Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 539 Join Dawn!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Shen Xiaoya hasn't figured out the situation yet, "What, what do you mean?"

Ye Feng stepped off the statue, and then stretched out his right hand to Shen Xiaoya, "Perhaps you may not know that within the next ten years, an unprecedented catastrophe will occur in the Douluo Continent."

"In order to deal with the imminent disaster in the future, Liming was established. We vowed to eliminate the evils of the world and bring dawn to all living beings."

"The heavens and the earth, the cult of the Holy Spirit harms the world. If it is not eliminated, sentient beings will have to suffer more for one day."

"Someone has to stand up, this world cannot be without a hero, this world needs you."

"Join us, Shen Xiaoya."

Faced with Ye Feng's invitation, Shen Xiaoya was already in a daze. What, what, a catastrophe will happen within ten years?

It's a lie, and hasn't the Holy Spirit Church been destroyed?

"Well, wait a minute, I still have a lot of questions. You said that the Holy Spirit taught the world to harm the world, what did they do?"

Ye Feng slowly put down his right hand, his expression gradually sad, and he sighed, "You may not know yet, Douluo Continent is being attacked by a mysterious force."

"And this force has the ability to subvert the Douluo Continent, and they are the Holy Spirit Cult."

"They win over the poor all over the world, and teach them evil skills, at the cost of their lives in exchange for the opportunity to practice."

"The many vicious things done by the Holy Spirit are endless, but they always use all kinds of high-sounding excuses to cover up the truth."

"The bones of the road and the mountains piled up by corpses are all done by the Holy Spirit Cult Evil Spirit Master!"

Shen Xiaoya didn't understand, "Didn't the Holy Spirit Cult be destroyed by the joint efforts of the Seven Great Sects?"


Ha ha.

Ye Feng's face was bitter, "If the Holy Spirit Church is really destroyed, there will be no corpses everywhere on the mainland."

"In that battle, we not only lost, but we also lost thoroughly, and we didn't even have the strength to fight back."

"The White Tiger Sect of the Lower Four Sects was destroyed, countless soul masters died in battle, and all we can do is to delay the expansion of the Holy Spirit Sect."

"Now that the Holy Spirit has been silent for five years, the catastrophe I mentioned will not be too far away, and the Holy Spirit will not remain silent forever."

"Nowadays, although the Holy Spirit Church retreats, the canine teeth they left behind have never stopped. The Holy Spirits are a disaster."

"The blood race, undead race, sea race, sand race, undead and many other species you know are all masterpieces of the Holy Spirit."

I don't know why, the more Ye Feng said, the more Shen Xiaoya can think of a person.

That person is mysterious and powerful, and that is her master.

Is there a relationship between the master and the Holy Spirit?

No, absolutely impossible!

Although the master may be fierce at times, he is not a wicked person after all, how could he do the evil deeds he said!

After thinking twice, Shen Xiaoya still chose to give up, "I'm sorry, I'm just a three-ringed spirit master, I can't help you with anything."

"You should go find someone else, I just want to find my master now."

Ye Feng shook his head, "No, it was not I who chose you, but God, who chose you."

"This is your destiny and your duty. You can't escape."


God, duty, destiny?

Shen Xiaoya was stunned, "I'm just an ordinary little country girl, what responsibilities, what fate, do you treat me too much..."

Shen Xiaoya's meaning is very obvious, she does not want to save the world, nor does she want to be a hero.

She just wants to be an ordinary little girl.Biquge 88

Ye Feng sighed, "This is not a question of whether you want or not. If you can, I don't want to fight."

"Because I also have people I love, and I also have children. I want to protect them. The best way is not to stand still and escape. It is the behavior of the weak."

"The people who join Liming are people who are burdened with hatred and destiny. Don't you have anyone you want to protect?"

The guardian?

Father, mother, they have already left themselves.

Am I going to avenge them too?

Shen Xiaoya understands when it's time to take revenge, so she does not want revenge.

Because, what can you do if you take revenge, her parents will not be resurrected, but one more person will die.

"I'm sorry, I still don't plan to join, you won't force me?" Shen Xiaoya looked at Ye Feng cautiously and said.


It was the first time Ye Feng encountered such a situation. People who can be chosen by God are definitely not ordinary people. How can he be ordinary?

Perhaps it is carrying a mission, or it is carrying a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred, all of which make everyone meet together and form the dawn.

Shen Xiaoya's situation is too special. She neither wants revenge nor has a heart for the country and the people.

Just one, ordinary mortal.

When Ye Feng was in trouble, Hao Xingqin suddenly pushed him away.

After giving Ye Feng a look, Hao Xingqin instantly took Shen Xiaoya's hand, "If you insist on doing this, sister, we won't stop it."

"Just, don't you want to find your master?"

Shen Xiaoya's eyes lit up, "Sister, you can find my master!"

Hao Xingqin smiled, "With your master's ability, if he deliberately avoids you, you probably won't find him in your life."

"But if you can become a titled Douluo and a well-known figure on the mainland, then your master will be proud of you, and how can you avoid you?"

"Maybe, he will take the initiative to find you."

Hearing Hao Xingqin's words, the anxiety in Shen Xiaoya's eyes swept away, and she was instantly full of hope, "Really!"

Hao Xingqin nodded, "Think about it, when you become a well-known hero, does your master still have to avoid you?"

"With such a good apprentice, I'm afraid he is too late to be happy, so how can he avoid you?"

Shen Xiaoya nodded excitedly, "If this is the case, then I am willing to join you!"

Ye Feng looked dumbfounded, and Hao Xingqin made a gesture to Ye Feng. It was our lady who knew women better.

"But, I only have three rings. I am so weak, joining you will only drag you back, right?" Shen Xiaoya worried.

However, in the face of Shen Xiaoya's worries, Hao Xingqin smiled, "Sister, don't worry about this, do you know where is this place?"


Shen Xiaoya raised her head questioningly, "Where is this?"

At this moment, Ye Feng suddenly took a step forward, "This is the inheritance of Gaia, the god of the earth. When many of us came here, there were only four or five rings."

"But now, don't they all become Title Douluo?"

"So, you don't have to worry about soul power. As I said, this world has never lacked ability."

"Only if you dare to stand up, that is the hero, that is the real strong, welcome to join Liming, tenth."


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