Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 440 The First Step to Control the Empire

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Thousands of alchemists knelt down and bowed to Chen Xiu. His actions were unprecedentedly piety, and there was a madness in his eyes!

But Chen Xiu turned and walked into the main hall. He turned and sat on the throne of the lord, and for a while, the Blood Shazong disciples also knelt down!

Xiao Yixian came to Chen Xiu's side, "Aren't you going to kill them?"

Chen Xiu squinted at her, "As a result, in your eyes, am I just a fierce man who only knows how to kill?"

The little doctor said, "Isn't it?"

"Do you feel that these people will truly take orders from you?"

Chen Xiu pointed to her eyes, "Remember, never question my ability, because I am omnipotent."

Bai Ze, evil skeletons, yellow sand, golden sacred dragon, bright sacred dragon, yin and yang soul, red lotus karma...

Various ghosts of martial arts appeared in Chen Xiu's eyes. Before he came here, he copied the martial arts of all the people of the Holy Spirit.

Including Zhu Guoer's Martial Spirit Human Face Demon Spider King.

And Chen Xiu can finally forget about it now, he can finally integrate martial arts unscrupulously!

Looking at this vast world, the flowers and plants here contain a lot of energy from outside the world!

Here is a natural treasure house!

I saw Chen Xiu's heart moving Qian Renxue's martial arts spirit.

The figure of the Mirror of Illusion appeared out of thin air, and the little doctor fairy looked in the mirror curiously.

I saw the coins under the mirror, and the numbers had already become distorted!

Because there are too many!

Yes, Chen Xiu has known for a long time, the world currency in Qian Renxue's mirror is actually the digitization of alien energy!

He had liked Qian Renxue's martial soul a long time ago. If there was no sun disk, then the mirror of illusion would be Chen Xiu's only way to obtain energy from another world.

The first feature of the Mirror of Illusory is that you can do missions, and you can get world coins through missions.

But Chen Xiu didn't plan to do those tasks, because it didn't work.

And what Chen Xiu really liked was not the Mirror of Illusion’s trading function, but its currency display function!

In the first ring, the ten thousand world coins in the mirror of fantasy is equivalent to 10% of the outside world energy in Chen Xiu's hand.

At the second ring, one thousand world coins in the mirror of illusion is equivalent to 10% of the energy of other worlds in Chen Xiu's hand.

At the time of the third ring, one hundred world coins in the mirror of illusion was equivalent to 10% of the outside world energy in Chen Xiu's hand.

At the Fourth Ring, the Ten World Coins in the Mirror of Illusory Realm was equivalent to 10% of the energy of other worlds in Chen Xiu's hand.

At the time of the Five Rings, the ratio of the world coins in the mirror of the fantasy world to the energy of the other world almost reached one to one!

But at the sixth ring, it changed again!

One world coin is equivalent to ten different world energy!

And at the time of the Seven Rings, it will become a world coin equivalent to 100% of the energy of another world!

After that, the same applies.

And now Chen Xiu Qihuan, the world coins in his hand are too much to show!

This is a unit that has broken 100 million!

Looking at the Bone Spirit Lenghuo and Huanhai Xinyan in his hands, Chen Xiu has planned to integrate all the different fires in this world!

"I control all alchemists in the Gamma Empire, which is equivalent to pinching a lifeline of the Gamma Empire."

"From then on, as long as you slowly figure it out, within three years, the Gamma Empire will instantly change hands to me!"

"Next, it's up to you, Xiao Yan, don't let me down."


On the steep cliffs, two figures loomed under the faint moonlight.

I saw a figure panting and retreating step by step, while another figure was constantly approaching.

"Boy, Master Styx has such a fancy to you, I thought you were such a character, but turned out to be just a small contender!"

"I don't think you are worthy of Huanhai Xinyan. If you are acquainted, quickly hand over the strange fire!"


Douqi, Douzhe, Doushi, Dadoushi, Douling, Douwang, Douhuang!

With the help of Chen Xiu, Xiao Yan quickly merged the different fires, and his realm was promoted to the nine-star fighter.Error-free novel

It is a pity that even if Xiao Yan fights against a fighting spirit, his chances of winning are slim.

"Even if I die, let you stay with me!"


The heavy profound ruler smashed on the ground, and the magic sea heart flame appeared!

The man dismissed Xiao Yan's gesture and smiled, "Oh, it's a pity that you want to fight back. Your behavior is nothing more than an egg hitting a stone."

Xiao Yan gritted his teeth, yes, his behavior is indeed to hit a rock with a pebbles.

"Little Yanzi, jump back!"

Yao Lao's voice suddenly came,'Teacher!'Xiao Yan nodded secretly, his body suddenly rushed forward!

"This blow is my strongest blow!"

The strange fire in Xiao Yan's hand spewed out, and at the same time the profound ruler swept across!

That person didn't dare to neglect, after all Xiao Yan still had a strange fire, he naturally couldn't care less!

"Xuan Tier Intermediate Fighting Skill, Sky Eagle Bone Broken!"

A white eagle's phantom appeared on his right arm for an instant, and then the white light flashed and the man hit Xiao Yan's profound ruler with a punch!

A terrible counter-shock came and Xiao Yan's figure was instantly shaken off!



A stream of blood spurted from Xiao Yan's mouth, and he directly drew a blood line in the air and fell under the cliff!

That person is stupid, he was not so strong in his attack, right?

Yao Lao couldn't help covering his face, this acting is too exaggerated!

The man rushed out instantly, but when he looked under the cliff, Xiao Yan's figure was gone.

"Damn it, you didn't die under the cliff, no, you must not let others get the strange fire first!"

Different fire!

It must be mine!

It was almost time now, and the man was still groping for the hanging path, but Xiao Yan was not under the cliff at all.


On the cliff face, Xiao Yan grabbed the phantom sea heart flame in the vine's hand and spewed out and instantly burned the rock snake.

After doing all this, a little cold sweat appeared on Xiao Yan's forehead, and his breathing was a little bit short.

Under the depression of the pitch-black giant sword on his back, the vindictiveness he could use was not sixty-seven out of ten in the cyclone.

After a few breaths, Xiao Yan cast his gaze on the cave that had been cleared and covered.

Without the cover of trees and gravel, Xiao Yan could clearly see the inside of the cave with the faint moonlight.

"Teacher, how did you find out?"

Facing Xiao Yan's question, Yao Lao smiled triumphantly, "This is a fighting skill with spiritual attributes. If you want to practice, you have to condense into the same mental body as me, how about it?"

Xiao Yan was speechless, "All right, excuse me."

Looking at the entrance of the cave again, the entrance is not wide, only two or three people can pass through, and the cave is dark.

However, there is a faint light radiating, and it looks quite mysterious.

There are many knife-like marks around the entrance of the cave.

However, perhaps due to the ages, these knife cuts have become extremely blurred. If Xiao Yan hadn't had a sharp vision, perhaps he would have been unable to detect it.

"Son of Destiny."

Is it really so?

Chen Xiu's words left a deep impression on Xiao Yan, especially the sentence of Son of Destiny that he could not forget for a long time.

What does that mean?


Thanks to the following classmates for their rewards, the author clasped fists here.

100-'Hanban, please get out'

600-'Yun Hafei Dian'

1000-'Laughing Beauty 666'

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