Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 492: Origin (2)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Since then, Dao Fa between heaven and earth has gradually become scarce. They have not disappeared, but have escaped into all things in the world.

It seems that the avenue has become difficult again, and two of them have already touched the threshold of the avenue.

The ancestor Hongjun proposed the method of transforming the heaven and the earth into the body, so that the physical body can become more compatible with the mainland.

Gradually follow the Tao, enlighten the Tao with the body, and walk in the sky.

Yes, Chi Dao.

The ancestor Luo Hu said that the world was opened by Pangu, and the way of Pangu is the way of Pangu if one can understand by harmony.

After all, it is impossible to surpass Pangu. If you want to truly pursue the great road, you can go straight to the source and go against the realm of the devil!

It's for the magic way!

In the prehistoric lands, the Dao had already retired following the thousands of ways, and the Heavenly Dao took over the prehistoric continent.

The so-called nature is not benevolent, and everything is a dog.

Unlike the supreme avenue, heaven is ruthless and treats all beings as equal, but they do not wait!

For the two who have the deepest enlightenment, Tiandao decides to choose a substitute between them, who fits the Tiandao, and manages the order of the world on his behalf.

Therefore, another new catastrophe has come.

The Dao Demon Controversy.

The original world is nothing more than black and white, everyone has his own way.

But at this moment, it won't work!

Tian Dao issued an order, all creatures of the prehistoric continent are evil or evil!

Forcing sentient beings to make a choice, or join Hongjun's side, or join Luohu's side.

In the end, most people chose Hongjun.

And there are not a few people who choose to fall into the magic way.

Therefore, the ancestor of Hongjun is the ancestor of Dao, and the ancestor of Luohou has become the ancestor of devil.

The battle between Dao and Demon shook the world. The battle lasted for nine Yuanhui, and more than 90% of the lives in the mainland were killed and injured.

However, Luo Hui had planned for a long time, using the resentment and evil spirits of sentient beings, he made four swords to kill ghosts and gods!

Hence the name, Zhuxian Four Swords!

But this is not enough!

The ancestor Luohu sneaked into the Wanxiang Hall again, and the ancestor Hongjun enlightened the Tao at that time, and finally realized the way to crack the storm.

And Luo Hu followed Hongjun's example, here to comprehend the sword formations of Zhuxian's Four Swords!

In the end, the last battle of the Dao Demon battle started. Luo Hu sacrificed four swords to kill the Quartet, and its power was even as powerful as the Pangu banner in the hands of the ancestor Hongjun!

Kill the treasure!

The ancestors of Hongjun said, "This sword formation is made by Luohu alone, and it can't be broken unless four people join hands!"

Finally, unite the ancestors of Yin and Yang, the ancestors of the universe, the ancestors of the Five Elements, the ancestors of Taixu and countless great abilities...

The ancestor Hongjun broke Luohu's Immortal Sword Formation!

At that time, Luo Huo had nowhere to go, "It's really the Yangtze River is rolling in the east, the success or failure is turning around, Wu Luohu, I will die, I can't let you Hongjun wish!"

In the end, Luo Huyu's death net broke, directly detonating the spiritual veins of the entire Western Continent, allowing the creatures of the entire Western Continent to bury him!

Therefore, the ancestors of Yin and Yang, the ancestors of the universe, many ancestors died in battle, and no one who practiced the magical way survived.

Hongjun's side was also killed and wounded, and he owed a great cause and effect!

The spiritual veins in the West have been blown up, and even after hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years have passed, it will not return to its former glory.

But Tiandao, remembered everything on his body, which made him owe monstrous cause and effect!

But this was not over yet, afterwards, the ancestor Luohu blew himself up again, entering the way of Hongjun with his own magic.

"I should be transformed into a demon of sentient beings. Anyone who practices Taoism, if there are evil thoughts in his practice, will surely become a demon and breed a demon!"

In this way, Luo Hu died, but he turned into the demon of sentient beings.

Disheartened, the ancestor Hongjun took away all the masterless spirit treasures, Zhuxian Four Swords, Taiji Diagram, Qiankun Ding, etc...

After that, he embarked on his journey of harmony for hundreds of Yuanhui, and continued to comprehend the method of cutting the three corpses.

