Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 530 Ten Thousand Phase Douluo!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Star Dou Forest, outside.

Chen Xiu walked in the Star Dou Forest like this, and slapped him to death when he encountered a spirit beast on the road.

Regardless of whether it is a thousand years or ten thousand years, there is no difference in Chen Xiu's eyes.

On the way, Shen Xiaoya followed Chen Xiu cautiously.

She didn't dare to breathe in the air, the strength that Chen Xiu showed along the way had seriously refreshed her three views!

A ten thousand year soul beast as high as a tree was slapped to death by the mysterious man in front of him!

He didn't even release his spirit abilities, even Title Douluo was not so enchanting!

Is he really human?

He wouldn't be a one-hundred-thousand-year soul beast transformed!

He wouldn't shoot himself to death if he was in a bad mood, would he?

No way!No way!

Shen Xiaoya followed Chen Xiu cautiously, acting as light and light as a little rabbit, obediently, not dare to make any big moves.

"Hey, my good apprentice." Chen Xiu's voice suddenly came from the front!

Shen Xiaoya seemed to be frightened for a moment, and nodded quickly, "Yes!!!"

"Master, master, you call me?"

Shen Xiaoya had been lowering her head before, so she didn't see Chen Xiu stop suddenly.

So she ran into Chen Xiu's back of course.

However, due to Chen Xiu's height of 1.9 meters, Shen Xiaoya could only touch Chen Xiu's waist even with a touch of her foot.

For a moment, Shen Xiaoya panicked like a deer crashing, "Hey, hey, who am I? Where am I?"

But it smells so good.

Is it the smell on him?

Shen Xiaoya slowly raised her head, and as a result, it happened to be intertwined with Chen Xiu's sight!

Chen Xiu turned her head, and then took Shen Xiaoya's pigtail and pulled her aside. "Aren't you going to worship me as a teacher? Why don't you talk?"

Shen Xiaoya was a little depressed, why did the master always grab her pigtails, "No, so, master, you finally plan to accept me as a disciple!"

Hold your thigh!

This decisive man in front of him is a big man!

If you can hug his thigh, your safety will be guaranteed!

On the way, Shen Xiaoya had a 360-degree change in her thinking. From the very beginning, she wanted to use Chen Xiu to escape herself.

After seeing Chen Xiu casually slapped the Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast, Shen Xiaoya suddenly discovered that Chen Xiu was a golden leg!

If he could hold his thigh, no one would dare to bully her on Douluo Continent!

Chen Xiu turned her head, her black robe was driven, "Okay, don't you want to worship me as a teacher, I will give you this opportunity."


Shen Xiaoya widened her eyes, "Really, did you really agree?"

The corner of Chen Xiu's mouth raised, "Yes, but do you know who I am?"

who is it?

Shen Xiaoya wondered, yes, who is this mysterious person in front of him?

There is no such person in the upper three cases, and even less in the lower four.

If it were the kind of Title Douluo wandering the mainland, that would not be possible. I remembered that there was no such good character.

Could it be the title Douluo of the Spirit Hall?

However, the Wuhun Palace does not seem to use the title of Black Vine Wuhun!

Could it be that the mysterious Holy Spirit Cult?

Isn't it, the Holy Spirit Cult was destroyed by the Seven Great Sects teaming up with Wuhun Hall?

Shen Xiaoya was puzzled, and finally she blinked at Chen Xiu, who didn't understand, "Now, Master, are you Title Douluo?"

Titled Douluo, Chen Xiu looked at the sky, "I think so."

Is it?

What do you mean?

Shen Xiaoya cautiously came to Chen Xiu, "Then, what is your title, Master?"

title?Love Wenxue

Yeah, what is your title?

In Douluo Continent, every soul master has a title dream, and when they just embarked on their journey, they also thought about many titles for themselves.

But when they grow up, how many people can become titles?

I'm afraid, there are none at all.

Chen Xiu once gave herself a title, but now that I think about it carefully, I can't remember it.

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

I saw Chen Xiu slowly retracting his gaze, "Wan Xiang."

Wanxiang Douluo?

Shen Xiaoya was really dumbfounded this time, she had never heard of such a person on the Douluo Continent.

Wanxiang Douluo, what does this mean?

You can't think of Wuhun at all. Look at the sword Douluo, the Wuhun is a sword, and look at the Poison Douluo, the Wuhun is the poisonous snake.

The theme is clear, concise and concise, look at how good this is.

And my master, this universe is really too vague.

Shen Xiaoya didn't know where Chen Xiu came from, let alone whether he was a human!

I saw Shen Xiaoya lightly tapping her toes, "Then Xiaoya still has a problem, Master, don't be angry with Xiaoya after listening to it."

And Chen Xiu didn't speak, just glanced at her briefly, and then cut off a huge tree soaring with a wave of his right hand!

Chen Xiu nudged her fingers, and the trunk fell backwards instantly. Hearing a boom, the trunk fell, and a large number of birds and beasts dispersed!

Chen Xiu directly sat down on the tree stump, "Ask, I can wait for you here for a day, right, okay, only child?"

The expression of the master is terrible!

Or don't ask!

However, if she didn't ask, Shen Xiaoya wouldn't feel relieved no matter what.

Therefore, taking up the courage, Shen Xiaoya decided to ask this question, "Master, are you really human?"

Chen Xiu was silent, and the air fell silent for a moment.

Even the temperature couldn't help but drop a few minutes, Shen Xiaoya was frightened and anxious for a moment, the master is not going to kill people!

Didn't you tell the truth by accident?

Master, he is really a soul beast transformed into a human!

It's over, it's over, it seems that Xiaoya is inevitable for me!

"At one time, I also had a body that was indistinguishable from a human being."

Chen Xiu's words suddenly broke the tranquility, Shen Xiaoya was frightened, and quickly patted her breast.

But what does it mean once?

In other words, are not humans now?

Shen Xiaoya suddenly smelled the story, but she did not dare to ask.

"Then, what is your martial spirit, Master?" This is what makes Shen Xiaoya most curious.

Chen Xiu's current state is like the state of possessing a certain dragon spirit.

But if this is the case, then what is the plant martial spirit he used before?

This really puzzled Shen Xiaoya, and Chen Xiu didn't hide it either, and opened his right hand to release the spirit of the dead thorn Black Vine King.

At the same time, nine spirit rings entangled the Deaththorn Black Vine King and rose.

The first one had no spirit ring, and the color was red.

The second spirit ring is pure gold in color.

The third spirit ring is purple and gold in color.

The fourth spirit ring is platinum in color.

The fifth spirit ring is green in color.

The sixth spirit ring is black gold in color.

The seventh spirit ring is pale gold in color.

The eighth soul ring is dark gold in color.

The color of the ninth spirit ring was red gold.

For an instant, Shen Xiaoya was stunned, what kind of spirit ring is this?

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