Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 470 The corpse of Mang Tian is here, Chen Xiuhualong!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!On a mountain top, Xiao Xun'er witnessed the entire process of Canaan's fall, covering her mouth with her hand, "Brother Xiao Yan..."

Tears fell on his face, Xiao Yan was already dead.

But she was rescued by her own guard, Ling Ying.

Xiao Xun'er was the daughter of the ancient costume patriarch among the eight ancient clans. She lurked in the Xiao family to obtain the ancient Emperor Tuoshe jade of the Xiao family.

Ling Ying is Xiao Xun'er's guard, but unfortunately, he only has the cultivation base of Dou Huang.

If he were a fighting saint, Dou Zun would not only take Xun'er to run.

He will go directly to Chen Xiu to eliminate the source of his evil!

At this time, Ling Ying knelt beside Xun'er, "Miss, although I know you are very sad, we have to return to the family now."

"We have stayed outside for so long and haven't completed the task. The patriarch is already a bit impatient.

"This time, the family wanted to send someone to take you back, but because of this incident, we now have to return to the family early."

Gu Xun'er slowly wiped away her tears, "I won't let Brother Xiao Yan die unclearly. Even if I try my best with the ancients, I will make Styx pay the price."

Ling Ying breathed a sigh of relief, "Miss, let's go back to the family first. This matter, the patriarch will definitely make the decision for you."

Nodding, Gu Xun'er waved Qianqianyu's hand, "Let's go."


Opening her eyes, Queen Medusa looked at the white sky in surprise.

Above the sky, a map slowly burned.

Queen Medusa felt a pair of powerful arms, and she seemed to be being held!

It seems to be a princess hugging!

Looking at the slowly burning map in the sky, isn't that the map Chen Xiu gave himself?

And it's not right, shouldn't she be crushed to death by a meteorite?

How would it appear here?

Could it be!

Thinking of this, Medusa's pretty face flushed.

Turning her head slowly, Medusa's face instantly stiffened. What she saw was not the handsome face of Chen Xiu.

It was a very tender face, and Zi Yan pouted with a gloomy face, "Go down when you wake up."


The two looked at each other for a while, and finally Medusa took the initiative to leave Zi Yan's embrace.

Happy for nothing.

Queen Medusa sighed and looked around, they seemed to be in a forest.

Zi Yan pointed behind Medusa, "Look over there."

Queen Medusa turned her head suspiciously, and what happened before her almost made her kneel on the ground.

I saw that the original Canaan inner courtyard was gone, and a bumpy boulder hit the position of the inner courtyard.

A power with a thousand years of history, the leader of the Black Horn region with Dou Zun, now it has disappeared without a trace!

Half of the boulder was embedded in the ground, and the surrounding apprentices turned into scorched earth, red and full of cracks.

Within a thousand miles, trees and vegetation turned into ashes, and the land withered and turned into scorched earth.

The scene in front of me was magnificent and turbulent, just like the rage of a god punishing mortals.

On the boulder, a figure carried his hands on his back, and the breeze blew his black hair. He looked up at the sky, as if waiting for something.

Staring at the arrogant figure on the boulder, Queen Medusa couldn't help turning her head in doubt and looked at Zi Yan.

"What is he doing?" 168 novels

Hearing Medusa's words, Zi Yan reluctantly replied: "Brother, he is waiting for someone."

Queen Medusa frowned, "Waiting for someone?"

"Waiting for whom?"

Zi Yan shook her head, "Wait for the person who sealed him back then, yes, it is the dean's grandfather."

Grandpa Dean?

Dean of Canaan College?

Queen Medusa turned her head and continued to stare at Chen Xiu's back, Chen Xiu had put on a brand new robe.

A long hair has also been repaired and turned into a waist length.

The sky at this time was exceptionally clear, which could be called cloudless. Compared with the dim sky when Chen Xiu appeared before, the sky now makes people feel much more comfortable.

But in the next second, raging waves suddenly rolled up in the sky!

"Styghe, you are not dead, ruined my Canaan, and killed my students. The old man is immortal with you today!"


Suddenly a giant hand stretched out from the sky. This giant arm was extremely fast, and the whole body was transparent, as if mist formed!

But Chen Xiu was caught in the blink of an eye!

And Chen Xiu was pinched by this giant hand without any resistance, and on the other side, there was a whirlpool in the atmosphere!

Several lightning bolts converged into the whirlpool in the sky!

But in the blink of an eye, an old man with a pale beard walked out of the whirlpool.

A blue-and-white robe, white hair, and a strong physique, this person is the dean of Canaan College, Man Tianchi!

Dou Zun peak cultivation base, half-step Dou Sheng power!

Chen Xiu died in his hands that year!

Today, a bloody shame!

The corners of Chen Xiu's mouth split open, and her arms shook through these giant hands.

Man Tianchi frowned when he saw this, "You are stronger than three years ago."

Chen Xiu's figure disappeared instantly, and appeared in the air in a blink of an eye. He walked in the air and stood at the same height as Man Tianchi!

Seeing Chen Xiu's actions just now, Man Tianchi couldn't help frowning, "Shuttle through space, fighting the strong. In three years, I didn't expect your strength not only to go backwards, but to advance."

"Hmph, if such a demon is left alone, it will bring disaster to the world, I will seal you for three years, and I will perish Canaan, but I will return a bright future for all beings.

"In the past three years, I have been looking for a way to kill you. It is God's beauty, and I have asked me to save you the enchanting!"

With that said, Man Tianchi instantly drew a red long sword full of show marks from his waist!

"This sword is called Fire Slashing Sword, and it was found by the old man in an ancient tomb. This sword was made by the old enemy of Emperor Tuoshe. It can slash all fires in the world. It is a heavenly weapon!"

"The two kinds of different fires in your body can make your soul immortal and my body immortal, but if I cut your different fires with a single sword, what would you do to be reborn?"

Looking at the self-confident Man Tianchi, Chen Xiu slowly smiled.

"Mang Tianchi, the capabilities of human beings have limits."

"I learned from my short life that the more humans play tricks, the more likely they are to fail because of unexpected things."

"So, it must be a creature beyond human beings."

Chen Xiu's words puzzled Mang Tianchi, "What do you mean, what are you talking about?"

For some reason, Man Tianchi suddenly had an ominous premonition!

I saw Chen Xiu slowly spreading his arms, and a strange black mysterious energy instantly enveloped his body!

"Mang Tianchi, I gave up being a human being!"


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