Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 496 Origin (6)

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Am I not your disciple?


A grievance raged, but Wudao did not question Hongjun ancestor face to face.

He believes that as long as his aptitude surpasses his fellow brothers, he will become holy first, the teacher will definitely value himself again!

After that, the ancestor Hongjun unscrupulously passed the method of cutting the three corpses to everyone in the Zixiao Palace.

To cut the three corpses is to cut off the good corpses, the evil corpses, and the original corpses.

Decapitate a corpse to enter the quasi-sage elementary level.

Cut off the two corpses, you can step into the quasi-sage intermediate.

Cut off the three corpses and you can step into the high-level quasi-sage.

The three corpses are one, and you can step into the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, and those who have no grandeur and purple qi and the foundation of the great road cannot be sanctified!

After that, the ancestor of Hongjun divided the treasures and presented the innate treasure Taiji to Lao Tzu. The innate treasure can suppress the luck.

Pangu banners were given to the original, and they are also innate treasures, which can suppress the air luck.

The four swords of Zhuxian were given to Tongtian, and this is the acquired treasure. As its hostility is too heavy, it should not be suppressed.

Nüwa got the pictures of mountains and rivers and the red hydrangea, which led to the twelve-grade golden lotus, and quasi-blessed the sacred pestle.

To sacrifice the remaining square flag to the heavens, he holds the plain cloud border flag in his hand. The off-ground flame light flag is a thing of the Feng clan, which was acquired by Hongjun after the fall of the Feng clan. The other banners are the same.

Finally, looking towards Wudao, after hesitating for a while, Hongjun gave him Good Fortune Cauldron.

The cauldron of good fortune is one of the ten most innate treasures, which can be cultivated as the innate, against the origin, and can even be refined in the innate treasure!

After dividing these, Hongjun's ancestor waved his robes, and hundreds of thousands of spiritual treasures turned into streamers and flew onto a huge rock outside the sky.

"This is the spiritual treasures I obtained when I traveled around the prehistoric famine, including 90% of the world's spiritual treasures. On that day, my Hongjun joined the road. These spiritual treasures are all placed on the Fenbao Rock. Those who are predestined can know ."

After that, Hongjun's ancestor fits the way of heaven, and is completely transformed into a spokesperson for the way of heaven.

All of a sudden, the Zixiao Palace became restless, and the people who had been in peace with each other made a big move and rushed to Fenbaoyan!

Sanqing is the first to bear the brunt, and Zhunti will be followed by them, "Dear fellow Taoists stay, these treasures have a fate with our Western religion!"

Donghuang Taiyi cursed in classical Chinese, "The second way of life in the West is good and don't want to be skinny. Are all things in the world related to you?"


In this way, a big battle broke out, and there were no treasures left on the Fenbao Rock, and all of them were handed over.

The crowd was full of pours, and of course, more than a thousand people died in this dispute over the Fenbaoyan.

In the end, Wudao Zhenren moved Fen Baoyan away.

After Hongjun's three preaching missions ended, all the predecessors began their journey of beheading corpses.

This is the most prosperous era of the prehistoric times. The so-called big Luo is everywhere, and the quasi-sage is inferior to the dog. This is the period.

The Yaozu and Wuzu also calmed down after a long time.

The first to behead the benevolent corpse was naturally a saint disciple, but it was beyond everyone's expectations.

The first person to cut off the good corpse turned out to be Wudao Zhenren!

The innocent real person who was ridiculed by others and rejected by his fellow seniors was the first to behead the corpse and become a quasi saint!

Cut off his own good thoughts, Wudao Zhenren now only has evil thoughts in his heart!

Picking up the Killing Spear, he has been reborn at this time!

He added a Chen character before his name. For some reason, for no reason, no one cared about him.

Even his former good brother Jitian Taoist was very cold towards him.

After sending out the Qiankun Ding, Chen Wudao did it in Wanxiangdian and smashed all the treasures he had grabbed from Fenbaoyan, including Fenbaoyan itself!

Finally, he sent the Killing Spear and refining the Killing Spear with the essence of these spirit treasures!Dan Pain Novel Network

Train him into a black halberd!

