Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 534 Blood Race!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Douluo Continent, north of the Star Dou Great Forest, Xiyan Village resident.

A little girl hopped on the road, accompanied by butterflies along the way, and Shen Xiaoya hummed a little song and walked on the way home.

Looking at Xiyan Village in the distance, I don’t know why the original lively village is very deserted today.

Shen Xiaoya suddenly had a bad feeling, stepping on the muddy road, Shen Xiaoya rushed into the village.

Knocking from door to door, no one opened the door, and Shen Xiaoya didn't even see a villager on the road.

Where did everyone go?

At this moment, Shen Xiaoya suddenly heard a scream, "Ah----!"

Shen Xiaoya hurriedly turned around, and ran to the direction of the sound.

The voice spread a bit far away, as if it came from outside the village.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Shen Xiaoya ran while panting, and her vague premonition grew stronger and stronger.

"Everyone will have an accident, the village chief's grandfather is a five-ringed spirit master, wouldn't even the village chief's grandfather have an accident?" Shen Xiaoya worried.

The head of Xiyan Village, a former believer of the Holy Spirit, was able to break through the five rings at the age of seventy because of his talent.

But the lifespan left for him is not much, and he still has two years to live if he is full. This is the side effect of the blood burning power.

Walking through a small forest, Shen Xiaoya suddenly found a clearing.

At this time, the open space was full of people, and Shen Xiaoya's pupils shrank when he saw this, "Isn't that a folk in the village?"

Yes, in the clearing in front of the forest, all the villagers in Xiyan Village were tied up with their hands and feet and threw them on the ground like goods.

Even the strongest village head could not escape this disaster. Shen Xiaoya instantly covered her mouth and hid behind the tree, "What should I do now, everyone is going to be taken away!"

Shen Xiaoya secretly observed the open space from the dark. In addition to the villagers in Xiyan Village, there were three men in the open space.

Two of them, Shen Xiaoya, knew each other. Aren’t they the head of the village next door and his son?

Why are they here?

Looking at the remaining man, his skin was pale like a corpse, his eyes were red and bloody, and his ears looked different from ordinary people.

At this moment, the head of the village next door nodded and bowed to the white-skinned man Xue, "My lord, we have fulfilled your order, so this time... shouldn't it be the same?"

The white-skinned man left the village chief as if, "Oh, you lost your money that time. If it wasn't for the birthday banquet of Earl Dracula this time, I wouldn't have come to get a group of blood slaves in such a short time."

The village chief gave a treacherous smile, "Ahem, the villain doesn't mean that, it's what you said last time, the lord, let the villain join the blood..."

The white-skinned man snorted coldly, the old thing is really insatiable.

The older people are, the more afraid they are of death, but in this world, there is a special creature that rules the dark forest.

They have a long life, but they are afraid of sunlight, and they feed on human blood.

They are, blood races, gathered in the bloody fortress in the dark forest.

For food, the kinsmen are forced to cooperate with some humans, and these humans are also willing to sell their kind for profit.

This is mankind, a beast driven by money and profit.

The white-skinned man still wants to use this human being for the time being, so he will not temporarily clarify this relationship.

He even had to draw a big pie to let these humans work harder for them.591 read novel network

"As you know, the blood races are also divided into levels, and those who are first embraced by the blood ancestors belong to a generation of blood races and are the princes."

"And the first embraced by the prince is the duke, and the first embraced by the second-generation blood family is the marquis, that is, the third-generation blood family."

"And the one who was embraced by the Marquis for the first time was the earl, a four-generation blood clan, and the next one was the viscount."

"Let me tell you this, the blood ancestor only has one person for the first time. That is to say, there is only one prince in the blood clan, and only two dukes, four marquis, eight earls, and viscounts. Thirty-two."

"I was embraced by Master Dracula for the first time, so I am a viscount, and the birthday of the blood race is the day they were embraced for the first time."

The village chief nodded blankly when he saw it. He didn't expect that the hierarchical division among the blood races would be so complicated!

But these are not what the village chief is concerned about, "Then sir, which level of blood can live the longest?"

The viscount shook his finger, "It must be the blood ancestor. The higher the level of the blood clan, the stronger its vitality and the stronger the resistance to sunlight."

"Under the viscount, there are barons, blood servants, and blood slaves. There are tens of thousands of them, but they can't see the sun. Once they are exposed to the sun, they will instantly turn into fly ash."

As he said, the viscount glanced at the village chief, "and the village chief, you have worked so hard, and I will ask Master Dracula to embrace you for the first time. By then, you and I will be both viscounts."

Hearing the condition put forward by the blood count, the village chief's eyes flashed greedily, and he nodded for a while, "That's good, that's good, and I will ask the adults to take care of them then."

The bloody earl waved his hand, "These are trivial things, as long as you do your job well, the bloody will not treat you badly."

Ha ha.

Old things, you still want to be on an equal footing with me, are you worthy of being a human?

The blood clan will never embrace these useless old men for the first time, the blood clan only needs the elite.

When human beings have no value for use, what the blood race can do is only turn them into food and squeeze their final value.

This is the price of greed.

The blood count looked at the villagers in Xiyan Village, then shook his head, "Hey, it's a pity, Lord Dracula likes virgins the most, if I can offer them a virgin..."

Looking at the villagers, the blood count yelled, "Hey, I'll give you a chance, who of you still hides the girl, if you hand it over now, your family will be saved from death!"

The villagers in Xiyan Village looked at each other. Whose girl hasn't married yet?

Wait, there seems to be one, old Shen's daughter, Shen Xiaoya!

I heard that Old Shen took her to obtain the spirit ring, should he be back soon?

At this moment, a village woman in Xiyan Village suddenly found Shen Xiaoya hiding in the dark!

She yelled, "I know, I know no virginity!"


Shen Xiaoya's pupils shrank, Aunt Zhang, why?

The blood count grinned, "Where, I told you to spare your family not to die."

The village woman quickly pointed her finger at Shen Xiaoya's location, "Where, right behind this tree, the girl of the old Shen family!"

Seeing Aunt Zhang's hideous face, Shen Xiaoya was shocked for a moment. Why, why?

Obviously, a person who is usually so gentle, often gives her fruit, why now, why?

The tears in Shen Xiaoya's eyes turned, and she finally saw the ugliness of human nature.

When facing a desperate situation, human beings can instantly become demons in order to survive!

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