You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!According to legend, Pangu Great God opened up the world with his strength, holding a Pangu axe, stepping on the 36-Rank Chaos Qinglian, and a jade disc on his head.

After the opening of the sky, Pangu's great god fell, and the jade disc of good fortune was broken into thousands of laws and merged into the prehistoric world.

When Hongjun's ancestor was born, he had the privilege of picking up a fragment, and thus realized the Tao of Qi.

The ancestor Luohu did the same when he was alive, and he also obtained a fragment of a jade disc of good fortune, and thus realized the magic way.

And Pan Gu Axe, after opening up the sky, split into three great treasures in one fell swoop.

Pangu banners break through all chaos, sympathize with enmity, and cut common cause and effect, but they are the innate treasure.

Tai Chi diagram determines the ground, water, fire and wind. The so-called Tai Chi produces two instruments, two instruments produce four images, and four images produce eight trigrams. Everything in the world is born of yin and yang.

The chaotic clock captures the world, and can ingest everything in it.

And the thirty-sixth Chaos Qinglian has differentiated into ten congenital treasures!

The five leaves of Chaos Qinglian became the Five Elements Banner, which are:

Central Wuji Apricot Yellow Banner, Oriental Green Lotus Color Banner, Southern Off-ground Flame Light Banner, Western Plain Cloud Boundary Banner, Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Banner

And Qiankun Ding, Shanhe Sheji Tu, Hetu Luoshu, Qibao Miaoshu, and Red Hydrangea.

And the Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Human.

Book of Heaven: Fengshen List

Book from the Ground: Shan Hai Jing

Ming Shu: Life and Death are Thin

The lotus stem of Chaos Qinglian is unknown, only the ancestor Hongjun knows that the lotus stem was born at the latest.

He absorbed the evil spirits of tens of thousands of Yuanhui since the formation of the prehistoric, and finally condensed into a black gun.

The name is, Killing Guns.

The ancestor Hongjun first saw the Spear of Killing when he was in the Wanxiang Temple. It was the treasure of one of the two souls.

The Chaos Qinglian also has four lotus seeds, which took roots, and three of them evolved into immature lotus seeds.

The twelfth-grade meritorious golden lotus, the twelfth-grade industry fire red lotus, and the twelfth-grade black lotus.

The meritorious golden lotus is currently missing, while the karma red lotus has fallen into the sea of ​​blood and has become the companion treasure of the ancestors of the Styx.

The Destroying Black Lotus was once controlled by Luo Huo, and it should have fallen into Hongjun's hands now.

Among them, there is also a mature lotus seed, which turns into a thirty-sixth stage pure world green lotus.

Later, because it was not tolerated by the heavens, the sky thunder was lowered and divided into three. The lotus was turned into a panlong and flat crutches, the lotus root was turned into a three-treasure jade ruyi, and the lotus leaf was turned into a Qingping sword.

After Pangu's death, his body merged with good fortune and the dish and transformed into the whole world.

The belly button turned into a ghostly entrance, an endless dirty and rotten place, a sea of ​​blood in the river.

The backbone is transformed into a pillar that supports the heaven and the earth, named Zhoushan.

The eyes become the sun and the moon, the meridians become the ancestor dragon, the hair becomes the Yuanfeng, and the nail becomes the first qilin.

A toe turned into a giant ao, lurking in the South China Sea.

The twelve drops of blood in the chest turned into the twelve ancestor witches, and the three clear airs exhaled in the mouth turned into three clears.

Now, the time is right, and the Three Qings were born in the Kunlun Mountains.

The three Qing Dynasty, the Shangqing Tongtian, Yuqing primitive, and Taiqing Laozi.

Nüwa and Fuxi reluctantly belonged to the demon clan, and were called the demon king by the Eastern Emperor, and ruled the world.

And here, in the Wanxiang Palace, the Taoist one who transformed into a human seemed to be unsatisfied with his own name.

The name says, no way!

He grabbed the Godkiller next to him, and a shocking air made Wudao dare not use it.

The same goes for the sacrifice to the sky on the side. The two have just transformed into shape, and under the hazy heart, they are as pure as a baby.

It's just that there is a certain number in the dark, and the reason why the smashing spear is associated with innocence is also a destiny.

Wudao was born as the Golden Immortal of Da Luo, and thousands of laws do not come to light. Therefore, Taoism is regarded as nothing in his eyes.

The sacrifice to the heavens is equally extraordinary. Its companion spirit treasure is the plain cloud border flag, and its destiny is destined to fight three days.Read the book

Above the primordial land, if you don't enter the heavenly court through the heavenly gate, then there is an endless sea of ​​stars above.