Its power is extremely terrifying, the power of a single attack, even far surpasses Zhuxian's Four Swords and Pangu Banner!

However, Chen Wudao's good corpse inherited his kindness, no evil thoughts, no self, and aliased as Lin Wuxian.

In this rare and peaceful land, the new Chen Wudao was born!

He tore his robes to pieces, put on a black armor, and held a god-killing halberd!

His evil spirit and evil thoughts were completely exposed, Hongjun ancestors fit the way of heaven, he is a quasi-sage, who dares to stop him!

After that, Chen Wudao personally went to Kunlun Mountain, went to the sea of ​​blood, went to heaven, and went to Diyuan, and defeated all the powers of the world with one person!

Including Sanqing, the ancestors of the Styx, Taiyi, Dijiang, Zhujiuyin, all powers, no one is his opponent!

Sweeping the world, bloody battle against the immortals!

Who is his opponent?

And Chen Wudao came here to bet everyone!

He blocked his own halberd, if they win, the halberd belongs to them.

If they lose, they must exchange it for a treasure of equal quality!

Donghuang Taiyi was brutally abused by Chen Wudao and said that he was unwilling to hand over the Donghuang Bell in his hands.

Later, Nuwa, Emperor, and Fuxi took action, but the three of them did not take Chen Wudao together!

In this era when no one else has become a quasi saint, who is his opponent with the strongest killing treasure in the wild?

In the end, with blood and tears, the Eastern Emperor lost the Eastern Emperor Bell to Chen Wudao.

But Chen Wudao changed his hands and threw the Eastern Emperor Bell to his good corpse Lin Wuxian, and renamed it Chaos Bell.

When he found the door, almost all the forces and the strong had to tribute a treasure!

This is Chen Wudao's most murderous time!

People even called him Wudao Demon Venerable, and in the end several of his senior brothers made a concerted effort to stop Chen Wudao.

Take the lead in offering sacrifices to the gods of heaven, and lay down a five-square flag formation, the moral gods, the primitive gods, and the Lingbao gods.

Each of the three Qings displayed their supernatural powers, Lao Tzu used one Qi to transform the Three Qings, and stepped on the Tai Chi diagram, forming the strongest defensive array with the Taoist priest!

The Primitive Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun attacked left and right, sending out Pangu flags and Zhuxian's Four Swords respectively, which repelled Chen Wudao.

It was also because of Chen Wudao that the long-lost tranquility was broken.

Chen Wudao went back to retreat, and after ten thousand years, he decapitated the second corpse!


Without the evil thoughts, the evil spirit that used to wash the world with blood in the wave of hands was gone, all transferred to the evil corpse.

Without good and evil, Chen Wudao put down the halberd.

For Killing the Gods Halberd, he did not dare to use it when he had good thoughts, and he was humiliated by others, and he overused it with evil thoughts, causing too many killings and too much cause and effect.

After giving the Deity Killing Halberd to his own evil corpse, Chen Wudao used the robbed spirit treasure to refine a brand new treasure.

Taixu ancient sword is also a heart-cutting sword.

Chen Wudao refined him in order to quickly cut off the corpse of the self, so that the three corpses can become one and become one step!

At the same time, the good corpse Lin Wuxian was single-minded to the Tao, unwilling to enter the world's disputes, holding the chaos clock and did not harm any creature.

But this kindness corresponds to it. It is not the so-called extreme kindness, but the kindness of Chen Wudao.

Chen Wudao is not a white lotus, nor is he a Virgin, even though he has a kind side, he will not sacrifice himself like the good old man Hongyun.

At most, people don’t offend me, and I don’t offend others. If a person commits me, he can teach him a lesson and let him recognize his own mistakes.

But Chen Wudao's evil corpse is different, Chen Wudao's own evil thoughts and evil spirits, whose heart is demon in his body, are spurred to skyrocket by the heart!

Chen Wudao's evil corpse, aliased as the'Nine Killing Blood Infant', held a halberd, completely disregarding the main body, and did not obey the main body's commands.

"I was born."

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