Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 497 Origin (7)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chen Xiu?

That is my current name. Looking back, I have another name.

The most mad of the ages, the blood infant of nine surprises, the first person under the saint!

That said, it's all me!


After that, the prologue of the Lich War began.

Dijun's son, in ten days, went down to earth.

They are born dudes and don't pay attention to the witch race. One day, they have been in the heavenly court and want to go down to play.

But some barbarians of the Witch tribe fight when they see them!

Where did the ten young masters have been subjected to such insults, so they showed their truths one after another, urging the real fire of the sun to burn a tribe of witch tribe to ashes.

They laughed at this, laughing at how stupid these people are, dare to provoke them?

Don’t you know that their father is the Emperor of Heaven?

Their uncle is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the first God of War in the Three Realms, dare to provoke us?

This witch tribe is called the Kuafu clan, this clan is full of barefoot giants, and the patriarch is the great witch Kuafu!

One day, Kuafu went out. When Kuafu came back, he found that the tribe had been burned to ashes!

Seeing the ten sunrises in the sky, it was the son of the demon emperor. Boasting his father was furious, he raised the peach stick and ran towards the sun!

Tokaichi laughed this shaman to seek his own death, so he decided to tease this shaman.

So they pretended not to be able to fight, and on the way to escape, they did their best to radiate the real fire!

The scorching temperature burned the earth and cracked it, and the temperature as the sun fell instantly took away all the vitality of the earth!

Kuafu was sweating profusely all day long, his flesh and blood was shrinking little by little, and the flesh of his feet was already well-ripe!

But he still chased for ten days!

Until he chased 800,000 miles, he finally got nowhere, and Kuafu's body fell.

The moisture in his body was dried, and the whole person was as thin as a bamboo pole, and the flesh and blood of his body were well-ripe, and layers of heat were emitted.

His huge body was thin into a bamboo pole, and he knelt on the ground with only a bang.

Shiri laughed at him, "It's a life and death, witch, why are you so stupid?"


"Let's go, it's time to go back, father and uncle don't know what we stole."

"Hey, what are you doing in such a hurry, I haven't played enough yet!"

"Yeah, I haven't played enough, how about we go find a few more witches?"

"Hahaha, good!"

But before ten days were too happy, Da Wu Kuafu’s brother, Hou Yi, knew about it!

Knowing the evil deeds on the Ten Days, Hou Yi bent his bow and shot the sun in a furious rage, but the arrow was burned to ashes before it even touched Ten Days.

How can this be good?

Seeing that he couldn't use his best ability, Hou Yi had a vengeance but had to use it!

Watching the people of the tribe one by one were burned to ashes by the real fire of the sun, their homes turned into scorched earth, and the people didn't live forever!

Hou Yi hated his incompetence.

At this moment, a red-haired immortal suddenly appeared in the sky. He waved his hand and cast ten divine arrows with the essence of innate fire to give to Hou Yi.

"Yi, with this arrow, you can shoot down the sun in the sky."

A fairy gave an arrow, Hou Yi was overjoyed, and quickly thanked the fairy, then bowed his bow to shoot the sun again!

This time it was different, Hou Yi comprehended the innate law and hit 100%!

As long as his arrow is fired, unless the arrow is destroyed, it doesn't matter whether you flee to the end of the world or the nether world, you will not be able to escape the arrow after all!



One arrow shot a sun, and the sun exposed itself, instantly turning into a golden crow and falling to the ground.

The other nine suns were frightened and ran towards the heavens, but Hou Yi didn't give them a chance at all!

Directly set up nine arrows to aim at the nine suns, let go!

Whoosh whoosh!!!

After only a few winds passed by, the nine divine arrows had passed through the bodies of the nine golden crows like a broken bamboo!

Puff!!Follow the novel

No, a golden crow survived!

The immortal who gave Houyi the arrow reappeared, "This son is destined to me, little friend, give my Lu Daoist a face, let go of this golden crow."

The so-called, there is Hongjun first and then there will be days, I was earlier than Hongjun the year before, and Lu Ya was before me.

This person is the real Lu Ya who was transformed by the essence of Xiantian Lihuo.

For some unknown reason, Lu Ya saved Di Jun's last son, and also passed his road name Lu Ya to him.

