Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 502 Annihilation of the Medicine Clan!

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At this time, a shocking change is taking place.

Undercurrents surged out of Zhongzhou, and the Soul Race attacked the Ancient Six Races like crazy overnight!

Life for life, no matter the cost, one after the other, endless!

Until they finally found out, every fallen soul race person would stand up again soon!

Turn into undead and continue to fight!

And these undead have an alias, Lich, even though they are dead, their memories will be kept.

It's just that they lost all their feelings and became a death puppet who only knew to indulge in killing.

And the people killed by these liches will stand up again!

Whenever a companion falls, an enemy will stand up!

The footsteps of the soul race are unstoppable. First of all, the medicine race is the first to suffer!

And this is only the battle zone of Zhongzhou, far away in the Sifang Continent, now all have become ruins.

The army of liches that the people of Central Continent have always despised has finally changed sharply!

All the creatures that gathered in the Outer Territory Quartet Continent were transformed into a Lich without exception!

Today, the Southwestern Continent is the last battlefield for mankind.

Regardless of the outside world, Zhongzhou allowed the Scourge to expand freely. Now, they have truly become natural disasters!

In the Scourge Legion of the Sifang Continent, in the endless swallowing of the same kind, constantly evolving and fusing, finally evolved four fighting saints!

They are smarter and more powerful than ordinary Liches!

they are:

On the first day of disaster, Man Tianchi!

The next natural disaster, Xiao Ding!

The third natural disaster, Hundred Wood!

The fourth natural disaster, Yun Yun!

Needless to say, Mang Tianchi was already a half-step quasi-sage, and his strength was far surpassing all Liches from the beginning.

Xiao Ding is Xiao Yan's elder brother. In order to survive, he even ate his own younger brother before stepping on the bones of others.

Baimu, the famous Qianbaier in Canaan College, is now the only one left.

Qian Lie had already died in the battle, and he had also swallowed his flesh and blood. Only Bai Mu can walk tenaciously to this day.

Only, Yun Yun, she is really a miracle, after being destroyed in Yun Lan, she was also transformed into a Lich.

But she did not lose her feelings!

All the way through the battle, the deaths and injuries, but only Yun Yun survived.

The liches that came out of the Gamma Empire at the beginning were almost completely killed and wounded.

Those who survived became natural disaster-level lich.

On the Southwest Road at this time, mankind has only the last city left.

This city is called Tianmu City, and a human being with a fighting saint cultivation base brings nine Dou Zun standing in a row on the wall.

Staring at the scene in front of him, even his old fighting saint couldn't help shaking a little.

The four fighting saints stand in the sky out of thin air, behind them are tens of thousands of fighting sects, also walking in the air.

After that, there are tens of millions, Douwang and Douhuang strong, they also have Dou Qi Huayi suspended in the sky.

And above the earth, people can't see the end at a glance.

The black and heavy pieces of the earth are all human heads, densely packed, it can be described as endless.

The old fighting saint sighed, "Forget it, give up, we have no chance of winning."

Behind him, although the nine Dou Zun were very scared, they were obviously unwilling. "Father, don't we give up without fighting?"

"Yeah, this is too wasteful!" Ooo eBook

"I have to stand and die!"

"Father, please allow me to wait for a desperate fight!"

Looking at his nine sons, the old Dousheng sighed, "You are still too young, no matter what, since you are going to die anyway, let the old man be excited!"

Old Dousheng's arms shook, and his clothes burst open instantly, revealing his steely skin and muscles!

"Children, for the sake of our people, we are dying honorably!"


Looking at the oncoming old fighting saint, the four natural disasters glanced at each other and released an ending instantly!

"Four Saints enchantment, seal heaven and earth!" x4

The four huge walls of light opened in an instant, and Old Dou Sheng was locked in as soon as he rushed out!

Old Dousheng frowned, "Oh? Don't you dare to fight the old man?"

Without giving Old Dousheng a chance to think, the four natural disasters all stretched out their right hands, and the four huge walls of light shrank instantly!

The old Dousheng's pupils shrank, and then he wanted to tear the space and escape!

But an admiration that shocked him happened. The space in front of him seemed to be locked, no matter how he used the law of space, he couldn't shake it!

"not good!"

The empty walls on all sides have shrunk, and there is no way out of the sky and the ground!

Seeing that the empty wall is getting narrower and narrower, Old Dou Sheng is squeezing the empty wall with his hands, but it is useless no matter how hard he exerts!

Immediately afterwards, as the empty wall shrank again, a sound of crushing flesh and bones came instantly!

"Do not----!!!"


At this time, in Zhongzhou, within the Yao Clan, the Yao Clan chief was still leading the last clan to do a dying struggle!

The seven fighting saint level Liches of the Soul Race suddenly stopped aside.

For some reason, at this moment, the air suddenly fell silent, and all the witches stopped.

The Patriarch of Medicine Clan frowned, "What the hell is going on?"

The medicine clan elder on the side is also unclear, so, "I don't understand, why would the soul clan stop at this moment?"

Immediately afterwards, when everyone was puzzled, a heavy footstep suddenly reached everyone's ears.


Two steps.

Three steps.

It wasn't until he walked in front of everyone that the complexion of the Patriarch of Medicine Clan changed from joy to shock, to puzzlement.

At this time, the person who appeared before his eyes was a young man wearing black armor and blood-colored robe.

He has a pair of dragon pupils and two pairs of dragon horns, four dragon wings open freely, and a dragon tail is wrapped around his waist like a belt.

Of course, the most special, and the most iconic, are the seven black circles floating behind him!

Seeing those who came, the Yao family chief had not had time to be happy, and he was stopped by the Yao family chief elder on the side.

"Patriarch, beware of fraud!"

Seeing this person, he is not someone else, but the Styx Taoist, the son-in-law of the patriarch of the Yao clan, and the blood saint, Chen Xiu!

The Patriarch of Medicine Clan calmed down slightly, and then cautiously asked: "Son-in-law, why did the Soul Clan suddenly stop moving? You did this?"

Chen Xiu smiled and nodded, "Yes, my father-in-law, I did this naturally."

Seeing Chen Xiu's admission, the patriarch of the Yao family was overjoyed for a while, "This, this, this, fortunately there is a son-in-law, if there is no you today, I am afraid that my Yao family is doomed today!"

Chen Xiu nodded, "Yes, so, first hand over the strange fire I gave you."

At this moment, the air suddenly fell silent.

The patriarch of the Yao clan looked at Chen Xiu with a puzzled expression, "Daughter, son-in-law, what did you just say?"

The elder of the medicine clan on the side suddenly reacted, and quickly pressed the patriarch's shoulder and pointed at Chen Xiu, "You are the one who colluded with the soul clan to attack the medicine clan!"

Chen Xiu nodded, "Since I understand everything, then I'll just say it straight. Today, if you don't hand over all the strange fires of your medicine clan, I will let your medicine clan be removed from the ancient eight clan!"

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