As a result, the Primordial Continent once again returned to calm, the life of the old generation died, and another generation of life was born.Look at the novel

The sun and the moon were transformed by Pangu's eyes, and one day, two creatures were born in the moon and the sun.

The creature bred in the sun is the golden crow, and the creature bred in the moon is the yin crow.

The first Golden Crow was born. He was holding a book of Innate Treasure River Tuluo, who was aliased as Emperor, and his appearance was handsome.

Therefore, it is Emperor Jun.

And the second golden crow was born soon after. This golden crow was born with a half-life treasure, surrounded by the emperor's spirit.

At the beginning of his birth he was the Eastern Emperor, whose name was Taiyi.

And its accompanying treasure is transformed by the giant axe held by Pangu.

For the Pangu axe, the front axe blade is turned into a Pangu flag, the axe face in the middle part is a Taiji diagram, and the axe back at the back is turned into a chaotic clock.

Donghuang Taiyi held this bell, thinking that he was born with it, so he named him Donghuangzhong.

And the two yin crows bred in the moon, one is named Changxi and the other is named Xihe.

Both women fell in love with Dijun at first sight, and both married him in the end.

Chang Xi gave birth to Emperor Jun in December, and Xi He gave birth to Emperor Jun for ten days.

At the same time, two lives were conceived in Kunlun Mountain. They were Nuwa and Fuxi brothers and sisters.

Fuxi used white jade as stone and sky silk as strings to make Fuxi Qin.

Later, Fuxi danced on the piano and Nuwa danced.

And far in the spine of the heavens and the earth, in the abyss below Zhou Mountain, Pangu's twelve drops of essence and blood also differentiated successfully.

They call themselves the Twelve Ancestor Witches, and they are transformed by the blood of Pangu's heart.

After Pangu died, twelve drops of blood flowed out from his chest, and finally fell into the abyss.

Dijiang, Jumang, Zhu Rong, Liaoshou, Gonggong, Xuanming, Houtu, Qiangliang, Zhujiuyin, Tianwu, Jizi, Shebishi, this is the twelve ancestor witch.

They used their own blood to transform the people of the Witch Clan, and within a short time, the continent was covered with traces of the Witch Clan.

They are huge personalities, brave and militant. There is a great witch Houyi who is good at archery, and can pierce the Yang with hundreds of steps to shoot down the phoenix in the sky.

There is a great witch Kuafu, holding a peach stick, can travel thousands of miles in a day, and can swallow the water of the river in one mouth.

Later, the two demon emperors Taiyi and Dijun descended.

It comes with the real fire of the sun, saying that all those who are transformed by spirits, stones, plants, birds and beasts in the world are all demons!

And the two are the demon king!

Gradually, after ten thousand years, Donghuang Taiyi accidentally discovered a secret realm on the top of Zhoushan.

When he activated the secret realm, he found out, where is this secret realm!

This is clearly a crossing to the sky!

On Mount Zhou is the Gate of Heaven, with thirty-three heavens above it, and the road to ascending heaven at the bottom of the nine heavens, and the upper part is full of various white jade buildings, just like a palace and temple!

Donghuang Taiyi named this place Heavenly Court, and led all the demons and tribes to move into Heavenly Court!

And the number of Wu Clan has increased to a heinous point at this time, they have already dominated the earth.

But the demon clan led by Donghuang Taiyi had the heavenly treasure land and disdain to fight for space on the ground.

The flow of the world in the heaven is also different from the outside world. One day in the heaven, one year will pass outside.

Therefore, you can practice in the heavenly court for a thousand miles!

At this time, far in the Pangu's Heart of the Pangu Palace, two dim consciousnesses gradually became successful.

The two souls have transformed into Pangu's Taoism, which is the human Taoism that is well known to the future generations.

However, at this time, the human race has not yet been born, and all beings are transformed with reference to the image of Pangu God.

Among the two people in the Wanxiang Palace, one has white hair and the other has black hair.

The white-haired man opened his eyes and said his name, "Sacrifice to the sky."

The black-haired person did not hesitate, "Dao Yi."

The avenue is fifty, and the sky is forty-nine. Escape one, leaving a ray of life for all beings.

Daoyi, the black-haired man didn't seem to like his name, and then he said another name.

"No way."

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