Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 503 Central Continent Riot!

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The patriarch of the Yao clan had bloodshot eyes and looked at Chen Xiu in disbelief.

He married his beloved baby daughter to him, but he was actually ungrateful and colluded with the soul race to frame the medicine race!



Suddenly, a jet of black flame appeared on Chen Xiu's palm out of thin air.

A powerful swallowing force came from the flames, almost directly causing the Yao clan chief to kneel on the ground!

At this moment, the eyes of everyone in the medicine clan gathered on the weird flame in Chen Xiu's hand!

They seemed to indulge in the flames of ghostly flames.

The patriarch of the Yao clan was the first to react. He stretched out his finger, and his words couldn't help but tremble, "The Soul Heaven Emperor is willing to give you all the emptiness!!"

"What did you do!"

Void Swallows Flame, the second highest on the Abnormal Fire Ranking.

Legend has it that this fire was born in nothingness, invisible and invisible, without traces to be found.

With the power to swallow the heavens and the earth, there are few in the world that can contend with it, but it is the strongest alien fire besides Emperor Yan!

This fire is alive, even the Soul Heaven Emperor couldn't subdue it, so he could only reach cooperation with it.

Let the emptiness swallow the last patriarch of the soul clan, and this will continue the blood of the soul clan.

As a result, Void Swallowing Flame turned into a nine-star fighting saint, whose strength was only slightly inferior to that of the Soul Heaven Emperor.

But in the end, he was defeated by Chen Xiu's true sun.

Even Soul Tiandi is no exception, facing Chen Xiu who has the power of the peak of the nine-star fighting saint, plus the real fire of the sun in his hand.

The Soul Tiandi was under his hands, and he couldn't even hold up a single move!

Even if it collects more than 20 different fires and merges into Emperor Yan, its power can only barely be the same as the real fire of the sun.

The true fire of the sun lies in the purity of flames, and the victory of Emperor Yan lies in its many characteristics, with more than twenty kinds.

If the two can be combined, wouldn't its power be more doubled?

So, together with the Nanming Lihuo and Void Swallowing that Chen Xiu originally left in his hands, he now has three kinds of different fires.

And what he has to do now is to bring back the strange fire that he gave away at the beginning, and even the original and profitable ones!

Chen Xiu instantly took back Void Swallowing Inflammation, and then slowly stretched out two fingers, "Choose, Yaozu or Yihuo, which one do you choose?"

The patriarch of the Yao clan was furious, and when he was about to scold Chen Xiu for ungratefulness, he was stopped by the elder next to him.

"Patriarch, now is not the time to talk about this, the medicine clan is alive and dead, what if the fire is given to him!"

"Don't be confused!"

Awakened by a word, the patriarch of the Yao clan could only sigh helplessly, "Yes, I am the patriarch of the clan, so I can't get angry..."

Behind the patriarch of the medicine clan, three members of the medicine clan released three strange fires.

The patriarch of the Yao clan swept the three different fires, and then threw them all to Chen Xiu.

"This is all the strange fire of my medicine clan, Styx, I hope you can do what you say!" The clan chief of the medicine clan said through gritted teeth.

Chen Xiu nodded, without refining, the power of the universe was activated, and the three kinds of different fires were instantly subdued by him!

One is the cold fire of the bone spirit that he already has, the flame is dark white, has the characteristics of extreme cold, and ranks eleventh in the list of different fires.

After that, the tenth ranked Jiuyou Fengyan.

According to legend, Jiuyou Fengyan was born in the endless abyss of the Extreme Yin Land.Biquge Novel

The overcast wind is there, and the living people will be disturbed by this overcast wind, and finally lose themselves and become completely crazy!

After that, the tortoise spirit land fired, and this fire ranked thirteenth in the different fire list.

Its characteristics are unknown, except that its appearance resembles a mysterious tortoise, and its body is covered with spikes, and it is a brown fire with strong mouth and teeth.

After receiving these three different fires, Chen Xiu instantly started Fen Jue with Cui Dong, combining the five different fires of Nanming Lihuo, Turtle Spirit Ground Fire, Bone Spirit Cold Fire, Nine Nether Wind Flame, and Void Swallowing Flame together.

As for the real fire of the sun, Chen Xiu stayed, and he wanted to integrate the real fire of the sun at the last moment.

Seeing Chen Xiu absorbing the strange fire, the patriarch of the Yao clan snorted coldly, "You have collected the things. Can you please get out of the Yao clan now?"

Chen Xiu narrowed her eyes, "Don't worry, it's not over yet, I want that piece of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade from your Medicine Clan!"

"What!" Hearing Chen Xiu's request again, the patriarch of the Yao clan almost broke his face with him directly!

In the end, the elder was still sensible, and after some persuasion, the Yao clan patriarch finally compromised.

Crush the teeth and hand over the ancient Emperor Tuoshe Jade passed down from the ancestors to Chen Xiu.

The eyes of the patriarch of the medicine clan were almost plunged into blood, "Now, you! Full! Full of intentions! Now!"

Chen Xiu smiled and took the ancient Emperor Tuoshe jade, then took out her two pieces and gently put them together.

"It's true, thank you for your cooperation, my father-in-law."

After speaking, Chen Xiu turned around indifferently, leaving only a dark back of the people of the medicine clan, and a speech that pierced his heart.

"Kill, don't keep one!"


One night, the Yao Clan was destroyed, and the eight ancient clans were removed from the Xiao Clan. Since then, only six clans remain.

And this news naturally spread throughout the entire Zhongzhou continent overnight!

In Xingyu Pavilion, Yao Lao's expression became a little complicated. Although he had already left the Medicine Clan, that was his home after all.

Today, the Yao Clan was annihilated by the Soul Clan overnight, and the clay figurine still had three points of anger. The Soul Clan's move completely angered Yao Lao.

But what can he do?

He is now the pinnacle of Nine Star Dou Zun, although he is only one step away from Dou Sheng, he is not Dou Sheng after all.

At this time, Xiao Yan had already won the Pill Tower's alchemy meeting and successfully won three thousand flames.

He also received the news of the destruction of the medicine clan for the first time, and the Lord of Danta sent invitations to the major forces!

The remaining six ancient tribes, in addition to the soul clan, Heavenly Ming Sect, Huazong, Glacier Valley, Yingu, Fenyan Valley, Xingyu Pavilion, Wanjian Pavilion, Huangquan Pavilion, and Fenglei Pavilion all received invitations!

The content is unsurprisingly, the soul clan's plan is so big, I hope you all unite, let them break through one by one!

When Xiao Yan returned from Danta during his trip, he took this letter back by the way.

After seeing this, the Medic and Venerable Feng said nothing, and directly led the remaining disciples to the Dan Pagoda!

Xiao Yan thought heavily on the side, "Teacher, I have an ominous hunch, I'm afraid this time, things are far from simple as we thought."

Today, after refining three thousand Yan Yanhuo, Xiao Yan's strength is already half a step Dou Zun.

But even his teacher's half-step fighting sage is useless, what is the meaning of his half-step fighting sage?

Old Yao naturally also knew that things were not simple, and the spirit clan wolfzi's ambition was obvious, obviously it was not a day or two.

But why do you have to do it at this time?

This is the only thing that everyone can't understand, and why do they want to be so fanatical?

It's as if it is deliberately doing it to them!

Could it be that the real purpose of the soul race is to unite them?

But what good is this for the soul race?

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