Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 559 I owe you a life

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Death prison, you betray the leader, betray the religion, you can be convicted!"

With a roar from the trial verdict, the figure instantly turned into a black soul and smashed a boneless road!

The Holy Spirit snorted coldly, "Confess my sins? What's wrong with me?"

The verdict looked aside, the Holy Spirit of Death Prison was completely reversed!

Sure enough, persuasion is useless.

Then you can only catch the thief first!

The trial ruling spirit ability was activated and instantly a layer of black fire was engulfed, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a black shadow and rushed onto the hillside!

The Temple of Death was built on a hill. At this time, the Holy Spirit of Death Hell and countless bones stood in a row in front of the Temple of Death.

Judgment verdict A flash of death close to the Holy Spirit, the eyes of the verdict flashed with blood!

The sickle in his hand is accumulating energy, and the phantom of death behind is also holding the sickle in a charged posture!

"Fifth Soul Ability, Nether Soul Cut!"

In an instant, the phantom of the god of death who was judged by the trial seemed to overlap with him!

A black light flickered on his huge sickle. This soul-recruiting skill was released at the same time as the judgment and the ghost of his death!

The damage caused by Reaper was soul damage, and the trial ruled that the damage he caused by waving his sickle was physical damage.

This combined attack will make the sickle of judgment have dual damage to the soul and the body at the same time!

It can hurt the soul and destroy the body!

For an instant, a white shadow flashed, and the scythe of the trial and verdict stopped instantly!


At the trial, the pupils shrank, "Title Douluo!"

With a grin, the trial verdict is facing a bone knight!

This skeleton was unique. He was wearing silver-white armor and a blood-red cloak flying behind him.

And the sickle of the trial verdict happened to be stuck on his arm armor!

The judge decided to take a closer look, it turned out to be a titled Douluo-level bone knight!

The Holy Spirit of Death Hell slowly buffered the heart of the judgment and made a virtual grip gesture, "The eighth spirit ability, the heart is mastered!"

Touch, touch, touch!

The beating sound of the heart came, and for an instant a bright red heart phantom appeared in the hands of the Holy Spirit of Death!

The trial ruled that the secret path was not good, and the sixth soul ability was quickly activated, "Sixth soul ability, survive for death!"

The soul skills were activated, and the Holy Spirit of Death Prison suddenly crushed the heart in his hand!


The heart shattered, and the trial verdict instantly felt a burst of pain in the heart!

The sixth spirit ability, to survive the death!

Within five seconds after turning on the spirit ability, you can transfer all the damage you have suffered to a soul slave!

In an instant, in the battlefield, the chest of a believer burst open!

Blood spewed out, and a big gap in the heart of this believer was exploded!

But the trial ruling stood up from the ground unscathed, "It seems that your trick is useless to me. Let's play as many titles together, and I will solve them together!"

The Holy Spirit of Death Prison walked back blankly, "How many can you fight?"

Without waiting for what the trial ruling said, more than twenty skeleton war gods stepped forward in an instant!

"Twenty-two titles, let me see if you can play!"

After all, the twenty-two blood-red eyes instantly fell on the body of the trial verdict!

Just kidding, twenty-two titled Douluo!

The trial verdict instantly catapulted into the air with one foot on the ground, suspended in the sky, and only then saw the true face of the 22 skeletons.Tomb Raider Novel Network

They look different, and the one who blocked the trial and verdict attack was a skeleton in armor.

And inside, there is a skeleton with a fire pattern.

Involuntarily speaking, this fire-wrapped skeleton raised his hand as a fire dragon!


The trial verdict opened his eyes, and the sickle in his hand instantly danced a moon wheel to cut off the fire dragon!

Whoosh whoosh!!!

A few winds rushed to his ears, and in an instant a bone with wings pierced his shoulder with one claw!

The sickle swept across the waist of this skeleton instantly. His speed was fast, but his defense was too poor!

I saw two winds flashing past, and two bone weapons instantly attacked the trial verdict. The ghost of death behind him retracted his sickle to block the two attacks at the same time!

The holy spirit of the dead prison in the distance instantly released a black air, and the bone that was cut off in the middle recovered instantly!

As soon as the trial verdict gritted his teeth, "It's too rascal to kill you!"

The Holy Spirit of Death Prison stretched out his right hand toward him, "If you want to go now, I can let you go."

The trial verdict and the ghost waved their sickles at the same time, repelling the two bones, and the trial verdict instantly replied: "Go? That is impossible, but if you give up this place, I can promise not to pester you!"

The Holy Spirit nodded, "Okay."

With the words of the Holy Spirit in Death Prison, all the bones were stunned for an instant, and the judgment was also stunned, "What's the matter, what are you talking about?"


The Holy Spirit in Death Prison didn't seem to be joking, "I said, yes, you saved one of me, I owe you a life, I said, I will promise you three conditions."

"If this is your first condition, then I am willing to leave here."

As the words of the Holy Spirit of Death Prison infiltrated the memory of the trial ruling little by little, the memories that had been sealed in dust for more than ten years poured out.

At that time, he had just arrived in this world, still a ignorant young man.

From that time on, the leader had already started his bloody and brutal Wuhun experiment.

This so-called Wuhun experiment is extremely cruel, and is not inferior to the human genetic experiment in the previous life!

Back then, there was a child who survived a human experiment, and he is now the holy spirit of death.

But more than ten years ago, he was just an ignorant experiment.

The leader threw him before the trial verdict and left him with two choices.

Is to kill?Stay?

If killed, then his rare Martial Spirit Bianhua will belong to the trial ruling.

And the trial ruling, maybe it will also evolve the characteristics of manipulating the undead.

But at that time, the trial decision actually let him go.

Yes, and because of this, the Holy Spirit of Blood Hell was born.

A Holy Spirit with the ability to manipulate the dead.

At that time, the Holy Spirit of Blood Prison was extremely weak. He was helpless and confused. After three months of brutal and inhumane experiments, his mental state had reached a critical point.

And Chen Xiu also saw this, knowing that he could no longer carry out the next experiment.

Therefore, Chen Xiu gave him the trial ruling, and his life will be dealt with by the trial ruling.

Chen Xiu thought that the trial would kill him, but to his surprise, the trial decision let go of the child.

And gave him warmth, melted the ice in his heart.

Therefore, the Holy Spirit of the Blood Prison owes his life to the judgment.

He vowed to repay him in the future, but now, he has become the Holy Spirit of Death Prison, the supreme Title Douluo.

He can betray the leader and the religion, but he cannot betray the judgment.

Now, the trial verdict needs him, and he is incumbent.

"Help me, hell, I need you!"

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