Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 560 Yin and Yang Temple!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Within Douluo Continent, Diyuan, and Gaia Temple, Shen Xiaoya looked at her forehead in disbelief.

I saw her white forehead.I don’t know when there is an extra number, 10

Hao Xingqin on the side applauded her, "Congratulations, the tenth, you who were selected by the God of Tolerance have now officially become one of us."

Shen Xiaoya looked at her hands, "It seems, there is no special feeling?"

Hao Xingqin nodded, "I really don't feel anything right now, but when you officially start the Ninth Test of God, you will experience the mystery."

At this time, Yuanlian Douluo Yefeng suddenly pushed the door and entered the Gaia Hall.

"The plan has changed, now we will set out to fight the Twin Holy Spirit!"

Seeing Ye Feng's serious expression, Hao Xingqin was a little puzzled, "What's the matter, Brother Feng, didn't you mean waiting for a month before starting the crusade against the Holy Spirits?"

Ye Feng looked solemn at this time, "The Holy Spirit's rulings have started to act for unknown reasons. They have recently begun to unite the Holy Spirit in a thunderous force!"

"The Holy Spirit has come back, and they have begun to act! We can't wait any longer, the plan can't keep up with the changes, we must start as soon as possible!"

Hao Xingqin was also taken aback, "Why is it this time? Xiaoya just came here, she is not familiar yet..."

Ye Feng shook his head, "It's too late, let her stay. Nine of us are enough."

Shen Xiaoya blinked, "If I go, will I have a chance to see the master?"

Hao Xingqin looked at Ye Feng, and then when he saw Ye Feng nodded, he replied, "It is indeed possible."

When it was possible, Shen Xiaoya nodded without hesitation, "Then I want to go too!"

Ye Feng nodded, "Yes, it shouldn't be too late, let's set off now!"

"Call everyone!"

Ye Feng's idea is very clear, let Shen Xiaoya experience the cruelty of the Holy Spirit!

Only in this way can she devote herself wholeheartedly to the war against the Holy Spirit!


At this moment, he was far in a town on the Douluo Continent.

After several years of development, the town established by the Temple of Yin and Yang has grown to the size of a small city.

Unlike other holy spirits, the twin holy spirits develop their economy and form a commercial chain with other cities and towns, turning the Yin Yang Temple into a huge commercial city.

Now, at the noon of Zhengzhi, a group of three people came under this city named Yin and Yang.

Passengers come and go, and most of them are vendors who come here to do business.

At the gate of the City of Yin and Yang, a woman in a white robe was looking at the pass in their hands one by one.

This woman has white hair, and she looks pale with this white robe.

A single white wing shrank behind it, and three mysterious people wearing hats walked over.

The white-haired woman was a little confused, and looked at the leader, "Please show your identification."


The leading man smiled mysteriously, and a crimson spirit power burst out from him, "Proof, okay, I will give it to you!"

After all, a red sword wrapped in a fire dragon appeared in the hands of this man instantly!

The woman in white found that something was wrong, but it was too late!


The red sword pierced her chest instantly, and a burst of dragon fire burst out instantly turning her into ashes!

Shen Xiaoya's pupils shrank, "What did she do wrong, why did she kill her?"

Taking off the hat, Ye Feng looked at Shen Xiaoya, "They are the hunters of the twin holy spirits. These spirit masters who have fallen voluntarily have already given up their souls. They help Chen be abused and are not worthy of life. They should be killed!"

The headed man also threw off his hat, "Well, don't talk nonsense, the Black Wings are coming soon, and we must enter the city as soon as possible!"

Ye Feng nodded, "Li Hong, don't hurt the innocent!" Yaoyao Literature Network

Nodded, Li Hong instantly turned into a fire dragon and rushed into the city with his sword!

Shen Xiaoya was a little confused and heard the commotion and screams from around.

Shen Xiaoya couldn't help but wonder, who is the villain?

The order here is clear, but they want to break the peace in front of them.

Obviously they did nothing wrong, why did they kill them?

The form waited for no one, Ye Feng followed closely and Shen Xiaoya could not leave him, so he could only catch up quickly.

The city of yin and yang is very large, and a few hundred miles around the temple of yin and yang is the area of ​​the city of yin and yang.

Li Hong drove straight into the street and directly smashed through a street. He couldn't kill whether it was Black Wing or White Wing on the way!

White wings are women with white wings. They are mainly responsible for managing and helping people in the city of Yin and Yang.

The black wings are men with black wings. They are mainly responsible for maintaining public order and patrolling!

Nowadays, large black wing troops have gathered above the Yin Yang Temple.

Li Hong has killed all the Black Wing troops with a hundred enemies!

The interweaving of blood and flame exudes a smell of flesh and blood being grilled.

At this time, within the Yin-Yang Temple, Li Hongjian pointed to the Yin-Yang Temple, "If you don't want your subordinates to die, come out by yourself!"


The gate of Yin Yang Temple opened, and two figures appeared in front of Li Hong's eyes.

"It's finally out!" Li Hong snorted coldly.

Standing in front of Li Hong's eyes were black and white, a man and a woman.

The woman is shorter and wears a black robe, while the man is taller and wears a white robe.

Yang Ling frowned when he looked at the corpses everywhere, "Sister, it seems that an unexpected guest has arrived?"

Yin Ling nodded, "Brother, they are very strong, shall we just fit together?"

Yang Ling instantly held Yin Ling's hand, "hold the hand of the son, live with the son!" x2

When the words fell, the black and white light beams intertwined instantly!

In an instant, the two became one!

Li Hong frowned, "I will show my cards when I come up, so I can just go all out!"

After twisting his neck, Li Hong instantly raised the long sword in his hand, "Come on, seventh spirit ability, Wuhun true form!"

Ye Feng arrived at this time and instantly put a life link for Li Hong.

"Don't worry, there is me behind you!"

Li Hong grinned, "I have friends who are worth paying for their backs. My battle is not an individual!"

At this moment, a huge flame sword in Li Hong's hand was suspended in the air!

At the same time, the Yin and Yang Holy Spirit also completed the martial soul fusion!

A pair of yin and yang eyes opened, still dominated by the yin spirit, holding a hunting bow in hand, entangled in wolf spirits!

And the spirit power of the two directly merged into the 92nd rank!

Eighteen spirit rings merged!

Yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, red, red!

In contrast, Li Hong, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, red!

After Li Hong's fifth spirit ring, all were god bestowed spirit rings.

But Ye Feng's spirit ring is the same as Li Hong, black, black, black, black, black, black, red, red, red!

"Li Hong, come on, there is me behind you!"

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