Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 533 Inheritance of the Deadthorn Black Vine King!

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When the words were over, the Deaththorn Black Vine King Wuhun shot out in an instant, and instantly tied the thousand-year soul beast in front of him!

Shen Xiaoya panted and looked at Chen Xiu, "Master, how am I doing?"

Chen Xiu cast a glance at him, and then simultaneously threw out his right hand, the dead thorn Black Vine King in his hand instantly let go!


The thousand-year soul beast bound by Shen Xiaoya was pierced by the way!

Chen Xiu's Deaththorn Black Vine King is so sharp that it can plunge into a creature's body instantly like a spear!

Shen Xiaoya saw her mouth dumb for a moment, "This Martial Soul can still be used like this?"

Chen Xiu flicked his finger, and the Deaththorn Black Vine King Wuhun instantly lifted, "Don't be constrained by the shape of the Wuhun. Who said that the plant-type Wuhun can only be used for control and assistance?"

"Think what you think, let your mind go, the death thorn and black vines are ever-changing, capable of attacking, defending against the enemy, supporting, and controlling, one man becomes an army, ghost face Raksha."

Shen Xiaoya shook her head, "Master, Xiaoya doesn't understand, what do you mean by the last two sentences?"

Chen Xiu shook her head, "It's nothing, just remembering it."

Shen Xiaoya nodded, "Oh, master, when shall we get my third spirit ring?"

Soul ring?

Chen Xiu casually moved, and three purple lights flickered and poured into Shen Xiaoya's body instantly!

Before Shen Xiaoya could react, she saw that the two yellow spirit rings around her flashed three times!

Three purple lights shone, Shen Xiaoya opened her eyes, and the scene before her refreshed her three views again!

She has not yet absorbed the third spirit ring, but her spirit power has already broken through to the thirty-first level!

Looking at his side, Shen Xiaoya not only obtained the third spirit ring, but even the first two spirit rings had also changed!

Three purple spirit rings, three thousand-year spirit rings!

Has your own spirit ring upgraded?

Shen Xiaoya looked at Chen Xiu in shock, "Master, are you a god?"


At this time, on the Douluo Continent.

Suddenly a man walked out of the Slaughter City. He was wearing a black tights and a black coat.

This man has long aqua-blue hair and looks exceptionally beautiful. The strong killing intent in his light blue eyes has not dissipated.

He is 1.8 meters tall and slim, and looks horrendous with a murderous look.

This person is the son of Haotian Douluo Tang Hao, Tang San!

With his hands in his trouser pockets, Tang San looked at the distant sky, the rolling black clouds gathered, it seemed that something big was about to happen.

Slowly clenching his fists, Tang San's eyes couldn't help revealing a feeling of longing, "Xiao Wu, everyone, it's been five years, how are you?"

Five years are both long and short, and some people only have a quick finger after these five years.

For some people, the past five years is extremely long.

In the past five years, Tang San's goal became more determined and he went to the Wuhun Palace for revenge!

In addition to his mother's hatred, there was another reason Tang San was unwilling to speak, "Xiu'er, I will save you from the Spirit Hall."


At this time, outside the city of killing, Tang San's father Tang Hao was already here waiting for him, "Little San."

Tang San raised his head, his father was even older after two years.

Tang San noticed very sensitively. There seemed to be something in his father's body that echoed with himself.

This is the same trait. If it is not bad, his father should have also passed the Hell Road and obtained the Killing God Realm.

And the Killing God Realm seemed to be able to communicate some wonderful things, it was like a key and a certain qualification.Huaxia Chinese

And his father actually has the same qualifications as himself!

Tang San looked at his father, his mood was unprecedentedly excited, "Father, I succeeded."

Tang Hao patted Tang San on the shoulder, and there was a slight smile on his old face, "Little San, you did a good job, you didn't disappoint me, let's go."

Tang San felt happy after receiving his father's praise.

Tang Hao took the lead, and Tang San quickly followed.

I have to say that family affection and joy are really the treasures to wash away hostility.

Tang San, who had crawled out of hell, was wrapped in a hostile spirit, and his murderous spirit rose to the sky.

Nowadays, under this kind of kinship, the killing spirit has gradually decreased a lot.

Walking on the road, Tang Hao said without looking back: "Little San, do you know what the role of the Killing God Realm is?"

A flash of light flashed in Tang San's eyes, "Aura."

Tang Hao nodded, "Yes, it is the momentum. In the killing god domain, the enemy will be weakened because of your killing force, and you will be strengthened."

"The current ratio is that the enemy is weakened by 10%, and you can exert 110% of the power."

"This ratio will increase, and the domain skills ignore the existence of twin martial arts rules."

"When you release another martial soul, you can still use other domain skills."

Tang San's Blue Silver Grass has the Blue Silver Domain, and his Clear Sky Hammer has the Killing God Domain.

This is not a spirit ability, he can even release it out of thin air.

But how did the father know?

"Father, how did you know?" Tang San asked in confusion.

Tang Hao shook his head, "Because the same situation has already happened to another person."

Tang San's pupils shrank, and he suddenly understood who his father was talking about.

In this world, apart from Hu Liena, who drove through the road to hell with herself, there are only two people who still have the Killing God Realm!

The first one is his father, and the second one is Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Hall!

Looking at Tang San's expression, Tang Hao could also see, "You guessed who it is? Now there are a total of four people on the mainland controlling the Killing God Realm. Among them, you can understand the mystery."

After four years of training, Tang San has changed from a 15-year-old boy to a 19-year-old boy.

Controls two major domains, possesses a 60th-level spirit power, plus Blue Silver Grass's second awakening to become the Blue Silver Emperor.

Tang San's temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes, not only mature, but also a little more stable.

But in Tang Hao's eyes, this was not enough, it was far from enough.

Tang San asked his father about the past, but Tang Hao's answer remained the same, "It's not the time yet. You haven't met my requirements."

Tang San gritted his teeth, "Father, how can I meet your requirements?"

Tang Hao turned his head, "I will tell you everything when you wash away the lead."


Above the West Sea of ​​the Sun Moon Continent, the Apocalypse Ruling and the Divine Punishment Ruling met face to face.

The two were sitting on a round table, full of people on both sides, the Tianqi ruling did not want to talk nonsense, "Are you withdrawing troops?"

God's punishment is not good, "You first withdraw."

Apocalypse ruling coldly snorted, "If you withdraw first, I will withdraw."

The divine punishment judged to light a cigarette, "I'm holding it today. If you don't withdraw your troops, I won't withdraw your troops. We'll be frozen in a big deal."

The apocalyptic ruling has cold eyes, "What good is this for you and me, but it's cheaper and God punishes that guy."

God's punishment ruling grinned, "As long as you can hold you down, everything is worth it!"

The Apocalypse ruling gritted his teeth and fucked things, so that if the trial reached the Douluo Continent first, the group of ghosts would miss themselves!

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