Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 474 Scourge Legion!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Man Tianchi's fighting energy turned into a different energy and was absorbed by Chen Xiu. In an instant, Chen Xiu became a half-step fighting sage!

And Queen Medusa, who had witnessed all this, didn't know what to say, the man in front of her was too mysterious.

He is like a bottomless abyss. The more you feel that you understand him, the more you can understand.

No one can really understand him.

What a magical man, the corner of Queen Medusa's mouth suddenly made a smile.

Zi Yan stared at Medusa slightly jealous. For some reason, she could always feel a dangerous breath in Medusa!

This is unusual!

Regardless of the two of them, Chen Xiu slowly landed, and all the unowned undead turned into liches at the first thought.

Chen Xiu stood on a high point and slowly raised her right hand.

"Dust-covered warriors, the world has been peaceful for a long time. It is time to sprinkle death and war on the earth. Now, the time is right."

After Chen Xiu's words fell, thousands of witches knelt down, "Kill, catastrophe, death, follow the order of my lord!" xN

Shouting and killing, Chen Xiu raised a big banner, "With this, the mainland belongs to me!"


Six months passed in a flash.

In the past six months, the mainland has been in a panic. Everyone has been busy since ancient times, and the war has spread endlessly!

Starting from Canaan College, an army called the Scourge has swept across the world!

Pointe-Noire Region was the first to suffer, and overnight, all the cities in the entire Pointe-Noire Region turned into dead cities.

Wherever the Scourge has gone, there is no grass, no life!

Those who died in the hands of the Scourge will also be transformed into immortal liches and join them!

After the resurrection, they are stronger, not only their strength is more enhanced, but their bodies are immortal and incorruptible!

It's like a snowball. Everyone killed by the Scourge will join the Scourge.

In this way, the Scourge swept away in all directions, and Chen Xiu selected the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to command the four war zones!

The first to suffer was the Blackhorn Region, and then the Gama Empire!

The only one who survived was only one force, the Blood Sea Sect!

It turned out that all these wars were caused by the supreme evil ancestor Styx who died three years ago!

Now he has come back from the dead, with great skill, and the Scourge Corps under his men has swept the Quartet!

Bring war, death, plague, and famine to the entire vindictive continent!

After rebirth, the ancestor of Styx also took the initiative to stand up, calling himself the Lord of Death, the King of the Undead.

With a wave of his hand, all the alchemists of the Gamma Empire can take refuge in him!

This is what he had planted long ago!

Without the supply of alchemists, the Gamma Empire could not become an army. Under the leadership of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the capital city was breached in a blink of an eye, and the king's head was taken!

Since then, a new era has begun!

A frightening, a turbulent, a good time!

The Gamma Empire also ushered in its new master, Chen Xiu ascended to the throne and directly transformed the Gamma Empire into a kingdom of undead with a wave of hands!

The number of Scourge Legions has skyrocketed again, and Chen Xiu's strength is also increasing day by day, and he is about to break through the realm of Dousheng!

Now, his magical power is in the world, and no one dares to stop it anymore!

But in the Yunlanzong today, the water that was surrounded by the natural disaster army was already impenetrable.

Hundreds of Douhuang strong, dozens of Douzong strong, four Douzun strong!

Now that they have all gathered above the Yunlanzong, they have released a strong pressure, making the Yunlanzong disciples all five-body cast, and they can't lift their heads!Qishuw

Some have even been crushed into the floor, and now their bodies are bloody!

Even Yunshan was the same, he knelt on the ground, his pupils kept trembling, and an unprecedented fear spread to his heart.

Ta Ta Ta!

There was a sound of footsteps, Yunshan lowered his head, he could only see this person wearing a pair of black dragon-pattern boots.

"Look up, Yunshan, remember what I said to you?" A familiar voice came from above.

Yunshan suddenly felt the pressure on his body lighten, but he did not dare to raise his head!

"Let it go, let me go, please, I can give you Yun Lanzong, I can give you whatever you want!"

"Please, please forgive me, Yun Yun, by the way, I can let Yun Yun marry you!"

Yun Shan was already in a hurry to go to the doctor at this time, his voice was trembling, and his eyes looked randomly.

But Chen Xiu ignored what he said, "I make you look up."

Hearing Chen Xiu's words again, Yunshan gritted his teeth, raised his head, and forced a smile, "Please, please forgive me."

Seeing Yunshan's face, Chen Xiu suddenly felt sick.

With black hair and cloak, Chen Xiu slowly stretched out a finger and hit his forehead directly.


The blood spewed, Yunshan's head was instantly exploded, and the brain mixed with blood all splashed onto the face of the disciple behind.

Chen Xiu turned and danced in the blood-colored robe, and then a cold voice came, "Kill, don't leave one."


Among the former royal family of the Gamma Empire, Chen Xiu sat on the throne for some reason.There was a heavy snowfall in the sky.

The entire Gama Empire gradually cooled down, and the throne that Chen Xiu sat on gradually became an ice chair.

Perhaps he can call the Lich King with a sword now.

Holding the sorrow of refreshing and the joy of fire, oh, how fresh.

Looking at the little doctor next to her, Chen Xiu gently took off her veil, but the little doctor did not resist, instead she was shy.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Xiu's mouth, and she slowly raised Xiao Yixian's chin with her fingers, "You did a good job, let's talk, what reward do you want?"

The little doctor fairy showed a shy look, "I think..."


It was pitch black, and he couldn't see his fingers, Xiao Yan had lost consciousness.

A faint voice was calling his name softly.

"Xiao Yan."

"Xiao Yan."

"Little Yanzi!"

"Little Yanzi!!"

Suddenly opening his eyes, Xiao Yan realized that the scene in front of him was a little unexpected, "Am I in hell?"

Yao Lao on the side covered his face, "You have been sleeping for six or seven months."

Xiao Yan was shocked when he heard Yao Lao's words, "Six or seven months, no!"

After looking at the surroundings, it was pitch black and I couldn't see anything, and I seemed to be sitting on some kind of entity.

Elder Yao manifested from the side, "Fortunately, the red lotus karma fire protected your soul and healed your body for the teacher."

"By the way, you can feel it, you are a blessing in disguise."

Hearing Yao Lao's words, Xiao Yan did feel something different, stretched out his right hand, and a burst of flames rose!

Xiao Yan's pupils flashed a golden light instantly, "This is, a new strange fire!"

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