Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 469 The Catastrophe of Canaan!

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As Chen Xiu's right hand was slowly raised above his head, a beam of light shot out directly in his palm!

This beam of light pierced the sky and reached the realm beyond the sky instantly!

Under the stunned gaze of everyone, it seems that there is something behemoth coming here quickly!

It is surrounded by flames, is huge, and under the endless tumbling of falling in the air, it has changed into a huge fireball!

Old Qian Baier stared at everything dumbfounded, "He waved his hand and called the sky fire among the stars. Is this really something human can do?"

"The Styx is indeed a genius of Tianzong. He was imprisoned for three years as a convict, and he was able to create his own heavenly fighting skills!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, can I ask who can do this?!"

"Although the old man is unwilling, he can die well!"

"To see the power of the Heaven-Rank fighting skills, the old man died without regret!"

The elders were all sensational figures when they were young. Who hasn't made a few bold words when they were young?

Heaven-rank fighting skills, even the masters of fighting sages, are very rare, let alone fighting masters, fighting sects.

At present, most of the fighting skills of the heavenly ranks are derived from the inheritance of ancient power.

Nowadays, people don't want to make progress, they always think that the things of ancient masters are the best, and everyone gives up thinking and no longer delves into exercises and fighting skills.

After all, no matter how you study it, it's definitely not as good as the heritage of the ancients. If you have the ability to think, it is better to fight!

But today, a generation of Tianjiao, the ancestor of the Styx, with a guilty body, in prison for three years, he has realized the Heaven-level exercises!

Based on this alone, whether he is a demon or a righteous way, he can be called a peerless genius!


The meteorites outside the sky pass through the atmosphere, and the flames of friction are attached to it, and they are about to approach Canaan College!

The meteorite in the sky is getting bigger and bigger!

The Canaanite students have long since collapsed, and this disaster is inevitable. They are trapped in the Canaan Academy as if they were herds of livestock in captivity.

And the meteorite that is constantly approaching, is like a sharp blade hanging above everyone's head, and it can kill them in an instant!

All the students knelt down to the elders one after another, "Elder, or let's surrender!"

"Yeah, we don't want to die yet, let's surrender!"



"Maybe he is in a good mood and will spare us our lives!"

"Elder Thousand!"

"Hundred Elders!"

"You are not afraid of death, and you have to consider our lives!"

"I still have a sister in my family, I can't die!"



"Surrender, we beg you!"


The great elder Qianlie heard the cries of Wu Mathematics, and instantly let out an angry roar, "Shut up all to me!!!"

A sound wave blasted away, and the whole Canaan College fell silent.

Qianlie looked at Chen Xiu, "As an elite of Canaan College, kneel down and beg for mercy, so what a decent way!"

"Now that the enemy is in the head, you don't want to make progress, but you want to kneel down and beg for mercy. Your bloody nature!"

"What about your backbone! Have you been eaten by dogs?!"

"My Canaanite student, I should show the courage of Canaan, the enemy is now, how can outsiders see the joke!"

"Today, even if it is dead, the children of my Canaan College will stand and die, willing to kneel down and live a dog. My Canaan College has nothing to do with you!"

"Did you hear me clearly, I have no counsels at Canaan College, no softies!"

Elder Qianlie said this while staring at Chen Xiu!

What he said was not only for everyone at Canaan College, but also for Chen Xiu!

This is their spirit, this is their consciousness!

At this moment, the entire Canaan Academy stood up.Watch the Chinese website

One heart!

Everyone raised their arms, thinking about what they did just now, so stupid?

A feeling of shame was instantly swallowed by anger. The enthusiasm in everyone's hearts, the anger in everyone's hearts, all burned!

"Oath to live and die with Canaan!!"

"I would rather stand to die than live on my knees!"

"Oath to live and die with Canaan!!"

"Fight against the water, what is there to fear?"

"Come on, the sky is falling and we are against it, we are the golden generation of Canaan!"


Seeing the fire of hope ignited in the hearts of everyone, Qian Bai Er couldn't help feeling a moment of relief.

"Okay, I swear to live and die with Canaan!!"

With a loud shout, everyone released their fighting skills!

For a time, the colorful fighting spirit vented out, and the ground-level fighting skills, the mysterious-level fighting skills, all attacked the meteorite overhead!

The elders used their last strength, even if they exploded and died, let the stone stop!


All the elders flew up together, and a wave of unprecedented heat spread, almost directly rushing to the elders!

But they gritted their teeth and gnawed their bones, stepping on one by one, and continued to rush forward!

Just use their flesh and blood to stop this mighty power!


The huge meteorite collided with several elders, and the heat wave stirred up in an instant!

The robes of the elders were instantly incinerated into ashes, their skin was burned into carbon, and their flesh and blood were instantly cooked through!

In front of the Heavenly Rank Fighting Skill, they are so vulnerable!

However, in front of the city wall built of flesh and blood, the falling speed of the meteorite was indeed slowed down.

Countless colorful fighting spirits came out, thousands of fighting skills!

Being hit by this fighting skill like a sea of ​​air, even the meteorite outside the sky can't help shaking!

Chen Xiu, who looked down at all of this from a height, only showed a disdainful smile when they resisted, "Floating and shaking the tree."

The fingers were slightly downward, and the huge meteorite seemed to be under certain pressure, and instantly crushed the bodies of the elders!

At that moment, the bodies of the elders.Turned into coke, you can't see that it's a person anymore.

They did it, set an example, the sky fell, they topped!

The end is coming.

game over.

At the last moment, everyone did not give up hope, they are still working hard.

But this was all in vain after all. The meteorite had already broken through all obstacles and fell directly to Canaan College!

A large number of buildings have collapsed, and the size of the meteorite is dozens of times larger than the inner courtyard of Canaan!

The entire inner source of Canaan was shrouded in a huge shadow, and in this way, the fire swallowed everything.


The moment Queen Medusa watched all this came, her eyes were so dreamy.

"The stars in the sky, he can really do it."

The flames were already close to her, and her hands and feet were tied up, and she was about to die under the meteorite like everyone else.

What a ruthless man.

Queen Medusa gave a relieved smile, a little scary, she found that she actually liked Styx a little bit.

What a terrible idea, why would I think so?

Forget it, let this terrible idea of ​​yourself be buried in this sea of ​​flames with yourself.


The huge meteorite crashed to the ground, the flames swallowed the earth, and the boulder razed everything to the ground!

Canaan College was destroyed today!

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