Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 441 The protagonist's luck

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!On the cliff, Xiao Yan's figure slowly sank into the cave entrance.

Looking at the khaki stone gate in front of him, Xiao Yan stepped forward.

I touched the stone gate with the palm of my hand and tested its thickness: "The stone gate is very thick. I am afraid that at least a strong fighter will be able to break it."

"Smelly boy, don't use your mind, you know that you can use brute force to look at the yellow light on the stone gate. It is obvious that the earth system has been set up here. As long as you are careful, it is not difficult to open it." Yao's voice is so old. From the ring.

Xiao Yan waved his hand, "Teacher, please, I am an alchemist and not a mechanic. You are embarrassing me a bit, right?"

Xiao Yan gave Xiao Yan a glimpse, and Yao Lao's figure appeared, "The stinky boy is a poor mouth. I'll show you how to learn something."

Xiao Yan nodded again and again, "Definitely, hey, teacher, please."

Yao Lao was speechless.

I saw Yao Lao's hand touching Shimen, and then slowly moved.

After groping for a few laps, some crackling noises suddenly came from Shimen, Yao Lao shook his head, and then touched the other side.

He raised his brows, "Yes."

I saw Yao Lao squatted down, an imaginary hand touched a small bump under the Shimen, and his fingers pressed slightly.

A creaking sound rang slowly in the cave.

Looking at the gradually moving Shimen, Xiao Yan heaved a sigh of relief and gave Yao Lao a thumbs up.

"The teacher is the strongest! The teacher is invincible!"

Old Yao looked at Xiao Yan contemptuously, "Smelly boy, don't slap me flattering, I don't know what's in this hole yet."

Xiao Yan eagerly eagerly said, "Don't worry, teacher, watch me go through the test!"

Old Yao raised his finger and tapped directly on Xiao Yan's head, "Smelly boy, did someone give you a strange fire and you would float away?"

Yao Lao's response was not light, the pain came from Tian Ling Gai, and Xiao Yan grinned in pain for an instant.

"Teacher, you wronged me, I really didn't."

"But this Illusion Sea Heart Flame is indeed amazing. After I absorbed it, not only was Fen Jue turned into a profound technique, but I could intuitively feel that my thinking became more sensitive, and my body became more sensitive. Very refreshing!"

Looking at Xiao Yanyao, he nodded, "That's nature, the different fire is the essence of heaven and earth, and its magical uses are endless. Whether it is the one on the list of different fires, it will last you a lifetime.

"It's just that the lotus-shaped fire in Styx's hands has never been heard before."

"If you insist, it is somewhat similar to the red lotus karma in the list of different fires, but there are some differences."

Xiao Yan interrupted Yao Lao's thinking, "Teacher, let's think about these things later, now the top priority is treasure hunting!"

Yao Lao cast a squint at Xiao Yan, and finally his eyes lit up, "Little Yanzi, when you meet next time, you can ask him what the strange fire is."

Xiao Yan didn't understand what Yao always thought, "I don't want to see him in him."

After finishing talking, Xiao Yan walked in first, Yao Lao followed closely behind.

Stepping into the stone gate, the entrance is a huge stone room, which looks a little simple and empty.

On the wall, inlaid with moonstones for lighting, there is a seat in the center of the stone room.

On the seat, a withered bone sitting on it, a deep sunken skull, fell on the pale thigh bone.

This kind of appearance, in this quiet atmosphere, looks a bit gloomy.

In front of the seat, there is a long and wide bluestone platform.

On the bluestone platform, three locked ground stone boxes were neatly placed.Cola Literature

In addition, in the three corners of the stone room, a lot of golden coins and other treasures were stacked.

The number of such large gold coins is probably no less than a few hundred thousand.

Xiao Yan didn't lack treasures and money, and the original owners of these treasures also placed them at random in this way, and it seemed that they did not take these yellow and white things too seriously.

Away from the golden gold, Xiao Yan's gaze stayed in the last corner.

In the last corner, a small flower bed was piled up with mud. In the flower bed is a variety of flowers and plants, and a strange fragrance surrounds it.

A hint of joy appeared on Xiao Yan's face!

After walking a few steps quickly, although others don't know these things, he knows them well!

These seemingly ordinary flowers and plants, in terms of value, are much more valuable than those piles of gold coins!

"Purple blue leaves, white ginseng fruit, snow lotus seeds..."

"Ice Spirit Flame Grass!"

Moving his gaze across the small flower bed, Xiao Yan's pupils suddenly shrank, and finally stared at a white and red leaf of grass in the center of the flower bed!

The leaves of this grass are divided into white and red, and the white branches are covered with objects similar to ice crystals.

And above the fiery red grass canopy, it was like a ball of flame burning, two diametrically opposite colors growing strangely on one plant, it was truly amazing!

"The Ice Spirit Flame Grass has been found, and then the blood lotus essence will be missing!"

Ice Spirit Flame Grass, Blood Lotus Essence, these two vital materials, Xiao Yan searched for Wutan City for a long time but didn't find it.

Both of these two things are indispensable for refining blood lotus pills with medicine, and now there is only one blood lotus essence left!

At this time, Xiao Yan didn't know that the blood lotus essence he had been searching for was actually in Qingshan Town.

However, with the fire that Chen Xiu unleashed, the blood lotus crystal had already been reduced to ashes with Qingshan Town.

"Huh..." The jade bottle was quickly collected into the ring, and the corner of Xiao Yan's mouth cracked.

Slowly walking to the stone tabletop, Xiao Yan touched the metal lock, but it was slightly warm at the beginning.

"Where is the key?" Xiao Yan muttered, his moving eyes rested on the dry bones behind the stone table.

Moving down, his eyes lit up, and I saw three black keys hanging on the bones in the palm of the skull.

After rubbing his hands, Xiao Yan stepped forward and looked at the dry bone. After pressing his palms against it with a weak heart, he cautiously grasped the key and gently pulled it.

"Kacha..." Due to the time, the withered arm was actually broken by this little force.

Xiao Yan repeated silently, Amitabha, then turned around, "Next is the exciting time for unpacking!"


On the other hand, Blood Sand Sect was renamed Blood Sea Sect. Due to the deaths of King Dan Guhe and Medicine Emperor Han Feng, the ancestor of Styx was instantly pushed to the cusp of the storm by countless people.

However, the alchemists of the Gamma Empire and the Blackhorn Region confessed that they were unified, and both of them committed suicide.

It has nothing to do with Ancestor Styx!

Who believes it!

But anyway, Chen Xiu is indeed sitting on the throne of the first alchemist in the Gamma Empire.

Although he is now strongly questioned by all parties!

However, these are destined to be small troubles, Chen Xiu did not care, and his next goal is the Black Point!

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