Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 420: Spiritfall Great Calamity, Go!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At the battlefield of the Desolate Temple, Golden Crocodile Douluo was directly pushed into the yellow sand by the huge sand man in front of him!



Boom boom boom!!!

I saw the huge sand man waving the yellow sand arm covered with violet patterns and smashing it crazy at Golden Crocodile Douluo!

For a while, explosions continued to sound, and the troops in the Spirit Hall had already run away damnably.

The Golden Crocodile Douluo's spirit power was already running out. Looking at the civet cat-shaped creature made of sand in front of him, he was a hundred feet tall and his body was covered with violet patterns.

This is Huangsha Douluo, he has fallen into a spirit beast!

Now he has no reason at all, whether it is his own people or enemies, he has been buried in the yellow sand!

"Uh, monster..."

Golden Crocodile Douluo barely crawled out of the sand and launched an instant body to escape here!

If he does not escape, he will die!

I saw the figure of the Golden Crocodile Douluo fleeing a hundred miles away instantly!

The Holy Spirit Huang Sha let out a roar at this moment!

"No,...can't go!"

"No one can leave this desert!!"


As soon as the voice fell, the huge body of the Holy Spirit instantly escaped into the ground, and immediately raised a large amount of dust!

Golden Crocodile Douluo's pupils shrank, "Not good!"

He fought his last life and ran forward like crazy!Use all your energy!Exhausted all soul power!



Break the ground!!

The huge body of Huangsha instantly rises from the ground behind Huangsha Holy Spirit!

He opened his huge mouth of the yellow sand and turned into a huge shark.!

"Do not!"

"The old man can't just die like this!"

Golden Crocodile Douluo went crazy and ran forward, but the huge figure of Huangsha Holy Spirit had completely enveloped him!

Seeing that the giant sandfish was about to swallow the Golden Crocodile Douluo in one bite, he could no longer escape!

"The evil animal is going to hurt people!"


A snow-white figure appeared without warning, and saw him slowly stretch out his arm towards the huge sandfish, and then lightly flicked.


Accompanied by a flick of that figure, the huge sandfish was instantly bounced out!

One finger!

Just a finger!

Just this finger can crush the 100,000-year soul beast level Huangsha Holy Spirit!

A large amount of dust splashed on the desert, and the figure of the holy spirit of the yellow sand broke up and merged into the yellow sand.

Golden Crocodile Douluo's pupils tightened, "You, you are!"

Looking at that figure, with long snow-white hair and beard, with a delicate mask on his old face.

Three pairs of angelic wings, wearing a robe of the elder of the Spirit Hall.

"You are, too elder!"

The Supreme Elder of Wuhun Hall!

The ninety-nine level peerless Douluo, Qian Daoliu!

Title, angel!

Qian Daoliu glanced at him squintly, "Get out of here if you know it, a bunch of trash."

After speaking, Qian Daoliu's figure instantly disappeared from the sky, and Jin Crocodile Douluo reacted and quickly retreated.

He understands that Qian Daoliu is here to save!

"Hey, I didn't expect to alarm the Supreme Elder. I'd better leave early."


On the battlefield of the Shadow Temple, Ju Douluo was bound by countless dark tentacles, unable to move for a while!

And in front of him, was a monster in a black robe!

That's right, monster!

If it weren't for the familiar ghost mask on her face, no one would believe that she turned out to be the Holy Ghost!

That beautiful figure has now become this ugly look!

Countless shadow-like tentacles are intertwined under her body, and her arms and legs have all become tentacles!

His body was as pitch-black as the shadow of ink, and his long hair turned into living hair, and his beard wriggled freely!

A pair of faint green eyes appeared in the ghost face of Jueying Holy Spirit!

"Shasha, you, blasphemy, death!" Daxia Chinese website

Looking at Jueying Holy Spirit getting closer and closer, Ju Douluo is now in a frantic struggle!

"no, do not want!"



Jueying Holy Spirit was instantly blown into a shadow!

Qian Daoliu's figure appeared out of thin air, grabbing Ju Douluo's hair, and the two of them instantly escaped thousands of miles away!



