Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 413 Battle of Storms (16)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!To the north of the Holy Spirit, here is a cliff, a floating city is built here, and here is the Temple of Storm.

It was also the last battle zone, and the nine sides of the Wuhun Palace had exhausted their hands against the Holy Spirit Cult.

From the perspective of the situation, the Holy Spirit currently has the upper hand, but this is only the surface.

The strength of the elders is constantly weakening, and I am afraid that they will soon reach their limit.

If at this time, the elders cannot die with each other's titles, then the end of the Holy Spirit may be coming.

I am afraid the battle will be reversed instantly!

Although the elders have the consciousness of death, this is not something they can accomplish by simply giving up their lives.

They are the title Douluo spawned, and the gap with these old brands will slowly show up.

Now they can play an advantage, but it's surprisingly winning through Wuhun novelty.

Among the nine elders, there is such a existence.

He doesn't have any sense of belonging to the Holy Spirit Cult, but he joined the Holy Spirit because of helplessness.

He is Yu Yuanzhen and also the elder of Thunder Dragon.

He was originally the third elder of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, but he was actually the undercover agent of the Wuhun Hall. Now he has no choice but to join the Holy Spirit Cult.

Now, in front of the Temple of Storm, three thousand winged celestial descendants are holding long bows and are waiting.

At this time, a man with eight wings on his back slowly walked out of the temple.

This is a man, this is a man with gold patterns all over his body.

Heavenly Holy Spirit!

Super Wuhun: The sky is the master.

"Hello, elder, are you scared?" Tianyu Holy Spirit said with a proud smile.

Yu Yuanzhen on the side gritted his teeth when he heard his mocking words, "Why, how is it possible."

"I, I am one of the nine elders taught by the Holy Spirit, the small resistance army, I can take them alone."

Hearing Yu Yuanzhen's words, the Holy Spirit of Tianyu applauded, "Okay, then wait for you to go up alone, I'll wait for the elder's victory."


Yuyuan frowned, and the Heavenly Holy Spirit was as arrogant as the rumors!

Yes, the Holy Spirit of Tianyu just looks down on Yu Yuanzhen, the wall of grass.

And Yu Yuanzhen was indeed right by him, he was indeed greedy for life and fear of death, and this Longhui Pill was not what he wanted to eat.

In fact, he doesn't want to be a title at all, let alone desperately here!

He just wants to live!

If he can survive, he can betray Chen Xiu without hesitation!

Soon, the enemy team came!

All the elite!

It is the team of the Spirit Hall again, this time the leader is Ghost Douluo!

Seeing the comer, Tianyu Holy Spirit took the lead with a smile and said: "Elder, people are here, it's time for you to act."

"Don't be ashamed of the gods."

Although the voice of Tianyu's Holy Spirit is very beautiful, his language is like a knife.

Yu Yuanzhen is critical of his teeth, "self, nature!"

Seeing Yu Yuanzhen, the ghost Douluo flying in the distance instantly smiled, "Yu Yuanzhen, you are so brave, how dare you betray the Pope."

"Hmph, today I will replace the Pope except you, a traitor!"

This is the so-called wall of grass, abandoning dignity, betraying one side, and neither side will please.

Facing the ridicule from both parties, Yu Yuanzhen felt pressured.

"Chief Ghost Douluo, no, now I am also a title!"

"Jade, Yu Yuanzhen can be one enemy four, and so can the old man!"

An unprecedented fighting spirit burned in his heart!

Yu Luo Mian can!

Why can't he!First Floor Novel Network

If the master chose him, he would be the patriarch, and he would be the only title of the family!

He is Thunder Douluo!

But that old thing!

Why didn't he choose him?

Why pass the family to Yu Luomian!

Yuyuan resented and jealous, if it weren't for this, how could he take refuge in Wuhun Palace?

Now it was the old antique who caused him to fall into this field!

If he had chosen himself, how could the family be destroyed!

If the family is passed to him, it will definitely not be annihilated!


Because of him!

Yu Yuanzhen and Yu Luomian have been elders together since they were young, a total of four people have been with them since they were young, and they worshipped the contemporary patriarch as their teacher.

Yu Yuanzhen has a radical personality since he was a child, and although Yu Luomian is domineering, his development tends to do nothing.

This is also the reason why the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect did not take refuge in the two empires.

Yu Yuanzhen thought that it was because of him that the family fell, so he finally chose to catch the power of the Wuhun Temple.

He agreed with the Wuhun Hall that as long as the family was captured, he would be the patriarch, and the condition was to be loyal to the Wuhun Hall.

On the surface, Yu Yuanzhen agreed, but he didn't expect Wuhun Palace to think so too!

From the very beginning, Wuhun Palace wanted to destroy the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect directly!

Yu Yuanzhen only realized it when Wuhun entered!

Wuhundian wants to unload the mill and kill the donkey!

At that time, Yu Yuanzhen had no choice but to rely on Chen Xiu to sign up.

And Chen Xiu's ability also frightened him. He didn't expect that the Yu Tianxuan he had always wanted to get rid of was actually the spiritual emperor of the Holy Spirit Sect!

It's a pity that Yu Yuanzhen, who had just hugged his thighs for a few days, was forced to participate in this war again before enjoying it for a few days.

"It's not my wish to get to where I am now, it's all the world's fault!"

Yu Yuanzhen let out an unwilling roar and instantly possessed Wuhun!

There was a surge of lightning, and the dragon horns, dragon scales, dragon wings, and other parts appeared!

Nine spirit rings rose from the foot of Yuyuan Zhen, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black!

"Seventh Soul Ability, Wuhun Real Body!"


With a roar of dragons, Yu Yuanzhen turned and turned into a huge blue electric Tyrannosaurus flying into the sky!

"Ghost Douluo, today is different, you and I are now equal!"

Upon hearing Yu Yuanzhen's words, Ghost Douluo sneered, "It's up to you?"

"Do you deserve it too?"

"Yu Yuanzhen, I will let you know today why Yu Luomian can become the patriarch and why he can be one enemy four, but you can't!"

"Seventh spirit ability, ghost real body!"


The two bodies collided in the air, and a haze flashed in the eyes of the Tianyu Holy Spirit, "Yu Yuanzhen, work hard, after all, you can't be too weak to become my nourishment, you need a little taste to be delicious."

Looking at the three thousand celestial descendants, the Holy Spirit of Tianyu waved his hand, "Heavens listen to the order, strangle the traitor, and offer victory for our Lord!"

"The storm is with you!"

Tianyi put his hands on his chest, "The storm is with you and me!"

Tianyu Holy Spirit is arrogant, but there are people in his heart who can make him lower his forehead.

Chen Xiu, the only person in the entire religious religion that he respected.

He doesn't care about the twelve holy spirits, except for Chen Xiu who empowers him.

In addition, the Holy Spirit of Heaven will never respect anyone again, because his martial soul has no upper limit.

If you want to soar into the sky, you want to be higher than the sky, disrespectful, disrespectful, and not humble!

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