Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 490 I'm All Remembered!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"My son, help!"

With a loud shout, a small figure rushed out instantly!

It is a person with two steamers, three heads and six arms, and five weapons in his hands!

In an instant it reached the halberd that Chen Xiu was holding!

And Chen Xiu grinned, not retreating but advancing, "I have to be embarrassed to take out this kind of scrap iron!"

"Nine styles of killing gods, second style, chasing souls!"

The halberd dance in Chen Xiu's hand instantly engulfed a layer of blood, and he slammed his head down and only heard a loud noise!

The long spear in the hands of the three-headed and six-armed little baby broke off, and his expression collapsed in an instant, "No, my fire-tip spear!"

Without giving him a chance to react, Chen Xiu turned his wrist with a halberd and patted it horizontally, directly on his stomach!

A terrible force directly shot the little baby in front of him, and there was no trace of time!

But Chen Xiu's eyes flashed blood and he moved faster. The halberd instantly danced a moon wheel. In an instant, a red line appeared on the general's neck with the tower.

His eyes widened and he couldn't help covering his neck with his hands, but the moment he touched his neck with his hands.

His head has already left the body.

Looking back at the heavenly soldiers, now there are only a group of remnants left.

A breath of blood was faintly filled, and in an instant millions of heavenly soldiers disappeared.

Chen Xiu appreciated everything in front of him, as if he was appreciating a piece of art, "It's so beautiful."


At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from a distance!

Chen Xiu's eyes were widened, and his consciousness was completely let go, and another person came about one hundred and eight thousand miles away.

No, it looks like a monkey, forget it, stay far away.


An air-breaking sound came from behind his ears instantly, and although a strong wind had not yet arrived, it had already swept Chen Xiu's ears!


Turning around in an instant, lay the halberd in front of him, before he could make an extra response, an iron rod had already hit him!

How could it be possible that it was still ten thousand miles away just now!




There was a huge force from the iron rod, and Chen Xiu used the halberd to carry the blow, but the force of the counter shock directly slapped him to the ground!

In a blink of an eye, Chen Xiu's body flew upside down like a bullet, "Who am I? It turns out that Bi Ma Wen is back."

Turning and standing in the air, Chen Xiu faced the monkey again.

Chain gold armor, lotus root silk stepping clouds, phoenix wings purple gold crown, holding a 13500 jin iron rod in his hand.

"Who did you say is Bi Ma Wen!" The monkey seemed to be angry.

Chen Xiu grinned, "It's useless to say more, that bald donkey is not dead yet, shouldn't you go to learn the scriptures at this time?"

The monkey was a little bit blasted, "We said it five hundred years ago, you help me out, we blasted Lingshan together, but you counted my grandson!"

Chen Xiu waved his hand, "Didn't the three statues and the big bald donkey go to grab the body together, why don't you blow up Lingshan by yourself?"

Listening to Chen Xiu's words, the prowling monkey was even more angry. "Wudao's hiss is already out of breath. The three corpses are not together. What did he use to fight the big bald donkey!"

Chen Xiu waved her hand, "Then don't come to me, after all, I'm just a big Luo Jinxian."

Lin Wuxian on the side slowly retracted the Chaos Clock at this time, "Blood Baby, you don't go, when the three are gathered together, you and I can't go if you want to go!"

Chen Xiu arched his hands, "Great Sage, this is the case. The battle to cut the sky was successful, but it is a pity that the main body's plan is missing. When I return from cultivation, I will definitely fulfill the agreement."

After speaking, without waiting for any reaction from the monkey, Chen Xiu and Wuxian glanced at each other and disappeared instantly.

The monkey reacted at this moment, "My old grandson believes you a ghost!"

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Return to the extreme of the West, the border of the Zhongzhou land, the place guarded by the white tiger and beast!

Although Bai Hu had been killed by Chen Wudao.

In this way, Chen Xiu and Lin Wuxian pierced through the prehistoric barrier without any hindrance, and at the same time they used force to tear open the passage left by the body.

Lin Wuxian looked at Chen Xiu, "Although you and I have never dealt with you, I have to admit that I like you a little bit better than the guy who I am, corpse."

Chen Xiu unconsciously showed a sneer, "The three corpses each account for the three cost sources, and the id has gained the legacy of the ontology, and now has the four cost sources."

"If you and I see him again, I will definitely not be his opponent, so become one with me, Wuxian!"


Killing God's Halberd shot instantly, Lin Wuxian did not expect that Chen Xiu would stabbed in the back at this moment!

"You, blood baby, you are!"

Lin Wuxian's pupils widened, and he looked at Chen Xiu in disbelief!

On the palm of Chen Xiu's right hand, a black hole suddenly condensed, "You have guessed what I want to do, right?"

"Three corpses in one, become Dao corpse, I will no longer be a wicked corpse of Chen Wudao, I will be a brand new existence!"

"For my plan, I'm sorry, I will kill you first, and then I will find the self!"

A swallowing force came out from his palm, and Lin Wuxian gritted his teeth and instantly let out a painful roar!


"Blood baby!"

"I should have thought about it a long time ago. With the inheritance of the ancient Demon God Emperor Ni, you must have the idea of ​​fusing the three corpses!"

The corners of Chen Xiu's mouth slowly rose, "Now you know, it's a pity that it's too late. I obediently blend into my body. You and I are one!"

The black hole in his palm was getting bigger and bigger, and Lin Wudao's body instantly turned into a black mist and was sucked into him by Chen Xiu!

A powerful primordial force instantly filled Chen Xiu's body, "Hahaha, in this way, as long as you find the self, then I will be the new Chen Wudao!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came into my mind, "Do you think you really won?"

"Blood baby, since you cross the river and demolish the bridge first, don't blame me for breaking the net!"

not good!

He is blew his soul!

Chen Xiu has sucked Lin Wuxian's soul into his body, and now he has no other choice!

Use the law of devouring to swallow his soul!



When the illusion ended, Chen Xiu opened his eyes and all his memories were restored.

However, he seemed a bit too deep into the play just now, and the assimilation ability of the illusion was so strong that it made him forget that he was in the illusion.

Holding the God-killing halberd, Chen Xiu slowly stood up, and in front of her was a huge crystal palace.

And he seemed to have stepped on the floor of the Crystal Palace, and there were also two people who opened their eyes in a daze.

The Hongtian Spiritual Saint and the Great Master Covering the Sea, they also came in.

But the only strange thing is that Yufeng Ancient Sage is gone!

Chen Xiu glanced, he had already remembered that this crystal palace was actually the back hand left by the main body in the three thousand small worlds.

The halberd that she had lost was also among them, and thanks to the secret realm here, Chen Xiu finally recovered her lost memory.

Back then, the soul of the good corpse did not hesitate to break the net with Chen Xiuyu, and was unwilling to fulfill his wish of the three corpses.

At the end of the day, Chen Xiu swallowed the soul of the good corpse.

But the shock of the soul did not disappear. The powerful soul impact made him lose his memory, and the soul of the good corpse did not completely die.

Fortunately, there was only a pile of debris left in the good corpse's soul, and although his soul was shrinking at the time, the skinny camel was bigger than a horse.

The soul of the corpse was eventually swallowed by Chen Xiu.

But these are not important anymore.

"I, I finally found you!"

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