Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 541 Master of Wuhun Palace!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Walking out of the Martial Spirit Hall and looking at the people in the Martial Spirit Hall, Chen Xiu twisted her neck, "I haven't done it for a long time. This is not even a warm-up. Maybe this is invincible loneliness."

Before I finished speaking, I saw Chen Xiu's back suddenly a sigh!

Chen Xiu turned around abruptly, and then shattered the qi with a palm. The spirit power fluctuations emitted by the collision of the two forces in an instant had even surpassed Title Douluo!

Chen Xiu's eyes were stunned, her black robe and hair were blown by the air!

A vain figure fell from the sky, with three pairs of white feather wings behind him, which looked extremely holy.

With white hair fluttering, an old face came upon him, "I am so courageous to break into the Martial Spirit Hall without authorization and turn the world upside down in the Martial Spirit City!"

"If the old man doesn't come out, you're afraid it's not going to turn the sky over!"

An extreme spirit power fluctuation erupted from this old man. He was wearing a martial arts hall teaching robe, with a gold belt around his waist.

At the same time, the old man's wrists and corners of his clothes are all inlaid with gold.

The golden corners, golden wristbands, and white robe look luxurious and solemn.

Chen Xiu grinned, and a warfare intent burned, "Let me think about who are you, ah, yes, the elder of Wuhun Hall, Qian Daoliu, right?"

Hearing Chen Xiu calling her name directly, Qian Daoliu snorted coldly, "Huh, do you deserve to be called the old man's name?"

"The old man knows who you are, the cult leader who has been making a lot of noise on the land recently, right?"

"Destroying Wuhun, huh! Deceive the world and steal the name!"

Chen Xiu stretched out her right hand and pointed at Qian Daoliu, "Are you trying to cheat the world and steal your name? You will know if you try?"

"Wuhun, Seraphim!"

When the words fell, Chen Xiu's long hair was suddenly dyed golden, and even the long pupil with vertical pupils turned golden!

The black robe was dyed white by a burst of golden light, and three pairs of feathered wings rose behind Chen Xiu!

Together with a pair of dragon wings, the body instantly emits a sacred light!

An angel's phantom appeared behind Chen Xiu, and a halo instantly rose on top of Chen Xiu's head and blended perfectly with the dragon horns above him!

The dragon-like characteristics of Chen Xiu have not disappeared, but are perfectly integrated with the Seraphim!

And then, nine spirit rings hovering around Chen Xiu's body rose one by one, showing red, fine gold, purple gold, platinum, cyan gold, black gold, light gold, dark gold, and pure gold, nine completely different colors!

Qian Daoliu was furious at this, "How can Seraphim let outsiders blaspheme, non-angel tribesmen, using Seraphim martial arts, this is a great disrespect to the angel god!"

"Despicable villain, today, use your blood to sacrifice to the angel god!"


Thousands of paths rushed out like a thunderstorm, and at the same time nine spirit rings were driven, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, and red!

At the same time, Qian Daoliu's first three spirit rings flickered!

The first spirit ability: Tianshen speed!

The second spirit ability: Angel thrust!

The third spirit ability: supernatural power blow!

The speed of the gods will instantly increase the speed of Qiandao Liu by 2.5 times within one second!

Although the time is short, it can be used continuously.

With the second spirit ability, the angel stab, Qian Daoliu sprints in one direction, during this period all frontal attacks will be reduced by 50% and move faster in the forward direction!

And the divine power blow is a spirit ability that gathers strength with speed, the faster the speed, the stronger the power gathered!

The eruption at this moment was as fast as the wind and lightning, and Chen Xiu turned into an afterimage in a blink of a thousand times!

With a mighty force, the afterimage of Qian Daoliu flickered, Chen Xiu didn't evade Qian Daoliu hit him in the abdomen!First Literature


A strong energy penetrated Chen Xiu's chest instantly!

Just listening to the sound of'bang', a huge palm print was instantly printed on a building behind Chen Xiu!

Suddenly, even the clouds were shaken by this huge energy, and there was no floating cloud within thousands of miles!

Qian Daoliu closed his eyes. In his eyes, Chen Xiu was already a dead person.

He is fully charged, and is facing the enemy, the ordinary Title Douluo will be shattered by him if he does not evade!

Therefore, in Qian Daoliu's eyes, Chen Xiu is dead.

"It's powerful, it can really hurt me."


how is this possible!

Qian Daoliu's pupils widened, he looked at Chen Xiu's chest, and saw that his layer of black robe was opened with a palm print!

In addition, Chen Xiu's chest is a little red, even a little bit of skin is broken!

Qian Daoliu's eyes widened and instantly distanced from Chen Xiu!

With a drop of cold sweat left on his forehead, Qian Daoliu panted while analyzing Chen Xiu's strength.

He admitted that he really underestimated this guy.

Chen Xiu was the first one to take his move head-on and still unscathed!

However, this also doesn't explain much. If it is a defensive Title Douluo, it is really not difficult to block his blow.

And this is not Qian Daoliu's ultimate move, he only used 50% of his soul power just now.

Shaking his hands, Qian Daoliu's palm was a little numb, as if he had hit a steel plate just now.

Qian Daoliu thought that his blow would cause internal injury to Chen Xiu, but the facts and his right thoughts!

The reason why Chen Xiu was not harmed was either an internal injury or the simplest reason. Chen Xiufang was too high to penetrate!

I saw Chen Xiu twisting her neck, "Is that your full strength?"

Qian Daoliu snorted coldly, "Heh, are you complacent because you took the old man's casual blow?"

"But the old man has to admit that there are really few in the world who can take the attack of the old man. Young man, the old man will give you a chance to join my spirit hall. It is not too late at this time."

Yo, it's interesting!

Chen Xiu grinned, "Well, even if I join your Soul Hall, my Holy Spirit Master has a great career, and Douluo Continent may not have a place in your Soul Hall in the future."

"However, I always don't like to use force to suppress others, so let me give you a chance to play fairly."

"If you win, I will join the Spirit Hall, and all the Holy Spirit Sect forces belong to the Spirit Hall. On the contrary, if I win, you will be my right guardian."

"I will not annex your Spirit Hall power, but if you lose, then Spirit Hall will always be a subordinate of the Holy Spirit Sect."

Qian Daoliu instantly bit his finger and swears to the angel god, "Old man is impossible to lose. You should first count the number of cultists in your Holy Spirit Cult. I'm afraid I can't fit so many people in the Spirit Hall!"

Chen Xiu clapped her hands, "I like your self-confidence, Zuo Hufa, I hope you don't let me down."


A flash of lightning occurred between the two of them, and the two of them made blood oaths. This oath is a bone, and the offender will cut off the children and grandchildren, and the blood will not last forever!

"One side fell to the ground and seriously injured the team will win!" x2


Come on, get a ticket to get me, you are welcome!

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