At the Temple of Emperor Meteorite, countless soldiers formed a circle, and the team in the Hall of Souls was defeated by them, and all of them fell to the ground.

Looking high from the sky, these soldiers formed a large circle, and they specially vacated the land in the middle.

I saw in the circle, a golden lion in armor was biting the porcupine Douluo in his mouth with his teeth!

But the porcupine Douluo can only struggle now, his spirit power has been consumed by the previous thousand-armed elder.

Now the Emperor Yin's Holy Spirit has fallen into beastization, but under the ambiguity of his reason, he has a hundred thousand-year soul beast level of combat power!

The golden lion he transformed was covered with a layer of gold scales, and on this basis, his huge body was also covered with a layer of armor!

With his body bent and his feet standing on the ground, the Holy Spirit of the Emperor Seal turned into a portrait!

Perhaps, the Emperor Seal Holy Spirit is the only one among the Holy Spirit who can remain reluctantly rational after being transformed into a beast.

"Let it go! Let me go, I will give you whatever you want!" The porcupine Douluo's voice came from the mouth of Emperor Yin's Holy Spirit.

The Diyin Holy Spirit showed a pained expression, "I...ah! more, I... myself!"

As soon as the voice fell, a snow-white figure appeared in front of the Emperor Yin Holy Spirit!

Holding the upper and lower jaws of the Di Yin Shengsheng with both hands, Qian Daoliu directly pulled the porcupine Douluo out with a strong break.

With a cold snort, Qian Daoliu closed the mouth of Di Yin Shengsheng, "Shameful stuff."

Seeing the prey disappeared, the emperor seal holy spirit's eyes became angry, "You, damn it!"

Seeing the huge beast claws sweeping in front of him, Qian Daoliu instantly stretched out an arm to block it.


The violent fist blows Qian Daoliu's long hair and beard, and Qian Daoliu snorted coldly with his six wings inciting him to flee thousands of miles away with the porcupine Douluo.

"Bibi Dong, that idiot, dares to deal with this kind of foolishness. As expected, a woman is hard to come by."


On the battlefield of the Temple of Storms, the celestial descendants retreated to the border one after another, as did the side of the Wuhun Temple.

I saw Ghost Douluo standing in the air with blood dripping all over his body in the battlefield, his chest still undulating!


A golden flash of light flashed and opened a hole in Ghost Douluo's body instantly!

Can't even see the figure!


Another aurora flashed and opened a hole in Ghost Douluo!

Ghost Douluo gritted his teeth, "What a ghost, I can't see any movement at all."

"Haha! Next comes forty-four combos, pick it up!"



A golden light flashed!

Puff puff!!!

Jin Guang pierced the circuitous circuitously, coming and going three times!

It's not over yet, this is just a prelude!

I saw Jin Guang's speed getting faster and faster, he passed through Ghost Douluo's body, and then instantly returned to stab him back!Then go back and stab back!

Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff!!!

A layer of blood mist exploded on Ghost Douluo's body, and in that instant, the Heavenly Spirit Spirit passed through him forty-four times!


A white body was faster than the golden aurora. He grabbed Ghost Douluo one step ahead and shook the heavenly holy spirit with a palm!

"Foolish children, when the old man and I are here, you are waiting for the destruction of the Holy Spirit."

Leaving a cruel word, Qian Daoliu dragged Ghost Douluo and disappeared instantly.

In this way, Qian Daoliu recovered the four title Douluo from the Spirit Hall. As for the other titles, they all showed their supernatural powers.

Those who can run, but those who can't run are the four in the Spirit Hall, their spirit power is consumed too much.

Now, the nine holy spirits have turned into soul beasts, and they have begun to converge towards the main hall under their dim consciousness!

Zong Yang squeezed his sweat secretly, "Master, it's really gone if I don't come."


Thanks to the following classmates for their rewards, the author clasped fists here.

100-'Li Sheng Shuangzheng' ``Han Bian please go away'

500-'Shiina Miyun'

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