Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 424 Return to Douluo Continent!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the heavenly space, Chen Xiu and the ghost mother smiled and looked at each other, and the ghost of the Water and Fire Dragon King also appeared behind Chen Xiu.

They are here to watch, and it is the first time they have seen Chen Xiu appear since they came here.

Now the Ice Fire Dragon King can only become someone else's soul ring of wisdom, trembling in Chen Xiu's heavenly space.

Chen Xiu put on a listening posture, and gestured to the ghost mother to please.

The ghost mother smiled slightly, "I haven't seen it for a long time, but I have become polite."

Chen Xiu did not speak, but looked at her like this.

The ghost mother waved her hand, "Oh, gossip, why are you so serious."

"Okay, let's get to the point. After such a long understanding of the world, you and I can be regarded as knowing the basics."

"Your Wuhun, although I don't know the name, I already understand the general characteristics."

"My observations of what you have done along the way remain intact, all are in my mind."

Chen Xiu frowned, "What are you trying to say?"

The ghost mother slightly stretched her body and showed her proud curve by the way, "You want to kill everyone."


Chen Xiu's pupils shrank, but she became calm again when she turned smoothly.


Chen Xiu's slender hands beat rhythmically on the table, "How did you guess?"

The ghost mother gave a nice smile, "It seems that I guessed it correctly. After all, after you learned of the existence of the sun disk, the murderous intent in the exposed place, even I was afraid of three points."

Chen Xiu smiled, "Ah, I was exposed here, isn't it talking about talking about Guoer? Why do you want to talk about this?"

Although Ghost Mother talked and laughed with Chen Xiu on her lips, she was actually very shocked in her heart!

I didn't expect it to be true!

She was just a guess at the beginning, but what really surprised her was that Chen Xiu's real plan was to kill everyone!

That's right, everyone!

This plan was made when he first left the three traversers!

After that, all positions canonized by Chen Xiu, including his tens of millions of followers of the Holy Spirit, are on his death list!

From the very beginning, the Holy Spirit was a slaughterhouse!

Chen Xiu is raising pigs.

And the purpose of all this is to forge the strongest Wuhun!

More than tens of millions, or even more martial arts fused together!

He wants to forge an unprecedented strongest spirit!

Strong enough to surpass all limits, surpass all possibilities, touch the realm of gods, and even exceed the realm of gods!

Chen Xiu does not believe in miracles, because people who believe in miracles are themselves miracles.

He depends on himself.

From the very beginning, his goal was not to dominate one party, but to live forever!

The Holy Spirit teaching is just a tool for his eternal life, if he can, he can sacrifice everyone without hesitation!

Including Zhu Guoer, including Qian Ren...!

Chen Xiu suddenly felt a burst of colic from the heart. What exactly is the concentric contract?

This thing didn't restrain him, it was a ten thousandth of love that restrained him.

Chen Xiu's consciousness is not unified, some consciousness is always sad, some is always angry, some loves someone deeply, and some is indifferent and ruthless.

I don’t know why Chen Xiu feels that her spirit is a little bit strange recently. Tens of thousands of spirits are growing, also, merging...

"It's really a wrong decision to hand Guo'er to you." Ghost Mother said, shaking her head.

Chen Xiu responded with a smile: "I won't kill her, after all, she is my beloved wife, isn't she?"

The ghost mother sighed, "I hope so, I heard that Guoer ate your flesh and blood and gave birth to a child?"

Chen Xiu nodded, "Indeed, that kid is very special. He has the ability to disintegrate the human spirit, even me." Qianqian Novels

"Worthy of your child." Ghost Mother sighed.

"So, do you love your child?" the ghost mother asked.


Humans are too stupid to pursue love and virtue.

Chen Xiu doesn't know how to define love, but there is love in his heart. This is because he is offering sacrifices to the sky... Uh, it doesn't seem right.

Who is Jitian?

It should be the other one. Chen Xiu shook her head. She has always felt that she has some mental problems recently.

"I love him, but I don't love myself more than myself." Chen Xiu replied.

The ghost mother sighed: "Humans say that father love is like a mountain, but it turns out that it's just like that. Oh, you probably shouldn't be a person either."

Said Ghost Mother got up, "Let's go, don't you need me to stay in the Sun Moon Empire for you?"

Chen Xiu smiled and stood up, "Don't worry, I will shape a body for you first. This is my new ability."

I saw Chen Xiu create a female body in the real realm of the heavenly space, and then melted her nine soul rings from the startling sting.

"Are you satisfied?"

The spirit of the ghost mother slowly blended into the female body, opened her eyes, and an unprecedented comfort came.

"Is this tailor-made for me?" Ghost Mother asked.

Chen Xiu nodded. This is his ability to manipulate and transform real matter at will after the Heavenly Court is completely liberated.

Create a physical body for the ghost mother, and then transform it into a real body with the Laley Orb.

Finally, use the ability of the heavens to transform between virtual and reality to perfectly integrate the soul of the ghost mother with this body!

After leaving the heavenly space, Chen Xiu returned to the outside world, and Xu Yin still looked unclear.

Because in his opinion, Chen Xiu was just stunned.

In the next second, Chen Xiu waved his hand, and a beauty appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

She is wearing a black silk robe, and a delicate face has some subtle lines.

"Laughing Hongyan, you stay here, and you can just report directly to her if something happens, Yu will go one step ahead."

After speaking, Chen Xiu looked at the sun in an instant, and a divine light shrouded Chen Xiu from the sun!

Chen Xiu's figure slowly floated up, and suddenly millions of people knelt down once again!

Xu Yin, the monarch of the Sun-Moon Empire, knelt to Chen Xiu at the brunt, "Send God!"

"Send to God!!" xN

The sound like the overwhelming voice pierced the sky, and Chen Xiu was bathed in countless admiring eyes and passed away!

His figure turned into a streamer, starting from the sun as the launch point, and rushing to another continent in a flash!

In the Douluo Continent, all directions retreated during this battle, and Qian Daoliu returned to the Spirit Hall when the matter was over.

In today's elder hall, Golden Crocodile Douluo stood behind Qian Daoliu, his expression extremely hesitant.

"Big brother, I lost."

Qian Daoliu snorted coldly, "Didn't I tell you, you are now at a critical moment of breakthrough, why did you go to participate in that trivial war?"

Golden Crocodile Douluo looked tangled, "The Pope's order is not easy to violate, but I am not without gain in this battle. I have been suppressing soul power for a while, but after this battle, I feel that it is enough."

"I now have 90% confidence in the impact of level 98!"

Qian Daoliu turned and left, "I hope so, brother Xian."


Thanks to the following classmates for their rewards, the author clasped fists here.

100-'Holy~Knight' ``lost the sun of the moon''


500-'God fortune and high benevolence'

10000——'Ye Kaiwen'

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