Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 484 Flames Falling From The Sky!

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A layer of black flame burned, and the dragon king's martial soul and the Suzaku's martial soul possessed at the same time!

As a rule-breaking existence, Chen Xiu is not bound by rules.

Who said that a person can only use one Wuhun at a time?

One hundred spirits of his can possess a body, at most, the flow of his spirit power will increase a hundred times.

A layer of black armor slowly merged with the blood-colored robe. Chen Xiu's long hair seemed to have changed to Feng Ling, but it appeared a colorless black.

The dragon claws on both hands became longer and sharper, and three pairs of wings grew behind them.

Two pairs of black dragon wings resembling bat wings, and one with gorgeous red feather wings.

The three pairs of wings seem to be a lot more, but it doesn't matter much.

Stretching out his hand, Chen Xiu could feel a very thin element of fire.

No way, above the sea, there are too few fire anger that can be mobilized by Chen Xiu.

However, in fact, Chen Xiu didn't want to break this hood with fire vindictiveness.

I saw him slowly twisting his neck, the Dragon God nine changes, the first one!

Double power.

Nine changes of Dragon God, second change!

Quadruple force.

Nine changes in the Dragon God, the third change!

Eightfold power.

Nine changes of Dragon God, fourth change!

Sixteen times the force.

Dragon God Nine Changes, Fifth Change!

Thirty-two times the power.

Nine changes of Dragon God, sixth change!

Sixty-four times the force.

Nine changes of Dragon God, seventh change!

One hundred and twenty-eight times the power.

The seven changes started in an instant, and Chen Xiu instantly felt that the flesh and blood of her whole body would be torn apart!

It's hard to imagine the feeling that the internal organs will be torn to pieces in an instant, even a physical body of his level can't hold it.

Without this powerful body, even if it is the third change, he can't handle the fourth change!

Feeling the sensation of this muscle being stretched, as if to be torn by it at any time, Chen Xiu grinned.

"It's not over yet."

"Xuan-level low-level fighting skills, tiger and lion power!"

"Xuan-level low-level fighting skills, rock body!"

"Mysterious rank middle extreme fighting skill, nine-strength strength!"


"Earth-level Intermediate Fighting Skill, Shaking the Sky!"

"Earth-level advanced fighting skills, double dragons together!"

"Heaven-level low-level fighting skills, Wanjun Thunder Emperor!"

About twenty more augmented form fighting skills were used, and Chen Xiu's current feeling was just sour.

He felt that he could now kill a Doudi with one punch!

Dragging the pain throughout his body, Chen Xiu slowly waved his arm. In an instant, the space in front of him was instantly opened!

Chen Xiu's arm was like a knife, just slid in the air with his hand, but it directly cut the space!

The space in front of her was cut apart, and Chen Xiu tried to retract her right hand, but a new piece of space was cut apart by it.

Fortunately, the space is self-repairing, otherwise those mighty can tear the space every day, and the sky would be full of holes.


At this moment, the sea suddenly churns up, and a huge wave is set off in an instant, covering the entire Fusang Island!

Chen Xiu came back to his senses, he knew that this was the signal from the Great Sage of the Sea.

However, unlike what was said at the beginning, the Great Sage Fuhai gave the signal, but Chen Xiu stood indifferently.51 Aesthetic Novels

At the same time, the other three parties.

Using his strongest fighting skill, Tornado, the Great Sage of the Sea Covered, all his grudge was vented onto this layer of light film in an instant!

On the other side, Hongtian Lingsheng used the secret method of the spirit race to urge the two qi of blue and red, and turned into thousands of colorful butterflies, and instantly launched a storm-like attack on this layer of light film!

In the face of the attacks of these two people, this layer of light film did not fluctuate at all. Their attacks seemed to be scraping, which did not have any effect on this layer of cover.

Logically speaking, if it is really a full blow from the four fighting saints, not to mention breaking the magic circle, it should be somewhat fluctuating.

What exactly is going on?

At this time, located in the north of the island, Yufeng Ancient Sage, with his hands on his back, hovering in the sky, quietly watching the light film.

"It's almost there." x2

Standing on the other side, Chen Xiu slowly raised his right hand, and Yufeng Old Sage also slowly raised his right hand.

Seeing Yufeng Old Sage stretched out a finger, his own grudge seemed to have gathered on this finger, and the ring finger of his right hand became more and more shiny.

"Tai Xu pointed out."

When the words fell, the light from the fingertips turned into points of light, which instantly penetrated the light film in front of him.

A large number of broken marks slowly emerged and began to spread quickly.

Shaking his head, Old Sage Yufeng looked at the scene in front of him with some regret, "Hey."

On the other half, Chen Xiu tore a space between his hands, and then fisted with his right hand directly on the light film!


As soon as it fell, the light film was instantly punched through, and a large number of cracks began to spread.

This layer of energy light film in front of me is full of cracks in an instant!

Yufeng Old Sage still has some doubts, why is the light film shattering so fast?

It seems a bit unreasonable. If it's just his side, it should be a minute.

But I just smashed the light film in front of me. It hasn't been 30 seconds, why the light film is full of cracks?

Some doubts, Yufeng Ancient Sage didn't think that the two of Hongtian Lingsheng and the Great Sage could shake the light film.

It seems that there is only Fengtian Blood Saint.

Forget it, it makes sense.

With a bang, the light film in front of me shattered instantly!

A layer of black fog dispersed, the scene in front of him suddenly became clear, and the prosperous landforms on the island instantly appeared before everyone.

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, the grasses and trees come to life, white clouds and mists are scattered everywhere, and a large number of spirit beasts live freely in this land.

Located in the center of the island, it is a huge ancient tree.

This ancient tree is terrifyingly high, straight to the sky, and has even pierced through the clouds.

Vaguely you can see that something seems to be crying on this ancient tree.

The four slowly walked into it, and everything in front of them was like a fairyland.

Chen Xiu lifted the spirit possession and a bunch of amplification effects, and the sea-covering great sage and Hongtian Lingsheng didn't think much.

Just simply thought that the four people worked together to shatter the light film.

Flying to the sky over Fusang Island, the Great Sage Covering the Sea raised his head and looked at the ancient tree through the sky, "Is this the legendary hibiscus tree?"

Looking at the top of the tree, there seemed to be these nine fruits on the top of the tree, red like fire, huge.

Hongtian Lingsheng just wanted to sigh that it deserves to be a sacred tree, and the fruits of the connection are so big, it must be some kind of treasure, not as good as us...

But before he could speak, the fruit in his mouth swooped over at a missile-like speed in the next second!


A layer of flames attached to it, and in an instant, this prosperous land instantly burned!

The fresh grass buds withered instantly, and a golden flame ignited instantly above the giant tree!

Under the shock of the sea-covering great sage, he quickly pulled Hongtian Lingsheng back!

"Quickly avoid it, this is a strange fire!"

Chen Xiu and Yufeng Ancient Sage flashed fast, while Hongtian Lingsheng was almost swallowed by this golden flame.

Slightly calmed down, the huge fireball that fell from the sky didn't seem to land, but instead floated in the air.

Chen Xiu suddenly felt it at this time, something in her wrist was faintly agitated.

The smell of this flame is so familiar.

At this moment, Chen Xiu suddenly thought of something!

His pupils couldn't help but widen a bit, "Could it be!"

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