Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 495 Origin (5)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Facing the sudden invitation from the ancestor Hongjun, Wudao completely stunned God.

He nodded happily, and then respectfully called the master.

But the ancestor Hongjun didn't give him a futon.

In fact, the futon seated by the seven is not an ordinary hair futon, but a sanctified pedestal!

Since ancient times, it has been at one, standing at three, becoming at five, prospering at seven, and extreme at nine.

There should be nine great sacred places born, but the way of heaven is more than a loss but it is not enough.In the end, only eight avenues came out.

After the Dao Demon Controversy, the ancestor of Hongjun not only scoured all the spiritual treasures, but also took the Eight Great Avenues as his own.

The boulevard futon is seated by Hongjun.

The wind and fire futon is seated by the moral god.

The world futon is seated by the original Tianzun.

Hunyuan futon is seated by Lingbao Tianzun.

The derivative futon is seated by the Nuwa Empress.

The dying futon is seated by the leading people.

The Bliss futon is seated by quasi-speakers.

The good fortune futon is seated by the Taoist people.

And Wudao, like the three thousand guests in the Zixiao Palace, sitting on the cool jade and listening to the words behind the seven.

Wudao comforted himself in this way. He was also the apprentice of Hongjun's ancestor. It must be that the master had not had time to prepare the futon for himself.

He is not in a hurry, he can wait, next time, he will definitely have his place.

After that, Hongjun's second preaching ended, and the last preaching will begin in 2489 years.

And at the end of this sermon, under Zhoushan, the gourd vine with the ten great spiritual roots suddenly appeared!

At this time, seven gourds just formed on it!

After that, all the people fought against it, but in the end they lost to the saint disciples. The last seven gourds were picked off, and the gourd vines died.

The first gourd was a purple-gold gourd, which was picked by Lao Tzu and made a purple-golden-red gourd, which was used to hold pill.

The second gourd is a purple gourd, obtained by the good old man Hongyun, and made into a nine-nine soul red gourd.

The third gourd is a purple-white gourd, obtained by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and refined into the Zhanxian Gourd, which is the famous one in later generations, please turn around.

The fourth gourd, the purple-green gourd, was obtained by Nuwa, made into a demon gourd, which can recruit all the fairies in the world.

The fifth gourd, a purple-yellow gourd, was obtained from the sky, made into a water-fire gourd, with two water-fire kylins inside.

The sixth gourd, the purple-green gourd, was obtained from the sacrifice to the heavens. It was refined into the Yubao gourd, which can nurture the treasures of the world and make it to a higher level.

The seventh gourd, the purple-black gourd, was obtained by Yuan Shi, refined into a chaotic gourd, which can evolve chaos by itself.

And the gourd vine to win the treasure is just the beginning of this battle!

After Hongjun's ancestor became a holy, the heavens and the human beings have understood that the predecessor will experience three disasters and five disasters.

The three plagues are the big tears of the wind disaster, and the remaining power of Pangu's opening to the sky continues to expand outward, making the prehistoric land infinite, just like a balloon.

After swelling to a peak, it will eventually explode, tearing like wind.

The second plague is the great extinguishment of the flood.

The primordial aura is exhausted, sentient beings will no longer be able to comprehend the avenue, immortals will be reduced to mortals, everything will be exhausted, it is a flood and a great destruction.

And the third disaster is the fire collapse, everything will collapse like a melting fire, and the flood will once again return to chaos.

The five difficulties refer to the difficulty of the beast, the dragon and the phoenix, the difficulty of the lich, the difficulty of conferring the gods, and..., the secret of heaven cannot be revealed.The House of Novels

Hongjun helped the long beard, and the second plague would come at the time of the Lich's catastrophe, and he couldn't deal with this difficulty, this was a fixed number!

As a result, the friction between the monster tribe and the witch tribe is getting bigger and bigger, and wars of all sizes continue one after another.

The demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi is ambitious, holding the Donghuang bell, and has the potential to look at the world!

And the Twelve Ancestor Witch is also not a good stubble, dominating the earth no longer makes them feel satisfied, they want to annex the monster race!

Zhoutian star fights the big formation, the twelve capital Tianshen big formation.

At this moment, everyone has become the protagonist, there is only one exception, the Wanxiang Hall, Wudao Zhenren.

His brother is also an elder brother, who sacrifices to the heavenly Taoist, and is now a disciple of the saint, and is discussing the Tao with Sanqing and others.

Only Wudao Zhenren was squeezed out, as if his identity as a disciple of a saint was just a false name.

In this way, the third preaching began.

It was still seven futons, and Wudao Zhenren was still the same as the others. At this moment, he understood.

The ancestor Hongjun didn't regard himself as a disciple at all. Calculated according to seniority, he was a named disciple if he died!

The anger in his heart became more and more intense, and the innocent Dao Xin was gradually covered with a layer of black mist, and a voice said to him again: "Hongjun did not treat you as a disciple at all, he is just playing with you!"

As the voice in his mind grew louder, Wudao's heart was shaken.

But this time, Hongjun's ancestor passed down the method of sanctification, which couldn't help but let Wudao see hope again.

What if there is no seat, he is still a disciple of the saint, and there is still hope of sanctification!

"There are three methods of sanctification, striving for the Tao, the three corpses are the right way, and the merit is the right way."

"The Great God Pangu uses his strength and righteousness, and his strength shakes the world. He uses his own righteousness and righteousness as a saint."

"Wu Hongjun, I have realized the method of cutting down the three corpses, cutting off the good, the evil, and the self. Then the three corpses will become one, and the origin can pass through the avenue and become the sage of the avenue."

"And the third method is to move the Dao of Heaven with immeasurable merits, and put the soul in the Dao of Heaven, and you can prove Hunyuan. After this method is sanctified, you will become a saint of the Dao of Heaven."

At this time, the eldest disciple Lao Tzu asked a question, "The disciple is suspicious, I am waiting for these three, what is strong?"

The ancestor Hongjun nodded, "The power of righteousness is the strongest, followed by the three corpses. The first two are the sages of the Dao, and the sage of the righteousness is the weakest."

At this time, the second disciple Yuan asked another question, "Master, how many people can prove the Dao with strength while I am waiting?"

Old Ancestor Hongjun shook his head, "No one can prove the truth."

The third disciple Tongtian was more anxious, and then immediately asked: "Then how many people can become a saint?"

The ancestor Hongjun shook his head, "No one can become a saint on the Dadao."

Everyone was in a hurry at this time, but Hongjun was hesitant to tell the reason.

"You don't want to be discouraged. Those who have the grandeur and purple spirit can speed up the road to sanctification, and wait for the seven to step forward."

In fact, Hongjun concealed the true conditions of sanctification.

There are two conditions for success, one is the position of the Dadao, which is the futon they sit on.

The second condition is Hongmeng Ziqi.

Both are indispensable, and one cannot be sanctified!

He was just telling everyone that there were three thousand guests in the Purple Cloud Palace, even if someone could combine the three corpses into one, they would not be destined to be holy!

There are a total of eight Hongmeng Purple Qi in the heaven and earth, Hongjun ancestor's body is the Hongmen Purple Qi, so there are only seven between the heaven and the earth.

The ancestor Hongjun waved his long sleeves, and the remaining seven primordial energies flew out and gave them to his seven disciples.

However, he only forgot about Wudao.

At this moment, Wudao Daoxing was completely captured by the heart demon.

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