Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 414 The Battle of Storms (17)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!This is the characteristic of Tianyu Holy Spirit Martial Soul, as long as there is no upper limit in his heart, he will evolve his body every time he breaks through!

And once he has an upper limit in his heart, no matter how he evolves, he will never exceed that upper limit in the end!

So he can't respect anyone, except Chen Xiu.

Because in the eyes of the holy spirits, Chen Xiu is God!

The omnipotent, all-knowing and almighty God!

There is no limit to his power. If the world has a apex, then Chen Xiu is the apex of the world!

Therefore, the Holy Spirit of Tianyu sincerely offered Chen Xiu his forehead, but it still did not affect his evolutionary pace!

Because in his eyes, Chen Xiu's power is unlimited!

To follow Chen Xiu is to follow the most fundamental force in the world!

As Elder Yu Yuanzhen and Ghost Douluo went to war, the battlefield divided again.

King vs. King, will meet the general!

This time, the enemy general is an acquaintance, Salas, Platinum Bishop of Wuhun Palace!

"Haha, Holy Spirit, let the old man come and meet you, a little boy today."

Saras slowly flew to the Spirit Hall troops, Tianyu Holy Spirit cast a sideways glance at him, "Mortals are worthy of challenging the power of the heavens?"

"Ignorant people, feel the most primitive anger in the heavens."

The eyes of the Tianyu Holy Spirit instantly turned pure gold, and two golden lights radiated from the pupil!

The seven spirit rings lined up from the side of the heavenly holy spirit, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, and black!

The Holy Spirit of Tianyu waved his hand to launch the fifth soul ability, and his hands instantly attached a layer of golden light!

The fifth soul skill, the power to destroy the heavens!

"Sixth spirit ability, the power of celestial penetration!"


A golden light pierced the night, dimming the stars at night, like the rising sun, falling like a meteor!

Like dawn breaking, a hole was torn in the night sky!


A golden hand pierced Salas' chest and took his heart out of the body!

Salas' pupils stretched to the extreme, what just happened?

One light!


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Salas' mouth, and he still didn't know what happened.

His heart was still beating in the hands of Tianyu Holy Spirit, blood spurted out, Tianyu Holy Spirit grinned.

"Sinner, your life ends here."


The heart was crushed, the Holy Spirit of Tianyu instantly withdrew his right hand, and the eight wings stirred the whole person back to the original position as if teleporting.

His whole set of movements is so fluent, not only dazzling but also unclear!

"Why, but..."

Salas' figure fell from the sky in an instant, and a Contra did not even have the power to fight back in front of the Heavenly Spirit!

This, what is going on?

A soul saint kills a Contra instantly?

Looking at the hands of the Holy Spirit in Tianyu, there is a layer of golden light covering it, without any blood stains!

The Holy Spirit of Tianyu still exudes a sacred aura, and a large number of gold patterns gleaming on him.

"Contra, but so."


The words of the Tianyu Holy Spirit made the Spirit Hall side at a loss, so Platinum Bishop was killed by a spike?

Could it be!

He is actually the strongest in the Holy Spirit!Reading network

Who is the strongest among the Holy Spirit?

There is no definite number in everyone's mind, after all, they have never played.

But Tianyu's Holy Spirit's ability to infinitely evolve is indeed invincible, as long as it is a weakness, it will be evolved by him.

For example, he has four hearts, and it's okay even if all of the hearts are crushed.

He has a reserve.

In fact, he can live without a heart, but the blood flow will be interrupted and his body will become more and more rigid.

But it doesn't matter, the blood will generate heat from the circulation, and the body's functions will be restored after a period of time.

There are also heads, nerves, blood, and everything that can be deadly on the body, the Heavenly Holy Spirit has evolved.

And his body's various neuromuscular tissues, as well as soul power, all have been epic-level enhancements!

Although there was an increase in spirit ability in the burst that just happened, the speed and impact were actually derived from the eight pairs of wings he evolved!

Speed ​​is equal to force, and the explosion produced by a high-speed impact object can explode several times the usual power!

Seeing the shock in the eyes of these ignorant people, Tianyu Holy Spirit sighed helplessly, "Mortals always try to guess the power of the heavens, and they will never understand."

"Just as I will never be able to see how strong the Lord Spirit Sovereign is, think about it, in front of whom, am I not like these mortals?"


"My strength is bestowed by that adult, how can I surpass that adult?"

Tianyu Holy Spirit squinted his eyes, "Mortals, have you heard what you shouldn't hear?"

The side of the Wuhun Palace released Wuhun one after another, "Are you coming?"

"Life is a person in the Spirit Hall, and death is a ghost in the Spirit Hall!"

"To be honest, I kind of want to withdraw."

"I want, too."

"Unfortunately there is no way, we have no choice."

The people in Wuhundian are different from the Holy Spirit Cult. Wuhundian relies on profit and violence to make people surrender and cannot resist.

The Holy Spirit teaches on the contrary, they only brainwash people, and then let people surrender from the heart.

Therefore, the people in the Wuhun Palace actually had some reservations, and they didn't let them go so stupid as to fight.

It was their thoughts that made the current situation more inclined to the Holy Spirit.

If these people are as fearless of life and death as the Holy Spirit Cult, then the current situation may be the disadvantage of the Holy Spirit.

It is a pity that these people are selfish, they are afraid of death.

This is human nature, even those titles are no exception, they are also afraid of death!

Death is so terrifying that no one can face it openly, even Title Douluo.

Because people are reluctant to leave because they have concerns, who would want to leave this world when thinking of so many wonderful things?

Unless some old monsters have lived for seven thousand years, tens of thousands of years, they are tired of living.

But this is actually not realistic, because the older people live, the more afraid of death, and only those who can’t die will get tired of it.

Following the release of the spirit from the Wuhun Palace, the Holy Spirit of Tianyu also ordered his men to attack one after another!

"The storm is with you and me!"

With a shout, the Holy Spirit of Heaven was the first to rush out!

"The storm is with you and me!!"

Behind the Tianyu Holy Spirit, there were also countless people with wings. They took their long bows and shot out winds of death, directly attacking the army of Wuhun Point!

The Holy Spirit of Tianyu, incarnation of the killing god, rushed into the enemy camp seven in and seven out!

He tore the enemies to pieces, tore them apart, and drew them into pieces with the wind of death!

For a while, the sky was full of blood and rain, but the Heavenly Holy Spirit was still immaculate, emitting a sacred golden light!

He is like an angel blooming in the killing, cold, arrogant, and elegant.

"The crime deserves death!"


Thanks to the following classmates for their rewards, the author clasped fists here.

100-'Hanban, please get out'

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