In the endless sea of ​​stars, the sky full of stars is currently under the common control of Emperor Ziwei and Emperor Tian.

Legend has it that in ancient times, the dragons once had a god who was born earlier than the Zulong, and even far surpassed Hongjun, and was equal to Yangmei!

According to legend, this god was originally not a dragon, but because he swallowed the law of time when Pangu opened the sky, he turned into a dragon with a human head.

Its magical powers are vast, and when the world is not out, its open eyes are day, closed eyes are night, holding breath is cold, and exhalation is summer.

His name was Zhulong. After the opening of the sky, he named himself a mountain called Zhongshan, and had a son named Zhugu.

At that time, Hongjun hadn't come out, and the way of heaven hadn't come out, but the innate gods and goddesses were fighting on their own.

At that time, Doumu, the mother of the stars, gave birth to nine sons, who were called the Nine Emperors Dao Body, and claimed to be the Lord of Heaven.

One day, the candle drum, the son of the candle dragon, teased the Nine Emperor Gods, and Dou Mu immediately executed the candle drum.

Zhulong knows, is furious, he does not hesitate to bully the small with big, kill the nine emperors, let Doumu know the pain of losing his son!

Therefore, a battle of innate gods broke out, and these innate gods were the first to die.

Later, although the candle dragon died, its soul was reincarnated as the time ancestor witch in the twelve ancestor witches, the candle nine yin!

After Doumu's death, his own star law was scattered and turned into stars, and his nine sons and nine emperors also evolved into the nine brightest stars in stardust.

Later, two big stars descended, and the nine stars became seven stars, and the funeral was called the Big Dipper.

And these two descendants are the current Ziwei Emperor and Taihuang Emperor.

The seven sons of Shexia are Greed Wolf, Jumen, Lucun, Wenqu, Lianzhen, Wuqu, and Pojun, namely the Big Dipper.

After the death of the candle dragon, the law of time returned to heaven and earth, and Honghuang gradually began to alternate between day and night.

The stars were also moving, and the candle dragon died, but was born in three days.

Three days are the Wei Tian in the Qing Dynasty, the Yu Yu Huang Zhi Tian and the Great Chi Tian.

Referred to as blue sky, yellow sky, and red sky.

The three days was transformed by the resentment of the candle dragon and fought hundreds of Yuanhui with Emperor Ziwei and Emperor Tian.

Later, Jitian was born, three days of induction, regarded it as unknown, in the end, Santian Xiafan wanted to kill Jitian first!

But the Great Emperor Ziwei and the Great Emperor also had long-standing feelings, and at the same time descended the mortal dust to protect the two people of sacrifice to heaven and Wudao.

But three days unexpectedly, Jitian and Wudao turned out to be Da Luo Jinxian!

Like Sanqing, they have been born with Pangu's kaitian merits and touched the top.

Da Luo Jinxian, this is the highest level of the current prehistoric, Luo Hu's ancestors failed to cross this hurdle back then.

The ancestor of Hongjun is also in this state, and is currently finding a further way.

And further, that is to truly step into the realm of heaven, but to be a saint!

No accident, in the end, together with the sacrifice to the sky, the crape myrtle and the emperor plus Wudao together wiped out for three days.

After three days of death, its origin dissipated and turned into five heavens, blue sky in the east, red sky in the south, daytime in the west, mysterious sky in the north, and yellow sky in the center.

Because of this battle, Jitian and Wudao became famous among the Three Realms.

Both the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan had invited two people, but the two were unwilling to leave the Wanxiang Hall, nor were they willing to participate in the competition between the various forces.

Therefore, ten thousand years later, Sanqing was born, and there was a spark of war between the Monster Race and the Witch Race.

Another amount of calamity has come quietly and without interest on the heads of sentient beings.

In the Western Continent, Zhunti's introduction of the two Taoists also relied on the phrase'this thing has a destiny for the poor Taoist'.

The sea of ​​blood, the sea of ​​blood does not wither, the sea of ​​blood does not die.

The ten spiritual roots of the congenital ginseng fruit trees are transformed into the Zhenyuan Daxian and Zhenyuanzi.

Inheriting the way of devouring, the ancestor of Yaozu Sanxiu Peng Kun.

A good old man, Hongyun ancestor, and Zhen Yuanzi are friends.

For a time, countless figures emerged.

The world of great controversy has come, and the ancestor Hongjun will finally leave.

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