Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 532: Choose Soul!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The Sun Moon Continent, the West Sea.

In the waters 800 miles away from the trial ruling fleet, the apocalyptic ruling fleet received an unprecedented heavy blow!

The waves roll up to a great height, like the huge open mouth of the abyss swallowing everything!

The basaltic method appeared, a huge black tortoise was sitting at the position of the sea eye, and a black snake hovered directly on the basalt tail.

And the instigator of this wave is Xuanwu!

After receiving the order of the divine punishment ruling, Xuanwu manifested its true appearance and directly controlled the waves to intercept the fleet of the apocalypse ruling!

And the divine punishment ruling took advantage of the chaos to go to sea, but the apocalyptic ruling naturally couldn't let him do what he wanted!

Therefore, relying on the flying characteristics of Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird, Apocalypse Judgment used their own way to rule their bodies, and sent the two to intercept the fleet of God's Penalty Judgment!

For a while, the two stood in a stalemate, and neither of them wanted to let go.

And Qinglong and Suzaku have no sea battle advantage yet, and Xiahai might not be able to defeat Xuanwu alone.

Qinglong is a genus of wood, plus the genus that originally evolved from it.

The white tiger is metal, plus the wind genus.

Suzaku is the fire genus, plus the light genus.

Basalt is a water genus, plus an earth genus.

They have their own home courts, if they are in a favorable venue, such as the deep sea.

Even the strongest Azure Dragon may not have a 50% chance of winning.

Therefore, the Xuanwu on the divine punishment ruling side will not be withdrawn, and the two on the Tianqi ruling side will not withdraw either.

So the two are deadlocked, then no one will leave!

All froze in place!

This situation has been going on for a day and a night.

The two sides are still in a stalemate, and they both have the hole cards to win. Once they set sail, it will take as little as half a month or as long as 20 days to reach the Douluo Continent!

Therefore, they didn't put the trial verdict in their eyes, and even if he stumbled for a month, he would not be able to reach the Douluo Continent.

As a result, the two sides launched a seven-day deadlock!


And on the first day of the deadlock between the two, on the distant Douluo Continent.

Chen Xiu walked in the Star Dou Forest with the little apprentice he just received.

Along the way, Shen Xiaoya seemed to be a curious baby, asking endless questions.

"Master, master, take care of me!" Shen Xiaoya waved in front of Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu looked a little gloomy, then slowly stretched out her finger, and gave Shen Xiaoya another head.

"Oh, master, you are bullying Xiaoya again." Shen Xiaoya said aggrievedly, covering her forehead.

Chen Xiu slowly shook her head, "Disciple, do you know what it means to worship me as a teacher?"

"Looking at the entire Douluo Continent, count the titles of Douluo in the world. Together, they are not even worthy of giving me shoes."

"The world moves with a thought, step on the Douluo, crush the universe, if I want to, I stomped my foot, this Douluo continent will shake three times."

It is rare for Chen Xiu to say so many words once, and Shen Xiaoya was shocked for a while, "Ah, master, are you so strong?"

"Is that right? No one dares to bully me when I report your name to Douluo Continent in the future?"

Shen Xiaoya looked at Chen Xiu with an admiring look of Venus.

But he was very ruthless. Chen Xiu's expression was very serious, and he immediately put down a ruthless word, "Disciple, listen up, if one day, you are embarking on a journey to the Douluo Continent, remember, don’t say anything. Others say you are my apprentice." Kubi Quge

"In any case, you can't mention my name to others, remember, remember."

"If one day, if you mention my name to others, even if it is half a word, then I will know. By then, you and I will be fully understood."

"I will frustrate you, demote your soul to the land of the Nine Nethers, and be tortured forever, and you will never be able to transcend life. Do you remember?"

Seeing the master's look serious, Shen Xiaoya also knew that what the master said was absolutely not a joke.

Shen Xiaoya nodded, "Don't worry, Master, I will never mention your old man's name."

It is useless to say more, Chen Xiu nodded, "That's it, let's select your third spirit ring first."

"Release your martial soul and change it for you as a teacher. The upper limit of your martial soul is too low. You are destined to only cultivate to the realm of soul sage, and you will not have any great achievements in your life."



If you change your martial soul, can you still change your martial soul?

According to Shen Xiaoya's cognition, a person's martial arts soul was finalized after awakening at the age of six.

If you don't have soul power, you can't practice, and you can only be a commoner in your life.

And if you have soul power, you can refine soul power through meditation, but what people don’t know is that the upper limit of a person is actually doomed at birth

Shen Xiaoya didn't know how Chen Xiu knew that she had spirit power, but it was not surprising that she thought that the master had eight million-year spirit rings.

However, even if the master is in hand and the eyes are open to the sky, wouldn't it be possible to change the spirit of martial arts?

This is the rule of this world, Shen Xiaoya hasn't heard of anyone who can exchange martial spirits for others.

No, there seems to be one!

No way?

Shen Xiaoya swallowed her saliva secretly, and then released her martial soul obediently.

I saw a pink lily rose in Shen Xiaoya's palm, emitting a pink mist in an instant.

Chen Xiu doesn't need to look at it to know, "Pink Lady, controlling martial arts, the first soul ability is Sleeping, and the second soul ability is Pink Dreamland. Am I wrong?"

Shen Xiaoya was stunned, "Master, you are too amazing, do you even know what my spirit ability is?"

"Master, how did you know?"

Chen Xiu stretched out her slender finger and flicked Shen Xiaoya's forehead, "Apprentice, how did I teach you, don't always ask why, since you are my apprentice, don't be bound by the so-called rules."

"Rule has always been an invisible shackle. People use it to restrain themselves and limit their horizons. Isn't this an extremely stupid behavior?"

Shen Xiaoya rubbed her head a little aggrievedly, "But, Master, what is it?"

Chen Xiu sighed, "Forget it, there are some things, you will understand sooner or later, please stretch out your hand."

"Oh." Shen Xiaoya cleverly stretched out her right hand.

Chen Xiu didn't hesitate to grab Shen Xiaoya's little hand directly, and the swastika appeared again, and Shen Xiaoya's complexion instantly became ruddy.

Ah, the master's hand looks good, it's cold.

Shen Xiaoya was a little shy for a moment, and the eyes that looked at Chen Xiu were a bit dodging.

But before Shen Xiaoya was able to savor the beauty of her master, she suddenly felt a pain in her right hand!

"Master, it hurts so much, Xiaoya can't hold on anymore...!"

As soon as Chen Xiu sucked Shen Xiaoya's martial spirit with Wanxiang, she suddenly heard Shen Xiaoya's yelling, "Apprentice, forbearance and forbearance will pass."

Shen Xiaoya was a little aggrieved, "But the master really hurts..."

Chen Xiu has a serious expression. He is selecting Wuhun for Shen Xiaoya, "After suffering from hardship, he will be a master, a good disciple, and be patient."

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