Later, the only remaining son ran back to the Heavenly Court and cried to his father, Emperor Jun, about Hou Yi's killing of his nine brothers.

Donghuang Taiyi knew that he was furious, "The Witch Clan is so courageous!"

Di Jun's anger couldn't be concealed, "Kill my son, pass my order, prepare for war, and bloodbath the Witch tribe after three years!!"


Among the witches, the twelve ancestor witches also received news at the same time.

The space ancestor Wudi Jiang was furious, "It is unreasonable, he will fight if the monster clan wants to fight, pass my order, and set up the twelve capital gods to fight to death three years later!"


In the Wanxiang Palace, since the last battle, the Taoist priest has completely separated from Chen Wudao.

And over the years, Chen Wudao was dedicated to cutting off his own corpse, not participating in the disputes of the world.

The same is true for the good corpse Lin Wuxian.

But the evil corpse was different. Chen Wudao cut off the heart demon and evil thoughts together, and threw them all to the evil corpse.

Therefore, the blood infant of the evil corpse Jiuqi inherited the inner demons of the body, but got a great opportunity!

The inheritance of Demon Zu Luohu!

Magic way!

And in the inheritance, the blood infant of Jiuzhe also learned an ancient secret.

Legend has it that among the three thousand demon gods, there was once a devouring demon god named Huangni!

Its body is the 36-winged Profound Water Black Mosquito. Its strength is the bottom of the three thousand demon gods, but after being reborn as a fierce beast, its strength surpasses all the incarnations of the devil gods!

Beast Emperor, Emperor Ni!

His subordinates commanded the top ten fierce beasts, although they still died at the hands of Hongjun and Luohu.

But at that time, Huangni's law of swallowing was not fused by heaven and earth, and Honghuang did not need to swallow law.

If the Primordial Land really absorbs the Law of Swallowing, then the Primordial Land will become a barren land.

People evolve by swallowing each other, big fish eat small fish, and finally swallow all the creatures, and swallow the prehistoric too!

In order to prevent the Primordial Land from becoming like this, the Law of Swallowing was rejected by the Primordial Landlord, and was finally sealed by Luo Hui and Hongjun.

And in Luohu's memory inheritance, there happens to be the seal location of the Emperor's Reverse Devouring Law!

Afterwards, the Jiuzhi Blood Infant went to his teacher Luohu, and with the help of Luohu Cannian, he successfully found and inherited the law of swallowing!

The battle power of the prehistoric continent is divided into Xuanxian, Earthxian, Tianxian, Jinxian, Taiyi Jinxian, Daluo Jinxian, Zhunsheng (Promise Jinxian), and Sage (Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian)

At this time, the blood infant of the Nine Dilemma had just come out of the cottage, and only the immortal cultivation base, and the same is true of the good corpse Lin Wuxian, so he was practicing every day.

However, the blood infant of the Nine Dilemmas relied on the law of swallowing to swallow the sky and the earth, and quickly reached the top of the prehistoric by relying on the principle of big fish eating small fish!

Da Luo Jinxian does not enter the Quasi-Holy, all beings are at this level.

And if you want to become stronger, there is only one way to devour the demons and witches!

In order to further provoke the war between the two races, the blood infant of Jiuzhe and Gonggong of the twelve ancestor witches became brothers and provoked his relationship with Zhu Rong.

Under the blessing of Luohudu's magical way, the words of the blood infant of Jiuqi are like magic sounds. Gonggong was fascinated, and when he was drunk, he found Zhu Rong!

Usually the relationship between the two is not good. Since ancient times, fire and water are incompatible, and the relationship between the two will explode!

The two of them fought under Zhou Shan, it was without scruples, every move shook the world!

In the end, Gonggong's fire law erupted, and he slammed into the mountain of Zhoushan directly under his anger!


Suddenly the world trembled, and Zhou Shan fell down on the backbone of the world!

Since then, the sky has fallen to the northwest, and the earth is dissatisfied with the southeast.

The heavenly court shook because of this, Zhou Shan was broken for half a section, and it became the Bu Zhou Shan known to later generations.

The only source of aura in the prehistoric world is broken!

The aura is dissipating at an appalling speed!


At this time, in the Zixiao Palace, the ancestor Hongjun opened his eyes, "The flood is coming."

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