Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 491 Origin (1)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Legend has it that a long time ago, there was a great god who opened the sky with one force, with the palms supporting the sky and the feet as the ground.

The sky is one foot high, and the earth is thick, and the god is also one foot high every day, until 125,964 years later.

The heaven and the earth were stable, and the giant god fell exhausted, and the axe in his hand and the lotus platform under his feet shattered and scattered in the wasteland.

Although the giant god is dead, its backbone still supports the world, and later generations will call him Zhoushan.

It is the backbone of the heaven and the earth, where the essence of the Shenzhou Continent lies. Of course, there are many names here. The Pangu Continent and the Primordial Continent are what it is now.

And after thousands of years of wind and rain, a plume of purple air between heaven and earth suddenly realized the source of the great avenue, and became the first creature in heaven and earth.

He called himself the ancestor of Hongjun, and he was the first creature in the world.

At the same time, a flag descended from the sky, and heaven rewarded one's work. This was transformed by the axe used by the great god Pangu when he opened the sky and the earth.

The name is Pangu banners.

The ancestor Hongjun took over the treasure and yearned for the avenue even more for a while, hoping to get a glimpse of what the avenue was.

Why are there roads and roads in everything, what is it?

Is it possible to know the truth of the world only by knowing what Tao is?

The avenue is fifty, the sky is forty-nine, so go to one of them, then what is the one?

In this way, the first seeker of Taoism was born, and the ancestor Hongjun traveled around the Chinese mainland as the first person in the world.

Everything made him feel fresh, but he quickly got tired of it.

Because apart from him, there are no other creatures on the mainland.

Until, he met that person.

One day, the old white-browed Taoist suddenly found the ancestor Hongjun, saying that he was the number one in the world and was too arrogant.

The ancestor Hongjun was very excited when he first saw a living being. His words showed off and showed contempt for this old saying.

Until this old white eyebrow said his identity, he was the same as Pangu, the demon god who controlled the space when the chaos was not open.

Yangmei ancestor.

Hongjun didn't believe it, and even ridiculed Yangmei's ancestor.

Yangmei was angry, and immediately pulled out a willow branch from his sleeve, and Hongjun also released his precious Pangu banner.

In his eyes, holding this treasure in his hand, who is his opponent in the world?

Today, he paid the price for his arrogance.

The ancestor Yangmei gave Hongjun a lesson severely. The ancestor Hongjun lost very thoroughly, and he did not have any power to fight back!

The ancestor of Yangmei stroked his long beard, and Xiao Hongjun was an ignorant child.

"First there was Hongjun, and then there were days. I was a thousand years earlier than Hongjun, and Lu Yi was ahead of me."

The ancestor of Yangmei broke the secret in a single word. Before the chaos was opened, there were three thousand demon gods who controlled three thousand laws.

Pangu was the demon of power, and he held two pieces of chaos to open the sky with one force. The three thousand demon gods in order to prevent him from breaking through the chaos, finally died under Pangu.

But among them, most of the Chaos Demon Gods have left behind. Among them, the ancestor of Yangmei is like this.

The same was true for Lu Ya, the demon of fire, even thinking for a long time, so that he was the first to condense his physical body after opening the sky.

In this way, the ancestors of Yangmei and the ancestors of Hongjun became feuds, and in this passing it was countless Yuanhui.

The creatures between heaven and earth gradually increased.

After the ancestor Hongjun, the second incarnation called himself Patriarch Luohu, and at the same time he also realized a way completely different from the ancestor Hongjun.

Later, there were more and more creatures, Hongjun sat on the stage to preach, and Luo Hui did the same, but the ways they explained were completely

Therefore, Hongjun's words, "Three thousand Taoism, all can be proved." It is just before and after.

The ancestor Hongjun said that his Tao can perceive the Tao faster, and the ancestor Luo Hu said that his Tao is the right way, and it can lead to the Tao faster than the ancestor Hongjun.

The so-called Dao is different and not conspiring, the two have fought each other for countless Yuanhui.

During this period, the remnant thoughts of the three thousand demon gods turned into the beasts of heaven and earth, which caused a calamity of the beasts.

The acquired creatures rose up to resist. Among them, Luo Hu and Hongjun were the leaders. This battle also established the status of the two.

After that, the dragon, phoenix, and qilin clan rose.

Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shiqilin, the three tribes that separate the sky, the earth, and the sea, are collectively called the current overlords.

And the manifestation of the saints of heaven, for the first time showed signs of immeasurable calamity.

As people with the highest level of understanding of Taoism, the ancestors of Luohu and Hongjun both understand that the three clans are coming.

At the same time, the first immeasurable calamity will also come, and the first calamity of the three plagues should come.

The three plagues are wind, flood, and fire.

The wind disaster is torn apart, and the endless expansion of the space torn by Pangu will not stop. One day, the whole world will be crushed to pieces instantly like being torn by the wind.

Therefore, the ancestor Luohu and the ancestor Hongjun put aside their prejudices and jointly called the world's creatures together to block the expansion of the great world!

And the Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix is ​​exactly the harbinger of the beginning of the first disaster!

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the dragon and phoenix tribes to have conflicts, and the Qilin tribe also participated in it, and a battle intensified!

But the ancestor Hongjun and the ancestor Luohu ignored the battle.

Dedicated to the process of resisting the wind disaster, the two finally failed to work out how to prevent the space from tearing after thousands of years.

In the end, in desperation, they had no choice but to transfer this uninterrupted space-opening force to other places in order to stop the prehistoric expansion.

The ancestor Hongjun frowned on this, he had no idea how to transfer this force.

Until one day, while traveling the mainland, he came across an ancient temple by chance.

Under the induction, the ancestor Hongjun understood that this was transformed by the heart of the Great God Pangu, named Wanxiangdian, and it was the place where all the laws of the world gathered!

After a thousand years of insight, the ancestor of Hongjun finally came up with a way to transfer the power of opening the world to other places.

And all of this must be thankful for the legacy of the Great God Pangu, this Hall of Pangu gathers all dharmas and encompasses all things in the world. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the center of the world!

When the ancestor Hongjun came, there were two dim and untransformed auras in the hall.

Because of the favor of the Wanxiang Hall, Hongjun ancestor owed a cause and effect to the two of them, "When you both transform into form, I will definitely return this cause and effect."

Therefore, Hongjun used the magical powers he had realized to use his magical powers, and put all his spare energy to open up the world into the endless chaos outside the territory.

Since then, the typhoon has passed, and this surplus of pioneering power tore the chaos to form three thousand small worlds, which then dissipated.

And then, the war between the dragon and the phoenix and the Qilin came to an end.

In the end, the trouble is that both lose and lose, and only the dragon clan survives.

However, Zulong was suppressed in the eyes of the sea forever, Yuanfeng was also dissipated from his body, and his soul suppressed the immortal volcano forever.

Shi Qilin was pierced into the abyss by eternity, using his body to stabilize the veins of the prehistoric continent.

This is the retribution they deserve. When all beings are resisting immeasurable calamities, their three clans fought for their own interests.

Therefore, the three tribes were punished, the sea eye was suppressed, and the whole world stabilized.

The flames of the undead volcano were extinguished, and the southern continent finally did not have to be baptized with flames all day long.

The ground veins stabilized, the earth no longer splits suddenly, the mountains and rivers ground veins no longer changed positions at will, everything began to be in order.

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