Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 612 has broken thirty!

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The explanation of Wanhua Holy Spirit, Chen Qi will not take care of it.

He quickly stepped into the light green lake water in front of him, a large number of life energy four overflow, exudes different ordinary activities!

Chen Qian just wanted to put a cup with a container but found that Wanhua Holy Spirit shook him, "Don't put it, Son, you can bubble it directly."

? ? ?

Chen Qianwei, a black question mark, straight bubble?

Is this expensive thing to give him a bath?

Wanhua Holy Spirit saw Chen Qi's expression suddenly laughed. "You may have something to do, my life is, in fact, it is for the Tianmili to take a bath."

Wash, take a bath ...

Father, he will really enjoy it.

A sigh, Chen Qianzhi returned to the clothes and slowly walked into the water.

In an instant, a lot of emerald light flashes, very warm, it is like a mother's arms, and the heart of Chen Qian is calm down.

The green liquid slowly poured into Chen Qianwei's body, the same warmth, let people want to sleep.


Gradually, I don't know how long, when Chen Qi woke up again, the whole tannong has already seen it!

Chen Qi surprised the quantity, the Wanhua Holy Spirit still standing in that position, and he did not leave.

Chen Qianli looks to the flowers Holy Spirit, "How long does I sleep?"

Wanhua Holy Spirit has a smile and sticking out three fingers, Chen Qianzhu brows wrinkled, "Three hours?"

Wanhua Holy Spirit shakes his head, Chen Qianzhu brows wrinkled, "three days?"

Wanhua Holy Spirit once again shook his head again, "No, it is three months."

Three months! !

Chen Qian suddenly fried, he jumped out of the puddle, I don't know why, his body is very light, it seems like it is useless in your body!

This feeling, his soul is actually achieved by 54th!

I haven't heard, three months of soul increase 30, if it is for one person, it is impossible!

But if it is for a soul, more than 100,000 years of soul is only transformed from thirty-level soul, it is too little.

Chen Qianzhao slowly released the martial arts, I saw that he had a lot of cracks in his right hand.

Wanhua Holy Spirit saw this willow eye wrinkle, "It seems that you are right, this chain prison is more than the soul of others, it is imprisoned and your own soul."

"You have absorbed all the water of all lives, but only just unlocked the corner of your body seal."

Chen Qianyu took the fist and five soul rings rose at the foot.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black!

In addition to the first soul ring, the remaining three soul rings come from Chen Qi.

Three people's magic spider soul rings, plus thirty-level soul, Chen Qi is now, but it is only two tens of soul in his body.

"Not enough, the father's standard is a seventy-level soul, and it is still a 20th level of soul, but the water of life is no longer."

"Must think about the way, hoping is not big, there is still a nine months, what should I do?"

I saw Chen Qi's tangled look, and the Hua Hua Ling suddenly remembered one person, "Prince, I think of one person, maybe, he can help you."

Chen Qi scorpal to Wanhua Holy Spirit, "Who?"

Wanhua Holy Spirit is a smile, "The city of never night, the bloody fortress owner, the scarlet spirit in the twelve Holy Spirit, he may help you solve the remaining seal."

Scarlet Holy Spirit ...

That vampire?

Chen Qi is not good to have the relationship between the scarlet Holy Spirit, or say that he hates the cold and dead.

There is nothing in his body, just like a dead, no!

He is a dead person

All is cold, Chen Qi felt that he can be lysed with him.

However, now in the special period, even if he is in the Holy Spirit, he can only put down.

"Okay, thank you, since this, things are not suitable, I will go to the dark forest."

Wanhua Holy Spirit sticks out the right hand, "Wait, you know, the dark forest is dark in the dark, even if there is no shine during the day, this else is given to you."

"It can illuminate the eternal darkness, guide you to the city of the never night in the dark forest, the scarlet Holy Spirit is in the bloody fortress of the city of the never night."

Take the green light of the green, which seems to be a high-level soul guide.

The Holy Spiritism and the Sun Moon Empire, the most core and developed soul tunnel technology is all interior of the Holy Spiritual Empire.

After passing through the spirit of the elves, Chen Qi passed it directly in the storage ring in his hand.

"Thank you."

Chen Qi, thanks, Wanhua Holy Spirit slowly, "can serve you, it is my honor."

If you say, Chen Qian is going to go, but you can get a second, but the beast is suddenly alarmed!


"Wanhua !!"

"Shout your boss, the evil spirits, today, I have to take her !!"

Chen Qi and Wanhua Holy Spirit frown wrinkled, I saw a black figure instantly jumped to the tree of life!

That is a black tiger, with a silver white and golden ripple!

Two feet are standing, the four tiger claws have a miracle!

The bottom of the tiger claws, like the human's feet, and the top of the tiger claws are separated from the five-legged five fingers!

The sharp paw is still, like a blade, it flashes cold!

A dark tiger is swing behind, and there is also a layer of bone nail.

And this layer of bone has extends from the tail, which has covered the joints of the body.

From the spinal bone, it climbs until the head to form a bone.

The tiger's brain can also see a few people's faces, and the hair of the head is changed to humans.

The two bones extended in the ear, and it seems to be two dragon angles.

A human face, both sides are six scars, this scar is the animal arrested, and it is a tattoo.

The scar is symmetrical on both sides of the cheeks, and has been extending from the cheek to the ear!

And at his left hand, blood moved in his paw, blood, not him!

A bloody deer head rolled down to Chen Qiantai, that is, just the evil spirits!

Wanhua Holy Spirit saw that the evil spirits were only shake his head, "Dark magic evil spirits, is I last time for your education?"

As soon as I heard this, the evil spirits were anger. A pair of cats in the eyes of the cat, "Oh, Wanhua, last time I am very good!"

"This time, I will come back, but not only hurt, but also in the import of entering a layer, it has been entering 100,000 years!"

Wanhua Holy Spirit shakes his head, "I don't know people."

Gently wavily wave the right hand, and the time is a large amount of green vines to break the soil!

! ! !

The evil spirits have an expectations, and a pluriest paste is tied in the legs!


The evil god pupil is shrinking, how can he predict my pre-proportion of her!


The evil spirits that were tied to the legs were instantly planted, and the rattan of vines became the trifling of him.

"No, I don't accept it, you sneak me, Wanhua !!"

"I, ..."

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