Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 483 The Four Saints Join Hands!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The sky thunder rolled, hitting above the water, splashing waves.

The sky that had been dyed red by Chen Xiu's grudge was also covered by dark clouds.

Under the dim sky, even the sea water began to become deeper and darker.

The Four Saints slowly approached this dark island. From a distance, the island looked like a small continent.

And on these small continents, there seemed to be the shadow of a giant tree, and something seemed to be roaring under the trance.

Slowly approaching this island, everything in front of me becomes clearer, as if the island itself will shine.

Although the sky was dim and the sea was turbid and dim, they could clearly see the appearance of the island when the mist in front of them was removed.

The figure of the sea-covered saint slowly fell from the sky and stood directly on the water.

Suddenly, the turbulent sea calmed down instantly.

Chen Xiu and the three also fell to the sea, and saw the sea-covering saint walking on the sea, slowly approaching the island.

Looking across the face of Yufeng Ancient Sage, Chen Xiu suddenly asked a question abruptly, "If there are such two creatures in the world, one is called angels, they will always stand on the side of justice."

"The other is called demons. They will always stand on the side of evil."

"And one day, both the angel and the demon fell in love with a girl, and both said they would protect her for the rest of their lives.

"But people say that this girl is a disaster star, so the angel decided to kill her. The angel said, for everyone, I'm sorry."

"Knowing the angel's decision, the devil has already killed everyone in front of the angel. At this time, the devil said that they must die for you."

Facing Chen Xiu's sudden words, Hongtian Lingsheng was unclear, and Yufeng Ancient Sage was the same.

"Hyun brother, what do you want to say?"

Chen Xiu lowered her head and smiled, "I mean, angels and demons, if you are asked to choose one, then which one do you choose?"

Perhaps this is a familiar question, but Yufeng Old Sage heard it for the first time.

Maybe many people will choose the devil, after all, do they prefer love?

Hongtian Lingsheng nodded with half-knowledge on the side, "Well, that demon is also a generation of heroes, for a woman to dare to be an enemy of everyone."

"So if I choose, I should choose the devil."

Looking at the ancient sage Yufeng, Chen Xiu was waiting for his answer.

Yufeng Old Sage didn't seem to need to think about the concept of good and evil at all. He opened his mouth and said, "I don't choose either. Angels are not good, demons are not evil. Everything is right or wrong."

Maybe many people will choose the devil, after all, they prefer it, but have you ever thought about it.

Do you think you are the girl in the story?

No, actually you are just those who were killed by the devil.

Chen Xiu nodded slowly, "Perfect answer, as expected of Big Brother."

At this time, he returned his gaze to the body of the Great Sage Covering the Sea.

At this time, the Great Sage Covering the Sea had already touched the edge of the island, but he was hesitant to go to the island.

With doubts, the three of them watched the Great Sage Fu Hai spinning around the place repeatedly.

Then put his hands on the air, in front of him, as if there was a transparent wall blocking his way.

I saw the sea-covering saint frowning, "I don't believe it!"

Slowly raising both arms, two giant hands rose in the waves!Dushuci Novel Network

The Great Sage Laying on the sea stepped on his foot and put on a posture of accumulating energy, and then suddenly bombarded the wall with his hands!

At the same time, the giant hands formed by the two huge waves bombarded the transparent wall!


The giant hand formed by the huge wave touched it and was instantly shattered.

Under the splash of the sea, the attack of the sea-covering saint just now was like pouring a glass of water on the glass.

But this time, everyone can see clearly, the entire island is covered by a layer of light film.

It was because of this layer of light film that they couldn't see the whole picture of the island.

The sea-covering great sage turned around slowly, and then jumped back to the people and said: "The whole island is covered by a certain defensive formation. I can't move 90% of my strength. Shake it up."

"The person who can lay down this formation is definitely not a fighting saint. If you now say that this is really the legendary Fusang Island, then I believe it."

Hongtian Lingsheng was also embarrassed when he heard the words of the Great Lord Covering the Sea, "But this is not a question of whether we believe it or not. The question is, if the strength of the four of us can't shake the cover?"

"Then what should I do?"

Yes, how can this be good, do they know that the Doudi’s remains are in front of them, but they let them go?

Naturally not!

Hongtian Lingsheng was the first to stand up, "No matter what, our four brothers should try it first, right?"

"With the strength of our Four Saints, I don't believe that this small formation cannot be broken."

The four of them looked at each other, then nodded, and the sea-covering saint instantly threw off his sea-blue robe.

The upper body was naked, revealing a layer of chest muscles covered by dragon scales, and the sea-covered saint grinned, "Well, in that case, the four of us will take one side each, and then we will attack at the same time under the name of me shaking the sea!"

Chen Xiu nodded, "Well, I observed this circle. The position in the West is the strongest, and it is the territory of the Golden Wind, so there is a big brother for you to break it."

Ancient Sage Yufeng nodded, "Yes."

Looking at Hongtian Lingsheng, Chen Xiu continued: "The East is a genus of plants and trees, and the third brother is of a spirit clan. The wood is more vindictive than ours. Therefore, you are the one who will break the position of the East."

Hongtian Lingsheng took out a fan from his arms and slightly instigated him, "Small, I haven't practiced thousands of fighting skills in the wood system, but I have hundreds of them. These are all things."

Nodded, and then looked at the sea-covering great sage, "The north is a water family. You must be my brother in this position. After all, among us, there is no water family grudge."

The Great Sage Covering the Sea grinned, "Don't worry, Brother Xian, above the blue sea, this is also my natural home field. It's easy to break it."

Finally, after allocating everyone's whereabouts, Chen Xiu stood indifferently.

"The south is a fire genus. Although a few of the different fires of the wise brother have been given away, the problem is not big."

The bone spirit was cold and fired and gave it to the medicine clan.

Huanhai Xinyan and Qinglian Earth Heart Fire were given to Yan Clan.

Honglian Yehuo gave Xiao Yan, while Chen Xiu only left a Nanming Lihuo.

Although Chen Xiu's distribution was reasonable and unreasonable, the only thing that was unreasonable was himself.

He can say that he has no grudge, or he has all the attributes.

Otherworldly energy can adapt to all fighting qi techniques. Chen Xiu said that he is fire qi or fire qi, and that he is water qi or water qi.

All by his heart.

In this way, everyone dispersed, Chen Xiu slowly opened his arms, and the dragon king's martial soul and the Suzaku's martial soul were possessed at the same time!

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