You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Damn, what kind of spirit ring is this, how colorful?

Moreover, why do these spirit rings seem to be gilded?

You know, in Shen Xiaoya's cognition, spirit rings are divided into five types.

Ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years.

Ten years is white, a hundred years is yellow, a thousand years is purple, ten thousand years is black, and one hundred thousand years is red.

Wait, Shen Xiaoya suddenly looked closer and discovered that Chen Xiu's first spirit ring was one hundred thousand years old!

My God, one hundred thousand years!

And it turned out to be the first ring!

What about the remaining eight?

Shen Xiaoya couldn't believe it, and didn't dare to look at it too much. Seeing too much of this spirit ring would make her doubt life.

Shen Xiaoya's first two rings are a hundred years old, and they are all excellent configurations, but the third spirit ring has not yet been obtained.

Shen Xiaoya was originally complacent because of this, but after seeing the master again, the only pride in her heart was ruthlessly crushed.

Although I don't know what the eight remaining spirit rings of the master are, they should be one hundred thousand years old.

No, there are no one hundred thousand year spirit ring configurations. Doesn't that mean that the master has absorbed one hundred thousand year spirit rings in his first ring?

Secondly, he killed nine hundred thousand year soul beasts!

Is this possible?

Shen Xiaoya cautiously circled Chen Xiu twice, "Master, Master, why do you have so many colors in your spirit ring?"

Chen Xiu cast a glance at the spirit ring, "The million-year spirit ring will show different golden colors because of the difference in the spirit beast."

What did the master say?

Hundreds of millions of years!!

Is there really such a spirit ring?

Doesn't this mean that the master killed eight million-year-old soul beasts!

When it's over, it may not be a big boss, but an ancient giant!

Listening to Chen Xiu's casual tone, Shen Xiaoya has completely lost common sense, and sure enough, she must not miss this opportunity!

"Master, Master, I admire you so much!" Shen Xiaoya said with Jinxing eyes.

Chen Xiu beckoned, and Shen Xiaoya suddenly felt a bad feeling, "Master, what are you doing?"

Although Shen Xiaoya was very reluctant, she didn't dare to resist, and finally came to Chen Xiu obediently.

Shen Xiaoya blinked her eyes and put on a pathetic look.

Chen Xiu completely ignored it, and saw that his finger flicked on Shen Xiaoya's forehead in an instant.

"Ah, why, master." Shen Xiaoya said aggrievedly.

Chen Xiu shook her head, "Will I know your little thought?"

"Apprentice, since you insist on worshiping me as a teacher, well, I'll teach you a lesson today, Master. I'm optimistic."


A sound of wind passed by, and the Deaththorn Black Vine King shot out in Chen Xiu's palm instantly, instantly binding Shen Xiaoya firmly!

"Hey, master, what are you doing...!"

In the next second, Chen Xiu's figure swelled instantly, and in a blink of an eye she transformed into a huge black dragon!


Heilong opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, and was about to swallow Shen Xiaoya in his belly!

But an astonishing scene happened, and Shen Xiaoya closed her eyes calmly.8090 Chinese

"If the master wants to eat Xiaoya, then Xiaoya will have no regrets, be a teacher for one day, and be a father for life. Master, please eat."

Shen Xiaoya closed her eyes, two rows of tears flowed down, and the expression on her face didn't show any regret.

At this moment, Chen Xiu's movements stopped, and the Deaththorn Black Vine King Wuhun slowly escaped into the ground.

Chen Xiu also changed from the form of a giant dragon into a human form. Shen Xiaoya opened her eyes lightly, and she was happy when she saw Chen Xiu's transformation back into a human form, and she went forward and hugged Chen Xiu's waist.

"I know that the master is reluctant to eat me, the master is the best...!"

Chen Xiu looked at Shen Xiaoya, who was wiping tears in her arms, and found a familiar feeling in an instant.

Really like her.

Gently touched Shen Xiaoya's little head, "Why aren't you afraid? Did you guess that I won't eat you?"

Shen Xiaoya shook her head, "No, I really think that if there is no master, then Xiaoya I might be dead, so even if she died in the hands of the master, it is reasonable."

Chen Xiu nodded, "If you were even a little scared just now, you might have entered my stomach now."

"You passed my test. From today onwards, you are my apprentice, and I am not your master."

"Huh?" Shen Xiaoya was stunned, "Why?"

Chen Xiu flicked Shen Xiaoya and said, "Why do you have so many why, disciple, remember to be a teacher, and don't ask why from now on."

Shen Xiaoya nodded blankly, "Why?"

Chen Xiu sighed, then instantly got up and walked towards the forest, "follow me."

Chen Xiu's pace is very slow, but in Shen Xiaoya's eyes, his step can go so far!

Shen Xiaoya was anxious in an instant, "Hey, wait for me, Master, why can you go so fast, Master?"

"Master, master!"

"Master, why are you so strong?"

"Master, master!"

"Master, why do you ignore me?"

"Master, master!"


On the Sun Moon Continent and the West China Sea, a fleet of ships is moving at great speed on the sea.

There are thousands of them, and the cruise ship headed by them is huge and can carry more than 500 people.

The Soul Guidance Cruiser is driven by Soul Power, the greater the output of Soul Power, the faster the cruiser's speed.

On the lead cruiser, a man wearing a platinum armor stood with his hands on the bow.

Looking towards the Taotao rivers and seas, the trial ruling sighed, "I had no intention of fighting, I just wanted to live a life without fighting, but life forced me step by step. If I didn't fight, I would be eliminated."

At this moment, Bai Hu walked out of the cabin slowly, "Sir Ruling, you have been here for a day and a night."

The trial verdict shook his head, "I don't want to sleep. If I don't reach Douluo Continent for a day, I won't be able to sleep peacefully."

"Everyone bet their hopes on me, and I am not sure of winning. How can I sleep peacefully like this?"

"Unable to find a way, what qualifications do I have to rest?"

Bai Hu shook his head, "You don't have to oppress yourself in this way. The necessary rest is still indispensable. Although you are a Title Douluo, the mental damage cannot be avoided.

The trial verdict nodded, "I see, thank you for your kindness, I will go back when I want to understand."

Bai Hu shook his head, then turned back to the cabin, "Hey, your sense of responsibility is too heavy. Sometimes, you should learn to let go."

After speaking, Baihu returned to the cabin.

The trial verdict remained the same, looking at the endless sea in the distance, countless seabirds soared freely.

The verdict closed his eyes slowly and listened to the voice of the sea like this, "Ocean, what should I do?"

"How can I beat those two, speed, strength, wisdom, I only occupy power, can this be the cornerstone of my decisive victory?"

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