Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 540 Uninvited Guest of Wuhun Palace!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Douluo Continent, Wuhun City, and the new Papal Palace have been built.

After being destroyed by a hammer by Tang Hao five years ago, the Wuhun Hall has sent more people to build a more stable Papal Palace.

Now, in the Papal Palace, Bibi Dong prayed repeatedly in front of the statue of the angel god.

Even though five years have passed, the years have never faded away, her gorgeous robe is inlaid with various gems.

The Pope's rod, which symbolizes the authority of the Pope, was standing aside, and Bibi Dong closed his eyes, just like this silently feeling a certain illusory existence.

And also at this moment, there was a scream from outside the Wuhun Hall!



The door of the Pope’s Hall was instantly shattered, and a deacon from the Hall of Spirits was thrown in!

Seeing this, Bibi Dong caught the deacon at this moment, but Bibi Dong, who was about to put him down, found that the deacon was dead!

The chest was pierced. Judging from the wound, it should have been pierced with an arm and the heart was removed!

The ribs are all shattered, how much power is this?

So courageous!

Bibi Dong looked at the door, and the door of the Pope's Palace that had just been repaired was directly shattered!

The silver shards scattered all over the place, and Bibi Dong was so angry when he saw this!

But before she could say anything, she heard a loud shout outside: "Bibi Dong, I'm here to borrow something from you!"

People come first before they arrive!

Immediately afterwards, a black figure suddenly broke into the Papal Palace!

In Bibi Dong's eyes was a handsome man in a black robe with blood patterns.

He has long black hair, a height of 1.93 meters, and a pair of dragon pupils full of killing intent!

Two dragon horns stood upright, huge wings clung to the back like a cloak, and a dragon's tail swayed freely, which seemed to have no sense of disobedience.

Bibi Dong's pupils widened when he saw this person, and his teeth clenched, "Chen Xiu!"

Looking at the way Bibi Dong gritted her teeth, she wanted to crush her teeth, but on the surface she insisted on pretending to be calm.

"Chen Xiu Chen Xiu, oh no, I should call you Linghuang now, you really did a good show."

"The great plan of the Wu Wo Soul Palace for decades is ruined in your hands, and there is a layer of conspiracy on top of the conspiracy. You really regard all of us as fools, and you play it between applause.

"You are really good calculations, Spirit Emperor!"

In Bibi Dong's eyes, everything Chen Xiu did before was performed deliberately!

What kind of strength is weak, it is simply pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, let them put down their guard!

They think they are playing with conspiracies, but they don't want conspiracy on top of them!

When they calculate others, they also fall into the calculations of others!

And this person turned out to be the most humble and impossible Chen Xiu!

Looking at Bibi Dong's angry look, Chen Xiu twisted her neck, "Oh, it's just a trivial matter, I didn't expect you to remember it even now."

"Bibi Dong, I have no intention of coming to your Spirit Hall today, and I don't want to talk nonsense with you, lend you something, would you give it or not?"

Seeing Chen Xiu's bandit-like posture, Bibi Dong snorted coldly, "What if I don't?"

"Where are the elders!"

Bibi Dong said, but no one responded.

The scene suddenly calmed down, and Bibi Dong looked confused, where did everyone go?

Seeing this, Chen Xiu smiled and shook her head, then stepped aside, "No need to call, those elders you call should still be lying outside."

Bibi Dong looked outside the door, and saw that at this moment, the deacons of the Wuhun Palace fell to the ground in a hurry.110 e-book

Some were inserted into the wall, and some were plunged into the soil by the lead, in various poses.

And when Bibi Dong took a closer look, several elders from the Spirit Hall were among them!

Just Chen Xiu turned over all the elites in his Wuhun Hall!

Title Douluo was like a child in his hands, and he was inserted into the soil with a single light!

And Chen Xiu had no intention of killing the enemy, he really came to borrow something.

Bibi Dong calmed down, "The famous Spirit Sovereign also needs to borrow something from me?

"Besides, if you want to borrow my life, do I have to give it to you?"

Chen Xiu nodded, "But you have no choice. Here, I am the rule and follow the law. Don't you dare to follow?"

"However, I am in a good mood today. I borrowed something insignificant from you, would you give it or not?"

Bibi Dong calmly replied: "You said."

Chen Xiu grinned, "Lend me your martial soul."


So what is the difference between you and killing me!

Bibi Dong's heart was already burning with anger, but she didn't show it on her face, she still remained calm, "It has long been known that the Spirit Emperor can capture the spirit of people, refine the soul with the spirit of others, and refine and advance."

"It can even be given to others, so that the waste martial arts soul can also be cultivated, and it can also consolidate the soul ring, so that the soul ring can be promoted infinitely. Seeing it today, it really deserves its reputation."

"I just don't know, Master Linghuang wants my little spider Martial Spirit to be cooperative?"

Chen Xiu shook her head, "No, no, no, it's not you alone, it belongs to everyone in your Palace of Martial Spirit."

You want to abolish my Wuhun Temple!

The expression on Bibi Dong's face can no longer be stretched, "Well, if you can take it away, then you take it!"

The scepter in Bibi Dong's hand hits, and Title Douluo's spirit power surges out!

You dare to move a try!

If you dare to move, you will go into full-scale war with the entire Wuhun Hall!

But Chen Xiu shook his head on this, "No, I have finished all of them, and you will be the Pope alone."

While talking, Chen Xiuyi waved his hand and suddenly the spirit of the sky appeared!

Among them, Ghost Douluo's martial spirit ghosts, and Ju Douluo's martial soul, the strange velvet Tongtian chrysanthemum are among them!

There are also many martial arts known to Bibi Dong, all of which were taken into the palm of Chen Xiu!

"Bibi Dong, since I said it was a loan, I will definitely give it to you. Now, you are the only one left in the Wuhun Hall. Do you give it or not?"

Chen Xiu actually didn't forcibly extract their martial arts, because it was no different from killing them.

As Title Douluo, they themselves have countless enemies. Once they are drawn from the spirit of martial arts, they will have a soul power. At that time, they may not even be as good as the soul sage.

Extracting a martial arts organization, without the Holy Spirit teaching, countless small sects can swarm up to destroy the martial arts palace!

Think about it, there is no one in Wuhun Hall who can use Wuhun. This is ironic.

Bibi Dong put down his scepter, "Well, you win, do it, let me see the methods of the spirit emperor."

Feeling that Bibi Dong put down her guard, is she appointed, or is she planning something else?

Chen Xiu didn't think much about it, the power of the omnipresents was activated without any hindrance, and instantly copied Bibi's two martial spirits.

Chen Xiu nodded, "Unexpectedly, you are still a two-handed martial arts soul. Thanks to the Pope, and the Spirit Emperor bid farewell."

After that, Chen Xiu turned around and left, Bibi Dong was stunned, she seemed to feel nothing at all?

Looking at Chen Xiu’s back, the martial spirits of the two spiders appeared, and Bibi Dong’s pupils shrank, "The rumors of the Linghuang are true. Not only did they see through the secrets of my twin martial souls, they even took my twin martial souls. Borrow it together."

"It's just that the spirit power flow in my body is normal, and the martial soul can be used normally. It's not that I was forcibly drawn out of my body as rumored."

"Could it be that he is merciful to my men?"

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