You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the Douluo Continent, it is located in the center of the two empires, where the royal city of the Holy Spirit Sect was established.

Before the gate of the Holy Spirit Cultivation at this time, nine non-human monsters gathered here!

Two extremely tall door gods are desperately resisting!

"Holy spirits, are you crazy!" Zuomen God shouted angrily!

Regardless of what he said, the Holy Spirit Huang Sha waved his huge Huang Sha arm and smashed it directly at the huge body of the Zuomen God!


A powerful counter-shock came, and the figure of the Zuomen God crashed against the city wall, but it did not cause any damage.

The holy wall made of platinum stone is so hard that even a title cannot easily destroy it.

I saw the huge figure of Huangsha Holy Spirit chasing after him, and directly hit the skull of the left door with a punch!

"Twelve stars stay here, martial soul fusion skills, stardust barrier!" x12

The twelve figures appeared in front of the Zuomen God without warning, and they instantly released a twelve-person fusion technique!

36 Heavenly Spirit:

The head of the heavenly spirit: Tiankui star

Heavenly Spirit Dual Guard: Tiangang Star, Tiansha Star

Three Hidden Stars: Sky Hidden Star, Sky Dark Star, Sky Yin Star

Five Element Stars: Tian Geng, Tian Ju, Tian Han, Tian Yan, Tian Yan

Six-pointed shining star: Sirius, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Tianheng

Killing the Seven Stars: Heaven Killing Star, Heaven Killing Star, Heaven Demon Star, Heaven Hell Star, Heaven Sin Star, Heaven Destruction Star, Heaven Damage Star

Twelve Guardians: Uranus, Heavenly Blessing Star, Heavenly Comet Star, Destiny Star, Tianyong Star, Tianyang Star, Tianze Star, Tianyuxing, Tianquan Star, Tianyan Star, Heavenly Heavy Star, Tianyao Star.

The self that appears now is the current twelve guards, and they are the last force in the sect.

The Baihu and Xuanwu in the four phases have rushed back, and they are defending Li Feng from the left to resist the beastly spirits!

However, the battle situation was very unfriendly. Faced with nine title-level combat power, even if all three of them were title-tested, they were hard to beat with four hands.

Zong Yang, who was before the Holy Spirit, added the ability of future vision to the three.

Now that he has 70th rank spirit power, his future vision ability has also been increased to seven seconds.

In other words, Zong Yang can now make them infinitely predict the future in seven seconds!

And Zhang Liang also opened the speed field, and the speed of the three titles was doubled!

There are a large number of other auxiliary type spirit masters also releasing auxiliary spirit abilities to the three of them, only Jin Shuai is useless.

This once again made him realize his lack of strength, and the sense of urgency in his heart once again increased.

Zong Yang also frowned, because he had already seen the scene where the nine Holy Spirits broke the city soon!

"Master Judgment, what should I do!"

"Master Ruling, please give your order!"

"Master Ruling, please make your decision as soon as possible!"

"Master Ruling, what should we do now!!"

"Sir Ruling, where is the leader!"

"Sir Ruling..."

"Master Ruling..."

"Master Ruling..."


"Shut up!!" Qiandu Chinese website

Zong Yang was angry, everyone prayed to him, and asked him why they couldn't use their brains?

Zong Yang felt an unprecedented pressure on his shoulders, which made him breathless.

The feeling of carrying a heavy burden is that a thousand people are eagerly looking forward to every word you say.

Everything in the world has a name, but why only I know?

Why do people always like to rely on others?

Why don't they think for themselves?

Zong Yang's roar calmed the scene, and the whispering voice calmed down.

Zong Yang closed his eyes and opened his eyes again. The whole process took no more than five seconds. "Prepare to abandon the bishop, everyone, and implement the plan b that has been predetermined."


Zhang Liang looked at Zong Yang in shock, "Are you crazy, you want to abandon the bishop, what should I do after the bishop comes back!!"

Zong Yang immediately pushed back, "If we are all dead, then there will be nothing!"

Zhang Liang and Zong Yang looked at each other, "Okay, then let me ask you, who is the one who planned this plan? Is it me?"

"Isn't it the result of your wilful actions!"

Zong Yang gritted his teeth, "Then what do you want me to do, the other party has a total of nine titles, even if we do nothing to siege the city, we will still come!"

"It's just that the siege is different."

"I have observed the trajectory of the next hundred years. The leader has disappeared and disappeared without a trace. I will no longer be able to capture any traces of the leader in the future!"

"Does this mean that the leader is dead!"

When Zhang Liang heard this, his pupils tightened, "How, how is it possible?"

Zong Yang sighed, "I also don't want to believe this result, but this is the result of my grand prophecy using my ten-year birthday last night."

"We have no choice."

Zhang Liang sighed and sat directly on the ground with a decadent expression, "Hehe, what else is there to resist."

"The leader is dead, is there any point in our efforts?"

"It's funny to say, do you remember before? When you and I hadn't crossed, we were still classmates at that time. We often joked, saying that we would use your ten-year life span to change a rain.

"Later, this was called a stalk by everyone. I didn't expect that now, ha ha, I didn't expect that your stalk will come true now."

Zong Yang saw a decadent look in his eyes, "At this time, you are still in the mood to make a joke. Should I say that you are humorous? Or are you stupid?"

Zhang Liang smirked twice, "Be stupid, anyone who didn't do a few stupid things when he was young."


The walls of the Holy Spirit collapsed.

Zong Yang sighed, "The one who should come, can't escape, the destined one can't hide."

Both of them gave up their thoughts, but at this moment, Jin Shuai, who was the judge of the trial, stood up.

"Fight or be forgotten."

Unleashing his martial soul, Jin Shuai walked towards the giant in front of him. He regarded death as his home, and his heart was already very firm.

Fight or be forgotten.

The figure in the void smiled slightly, and a black spirit power wave instantly poured into Jin Shuai's body!

Jin Shuai in the distance was suddenly shrouded by a strange power, and his figure was instantly pulled to Zong Yang's side!

Everyone didn't understand, but at this moment, a strange and obscure voice suddenly spread throughout the entire Holy Spirit Church!

"Asatos, مصدركلشيء, أعمىأحمقاللهالأصليالفوضىالأساسية, الظلام, لايمكنأنتكونواضحة, الخوف, الخوف, الخوف, السقوط, العودةإلىالأرض, الدم, العليا!"


Asathos, the source of all things, the god of blind foolishness, the core of the original chaos, darkness, incomprehensibility, fear, fear, fear, descending, returning, bloody earth, supremacy, responding to Yugsothos Name, come here!

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