time since the Quartet has been killed, and my hands are already shaking!"


His smile is extremely hideous, and with his sharp laughter, it looks like a lunatic!

Ning Fengzhi frowned, "Who are you?"

Blood Shadow was stunned for a moment, but then opened his mouth again, "Me?"

"Who am I?"

"I may be an angel, after all I am so beautiful, hahaha!!"


Ning Fengzhi cursed secretly, and the figure instantly retreated to the back row, "offensive."

With an order, several hundred storm master spirit masters rushed out first!

I saw the blood shadow dancing with the magic sword, stabbing back with the backhand!


There was a sound of a sharp weapon entering the body.

A Wind Sword Sect spirit master unexpectedly flashed behind the blood shadow at some unknown time!

Unfortunately, the blood shadow head ended his life with a single sword without turning back!

There was a rush of blood, and soon this person turned into a mummy.

All his blood was sucked away by the magic sword!

In the next second, Xueying's head suddenly twisted to the back at an incredible angle!

Yes, he seems to have no bones, the whole head is completely screwed behind him!

I saw an arc of his mouth split, "Why?"

"Why are you attacking me? Are you not the right way? Will the right way also attack?"

"Ah, this is the right way!"

"Then let the uncle come to show you a righteous backstab!"

After speaking, the blood shadow instantly disappeared in place, leaving no traces!

"Hurry up!"

Ning Fengzhi just finished speaking, but it was too late!


A pillar of blood rises and the heads are separated!


After that, the blood shadow disappeared again!




No action at all!

Ning Fengzhi just felt a ray of blood flashing across his eyes!

Then three pillars of blood rose to the sky!

The separation of the head is another three living lives!First Floor Novel Network

"Justice! Justice! Justice!!!"

A sharp and harsh sound surrounded his ears, and Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but shed a cold sweat on his forehead.

"I can tell at a glance that you are not human!"

Ning Fengzhi's words were very abrupt. He was talking to Blood Shadow, he was betting, and he was betting that this lunatic would not be tricky!

And the blood shadow appeared very cooperatively!

"not human?"

"I'm not a human? Then what are you!"

"Beast, wild dog, who are you scolding? No, don't call me that, I am not, call me Chen Wudao!"


Thousands of flying swords into the body!

During the few seconds that Blood Shadow paused, he was instantly pierced by Wan Jian!

All the elites in the soul master world are present, and they will naturally seize every opportunity!

The opportunity Ning Fengzhi created was perfectly seized by them!

Ning Fengzhi only breathed a sigh of relief when the blood shadow was pierced by countless flying swords.

The blood shadow fell silent.

But the next second, two lines of blood and tears suddenly slipped down his face.

"Do not!"

"not me!"

"I didn't blow up the Heavenly Court, I didn't demolish the Wanxiang Hall, it was the dog thief who sacrificed to the sky!!!


Puff chick chick!!!

A row of blood columns soared into the sky, and the momentary change made everyone unable to react.

Ning Fengzhi's pupils stretched and contracted. At some unknown time, the magic sword in Xueying's hand had become a halberd!

The blood-colored halberd danced a blood wheel in mid-air, and all the people around him separated!

In this way, he pulled out the sword that was stuck in his body one by one!

His tears disappeared little by little, and the sadness on his face became lighter and lighter. After that, the corners of his mouth began to rise, and the laughter in his heart could no longer be hidden!


"Sorry, I lied to you, Master!"

"You are still as good to cheat as you were in the past. Brother Jitian is dead long ago, he, he, he, he was eaten by me!!"


Ning Fengzhi's pupils stretched to the extreme, is he crazy?

What the hell is this person talking about?

A bloody gaze fell on Ning Fengzhi!

not good!

"Uncle Jian!"

Hearing this call, the sword Douluo Chenxin in the distance immediately stopped, and the Big Dipper array that was about to be breached by him was no longer concerned.

The old man Tianji took a breath, "Fortunately, I caught up."

A blood shadow slaughtered wantonly on this rocky plain!There were bloodstains in the air!

Let the blood soak the earth, make the head dance like a flower, and make this killing become art!

The next one is you, Ning Fengzhi!

Seeing this blood shadow rushing towards him, Ning Fengzhi could already feel the breath of death on his face!

Sword Douluo was helpless and could only shout at Xueying: "If you want to kill him, you have to pass me first!"

Must catch up!

Sword Douluo was rushing here at full speed, but the blood shadow was faster than him!

He rushed towards him and smiled and said, "What I have accomplished is irreversible."


With the sound of a sharp weapon colliding, the Seven Killing Sword of the Battle Soul and the Demon Halberd collided together!

Ning Fengzhi's forehead was sweaty, and death just passed him.

What the hell is this?

A person who can't kill?

No, an unkillable monster!

Xueying closed his hand, and the refining halberd in his hand changed shape again, this time it was a double sword!

"Oh, I kind of miss my dead grandfather. In those famine years, he was afraid that I was hungry and would always cut off his own flesh to feed me."

Sword Douluo looked at Ning Fengzhi when he heard Xueying's words.

Ning Fengzhi knew what Sword Douluo was thinking, "A madman, don't care what he says."

Sword Douluo nodded, and then crossed the Seven Killing Sword across his chest, "I didn't expect this person to be even more dangerous, so I will deal with him first."

"Wait, don't move, lest there be fraud," Ning Fengzhi said.

Jian Douluo nodded, he naturally believed Ning Fengzhi's words.

From the outside, Blood Shadow seems to recall the past again.

"Jitian, remember the past? You and I cooperate, you cut off their retreat, I cut off their heads."

"Ahhh, forgot, you have been eaten by me."

"Then who am I?"

"Sacrifice to heaven?"

"No way?"

"Who am I?" I

"Who am I, who can tell me who I am!!"

Wake up from the memory, Xue Ying looked at Ning Fengzhi again, "Well, I don't want to, I'm thinking about it, it's more fun to kill!"

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