Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 421: God Chen Xiu

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the main hall of the Holy Spirit, a masked man appeared silently behind Zong Yang.

I saw a big word "Hidden" written on his mask. He was Tianyinxing, one of the guards who directly took orders from Chen Xiu.

But now that Chen Xiu is missing and Zong Yang is in power, Tianling naturally obeys him directly.

"Sir Ruling, the Holy Spirit of Huangsha has already rushed out of the desert to the bishop. The oasis where he passed has turned into yellow sand. I am afraid that he will arrive at the bishop within half a day.

Zong Yang frowned, "Can I really hide it? Even if I change the course of future evolution, I can't change the destined result of the future."

Next second,

Tianyin Star appeared in the main hall, "Report! Lord Judgment, the Twin Holy Spirit has already killed the gods, and the journey may be less than half a day!"


Another figure appeared, this time it was the Heavenly Slaughter Star, "Report! Lord Judgment, the Holy Spirit of Death Prison has led the undead army to kill the gods, I am afraid it will arrive in half a day!"


Another figure appeared, this time it was Sky Dark Star, "Report!! Lord Judgment, the plague holy spirit has been out of control, and is now converging towards the gods, he is devouring everything along the way!"

Immediately afterwards, several figures appeared in the main hall!

"Report!! Illusion Soldier Holy Spirit..."



Hearing the sound of an emergency announcement, Zong Yang put down the feather fan in his hand.

He walked out of the main hall of the Holy Spirit without saying a word, looking at the sun that was gradually falling downward, Zong Yang simply folded his palms together.

He seemed to be praying for something, and he seemed to be launching some strange ritual.

Zhang Liang and Jin Shuai were unclear about his actions, but they were unified and did not question.

Although their hearts are already burning.


Behind the West Desert of the Desolate Temple, the Holy Spirit of Huangsha turned into a huge civet cat, and patterns of violet patterns spread all over the body of the yellow sand.



Huge roars kept coming, and these roars were nothing more than the aftermath of the yellow sand holy spirit walking!

I saw that wherever he passed, the vegetation wilted and the mountains were petrified. He was like a moving desert!

You can clearly see a line when looking down from a high altitude!

That line was drawn from West Desert and expanded with Huangsha Holy Spirit all the way!

I saw many Holy Spirit Cultists kneeling at his feet. They didn't understand why, but only knew that Huang Sha Holy Spirit had won the battle.

In fact, it is true, but because of Zong Yang's plan, this war has turned from external troubles into internal strife!

The Holy Spirit Huang Sha cast a squint at the believers, and then directly crushed them to death and moved on!

Suddenly, screams of horror continued to be heard, but Huangsha Holy Spirit did not care, still dragging his huge body forward!

And he has trampled countless followers to death, even those with high spirit power!

But the same thing is still happening all over the world!

Gemini Holy Spirit, Yin Yang Holy Spirit, Blood Hell Holy Spirit, Plague Holy Spirit, Illusion Soldier Holy Spirit, Absolute Shadow Holy Spirit, Scarlet Holy Spirit, Emperor Seal Holy Spirit, Heaven Holy Spirit!

These nine are all gathering towards the religion!

Now Elder Xuanwu and Elder Baihu are desperately rushing back, the same goes for Zuo Fa Li Feng.

There are a large number of believers behind the holy spirits in their respective temples, but now the holy spirits have lost their minds and naturally ignore their life and death.Infinite Novel Network

But Zong Yang and the others now have nowhere to escape. How can they escape when they are surrounded by nine titled parties?

Now the nine holy spirits destroy everything along the way, and the various facilities of the holy spirit have collapsed.

These are not things that can be repaired in a short time!

Zong Yang, who was observing the nine people through spirit skills, felt a headache, and he knew that it was time to come...

In the dark, the Supreme Elder of Wuhun Hall witnessed all this and saw him snorted coldly, "I set fire to myself, stupid."

"It seems that they will go to self-destruction without the old man's action."

"But to be on the safe side, I'll see the end."

There are nine holy spirits in the internal strife, and there are thousands of dao liu gazing at it. Is the great catastrophe of the holy spirit really inevitable?

Although Zong Yang believes that the future can be rewritten.

But he has to admit that no matter how he changes, the ending will show the same result in different ways!


Time had come to noon, and on a continent outside of Douluo Continent, the sun's rays fell from the sky!

Bathed in the fire of the sun, a figure like a god fell from the sky!

He was 1.89 meters tall, with long, jet-black hair dancing, and a playful smile appeared on his handsome face.

There is a golden * on his forehead, which looks sacred and not offensive.

Chen Xiu didn't know where it was, he only knew that he used the power of the sun disc to force himself to descend on this continent.

This is not Douluo Continent, it is much smaller than Douluo Continent, and Chen Xiu doesn't know where it is.

He didn't dare to use the power of traveling through the world rashly. He just started the Sun Disk with an attitude of trying.

And the location is another continent he saw on this planet!

A golden beam of light fell, and Chen Xiu opened her eyes again, "Here?"

Chen Xiu looked around, she seemed to have descended on a high platform, and there was a crowd of people kneeling down below.

How is this going?

Looking at their clothing, this is not the style of Douluo Dalu. Looking at the surrounding tall buildings, the architectural style is obviously different.

Looking back at the palace-shaped building, there was a man in luxurious clothes standing below.

From his clothing, it is not difficult for Chen Xiu to guess his identity, and this person is now looking at Chen Xiu dumbfounded.

It may be that Chen Xiu's movement to look at him awakened him, and the man also quickly knelt down to Chen Xiu just like the others!

"Participate in Lord True God!" xN

Chen Xiu understood it instantly after hearing a shout like an overwhelming voice.

The person in front of him should be the emperor of this country, and they don't know what ceremony is being held.

At this time, Chen Xiu came here by chance, so these people took Chen Xiu as a god!

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Xiu's mouth, which was interesting.

Chen Xiu's expression suddenly became serious, he looked indifferently in the direction of the emperor and asked, "Where is this place?"

Hearing Chen Xiu's voice that was so cold and emotionless, the emperor instantly felt flattered!

The true God spoke to himself!


Not daring to be negligent, the emperor hurriedly replied respectfully: "Master Huizheng, this place is the place of the sun and the moon, and the land of the Tianyuan, so it is called the Sun and Moon Continent."

Chen Xiu closed her eyes slightly, Sun Moon Continent?

Very good, it seems I found a treasure in nothing.

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