Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 475: The Prospect of Doom

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Teacher, what happened afterwards?" Xiao Yan was still a little confused. He only remembered what Queen Medusa seemed to say at the moment when he released the strange fire.

And he felt a devastating temperature in an instant, and then he lost consciousness.

In the end what happened?

Xiao Yan's consciousness has always been blank, and he has not fully recovered until now.

Elder Yao didn't seem to know what happened, "It should be that you used a different fire to anger the Falling Heart Flame that was sealed under the Heavenly Burning Gas Refining Tower, causing it to erupt."

"As for the next thing, then I don't know."

"However, your kid can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. Not only did you surrender a strange fire, but your cultivation level also directly spanned two large sections."

Hearing Yao Lao's words, Xiao Yan's vindictive energy instantly turned, and he felt the power gushing out of his body!

Xiao Yan could feel that his own grudge inflated dozens of times!

"I turned out to be the King of Dou!"

"Across two ranks, from Da Dou Master to Dou Ling to Dou Wang!"

Seeing Xiao Yan's excitement, Yao Lao smiled and shook his head, "Because you have absorbed Meteor Heart Yan, the vindictive energy that it has gathered for thousands of years will naturally be absorbed by you."

"Although, it seems that someone has snatched a wave before you, but the remaining grudge still allows you to cross two big tiers."

Xiao Yan nodded, "But teacher, where are we now?"

"Could it be that the Tianburn gas refining tower collapsed, and then we were crushed under it?"

Old Yao nodded, "If it collapses, it must have collapsed, and you are indeed crushed underneath."

Xiao Yan covered his face, "That said, it's so thankful that I was not suffocated to death."

"Forget it, no matter how much it is, since I have got a new kind of fire again, I will use the Buddha's anger to blow up a way out!"

"Just try the power of the new fire!"

While talking, Falling Heart Flame, Illusion Sea Heart Flame, Red Lotus Karma Fire, Bone Spirit Cold Fire, Qinglian Earth Heart Fire.

The five flames all emerged, and Xiao Yan began to slowly try to fuse the five flames together.

Yao Lao on the side looked at Xiao Yan's more proficient technique and couldn't help but nodded, "It seems that Xiao Yanzi hasn't stopped moving since he fell asleep."

Golden red, blue, white, blood, cyan, five colors slowly gathered into a lotus flower.

Xiao Yan leaped into the air, and after finding a good distance, he shot a Buddha's anger lotus at the top of his head!


A huge explosion sounded, and the heavy object on top was instantly exploded, and Xiao Yan jumped out along the gap in an instant.

The moment he first came out, Xiao Yan was stupid.

The glorious Canaan College in his memory is now gone!

Yes, Canaan College has become a pile of ruins!

What happened here?

Xiao Yan now thought of Xun'er!

"No, where is Kaoru?"

"What happened? Who can tell me what happened?!"

Xiao Yan now desperately wanted to know an answer. He was so fast that he rushed out.

There was a scorched earth within a thousand li, the trees turned into ashes and the ground was dry and cracked. All this is an oath that there was a big battle here.

After the party for half a day, Xiao Yan discovered that the Warcraft Forest, which was originally isolated from the inner and outer courtyards, had been burned clean.Tutufei Novel Network

Even the monsters in it were all strangled to death.

When he came to the outer courtyard, the place was also in ruins. Xiao Yan didn't see anyone who could catch his breath all the way.

At this time, Old Yao slowly flew out, "The aura remaining here is very strange, not like an ordinary fighting spirit, but more like a kind of evil spirit."

Xiao Yan nodded absent-mindedly. He just wants to make sure that Xun'er's situation is still safe.

Xiao Yan now desperately wants to find someone who knows the truth and tell him what is going on here?

In this way, it was another half day's journey until night fell before Xiao Yan came to the Black Point Region.

It's weird. There is no living person in the Blackhorn area. What's more terrifying is that there is not even a corpse!

The black angle domain sky is still black, and the already suppressed atmosphere is even more frightened against the darkness.

Xiao Yan was now more and more frightened, who was it, who did it all?



At this moment, there was a sudden call for help from a distance.

Xiao Yan opened his Ziyun wings instantly after hearing this, and flew over with the momentum of thunder.

Through the layers of buildings, the buildings of the Black Point domain still exist.

I saw in the distance, a person, neither ghost nor ghost, was wearing an armor, carrying a long sword and chasing a little boy!

That thing has no face, and its body seems to be gathered from a black mist.

As soon as Xiao Yan met, without saying anything, it was a small fire lotus, which directly destroyed the ghost and soul.

When Xiao Yan landed, the little boy beside him looked stupid.

Turning to look at the little boy, Xiao Yan's emotions agitated instantly when he saw a living person.

He looked at the little boy, "What the hell happened here? Why was Canaan College destroyed?"

"Why did Blackhorn domain become like this? Who did it?"

Xiao Yan had too many questions, and the little boy didn't know what to answer first. He could only hold his head and his legs trembling constantly.

Three years ago, his father took him to Black Point in order to avoid his enemies. In these three years, he has witnessed the darkness of people's hearts.

But what happened afterwards, these were nothing more than a little trouble.

"Big, everyone is dead..." the little boy lowered his head and said.

Xiao Yan also realized that he had asked too much, "Then, who killed them?"

The little boy seemed very reluctant to recall this past event, "Yes, it is the Scourge. They carry death and plague like crows, and instantly erode the entire Blackhorn area."

"Everyone revolted. At first, the Scourge failed to form an army. Everyone in the Black Point region united to kill the enemy bravely."

"But, no matter how much we kill, it's useless. Every time a companion falls, a new natural disaster soldier will stand up."

"They can't kill them, they will only get stronger and stronger, everyone will die, you will die, and I will die."

"The entire Gama Empire has been occupied by natural disasters to the Legion. In this world, we might as well commit suicide."

"My father hid me in a cabinet. I witnessed my father's death by a thousand swords and finally became a member of the Scourge. I can't stand it anymore."

The little boy looked crazy and wanted to kill himself with a knife, but Xiao Yan instantly grabbed his wrist.

"Death is the most cowardly choice. In the face of war, it is the coward who commits suicide and the hero who died in the battle. Your father was willing to save his life to save you. Are you doing this to him?"

"There are still great years, 30 years in Hedong, and 30 years in Hexi, you still have a chance for revenge!"

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